FMLiveSwitchConnection Class Reference

Instance Methods

(NSMutableArray *) - audioStreams
 Gets the audio streams. More...
(bool) - close
 Closes this instance. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFunction1< FMLiveSwitchDatagramSocketCreateArgs *, FMLiveSwitchDatagramSocket * > *) - createDatagramSocket
(FMLiveSwitchFunction1< FMLiveSwitchStreamSocketCreateArgs *, FMLiveSwitchStreamSocket * > *) - createStreamSocket
(NSMutableArray *) - dataStreams
 Gets the data streams. More...
(void) - doAddRemoteCandidateWithPromise:remoteCandidate:
 Adds the remote candidate. More...
(void) - doCreateAnswerWithPromise:
 Creates an answer. More...
(bool) - doCreateOfferWithPromise:
 Creates an offer. More...
(FMLiveSwitchError *) - doProcessDescription:isLocalDescription:
 Processes a session description. More...
(void) - doSendCachedLocalCandidates
 Dispatches cached local candidates that were gathered while Connection generated session description. More...
(void) - doSetLocalDescriptionWithPromise:localDescription:
 Sets the local description. More...
(void) - doSetRemoteDescriptionWithPromise:remoteDescription:
 Sets the remote description. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - dtlsCipherSuites
(FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersion) - dtlsClientVersion
(FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersion) - dtlsServerMaxVersion
(FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersion) - dtlsServerMinVersion
(FMLiveSwitchIceGatheringState) - gatheringState
 Gets the ICE gathering state. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFuture< FMLiveSwitchConnectionStats * > *) - getStats
 Gets the current connection stats. More...
(FMLiveSwitchStream *) - getStreamByType:
(NSMutableArray< FMLiveSwitchStream * > *) - getStreamsByType:
(NSMutableArray *) - iceAddressTypes
(FMLiveSwitchIceConnectionState) - iceConnectionState
 Gets the ICE connection state. More...
(FMLiveSwitchIcePolicy) - icePolicy
(FMLiveSwitchIcePortRange *) - icePortRange
(FMLiveSwitchIceRole) - iceRole
(instancetype) - initWithSharedLock:streams:
(instancetype) - initWithSharedLock:streams:useWebSocketsForMedia:
(FMLiveSwitchConnection *) - instance
 Gets the current instance. More...
(int) - keepAliveInterval
(FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription *) - localDescription
 Gets the local description. More...
(FMLiveSwitchDtlsCertificate *) - localDtlsCertificate
(NSMutableArray *) - localDtlsCertificates
(FMLiveSwitchIceParameters *) - localIceParameters
(FMLiveSwitchMultiplexPolicy) - multiplexPolicy
(FMLiveSwitchFunction1< FMLiveSwitchStreamDescription *, FMLiveSwitchStream * > *) - onRemoteAddStream
(FMLiveSwitchAction1< FMLiveSwitchStream * > *) - onRemoteRemoveStream
(FMLiveSwitchDtlsRole) - preferredDtlsRole
(NSString *) - privateIPAddress
(NSMutableArray *) - privateIPAddresses
(void) - processStateChange
 Processes a state change. More...
(NSString *) - publicIPAddress
(NSMutableArray *) - publicIPAddresses
(void) - raiseLocalCandidate:
 Raises a local candidate but only if it has not been already raised. More...
(FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription *) - remoteDescription
 Gets the remote description. More...
(void) - setCreateDatagramSocket:
(FMLiveSwitchDatagramSocketCreateArgs *) - setCreateDatagramSocketBlock
(void) - setCreateDatagramSocketBlock:
(void) - setCreateStreamSocket:
(FMLiveSwitchStreamSocketCreateArgs *) - setCreateStreamSocketBlock
(void) - setCreateStreamSocketBlock:
(void) - setDtlsCipherSuites:
(void) - setDtlsClientVersion:
(void) - setDtlsServerMaxVersion:
(void) - setDtlsServerMinVersion:
(void) - setGatheringState:
 Sets the ICE gathering state. More...
(void) - setIceAddressTypes:
(void) - setIceConnectionState:
 Sets the ICE connection state. More...
(void) - setIcePolicy:
(void) - setIcePortRange:
(void) - setKeepAliveInterval:
(void) - setLocalDtlsCertificate:
(void) - setLocalDtlsCertificates:
(void) - setMultiplexPolicy:
(void) - setOnRemoteAddStream:
(FMLiveSwitchStreamDescription *) - setOnRemoteAddStreamBlock
(void) - setOnRemoteAddStreamBlock:
(void) - setOnRemoteRemoveStream:
(FMLiveSwitchStream *) - setOnRemoteRemoveStreamBlock
(void) - setOnRemoteRemoveStreamBlock:
(void) - setPreferredDtlsRole:
(void) - setPrivateIPAddress:
(void) - setPrivateIPAddresses:
(void) - setPublicIPAddress:
(void) - setPublicIPAddresses:
(void) - setStunBindingRequestLimit:
(void) - setStunRequestTimeout:
(void) - setSynchronizeMediaStreams:
(void) - setTcpConnectTimeout:
(void) - setTestReceivedRtpBuffer:
(FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *) - setTestReceivedRtpBufferBlock
(void) - setTestReceivedRtpBufferBlock:
(void) - setTestRoundTripTime:
(void) - setTestSendingRtpBuffer:
(FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *) - setTestSendingRtpBufferBlock
(void) - setTestSendingRtpBufferBlock:
(void) - setTurnAllocateRequestLimit:
(NSMutableArray *) - streams
 Gets the streams. More...
(int) - stunBindingRequestLimit
(int) - stunRequestTimeout
(bool) - synchronizeMediaStreams
(int) - tcpConnectTimeout
(FMLiveSwitchFunction1< FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *, FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer * > *) - testReceivedRtpBuffer
(int) - testRoundTripTime
(FMLiveSwitchFunction1< FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *, FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer * > *) - testSendingRtpBuffer
(int) - turnAllocateRequestLimit
(NSMutableArray *) - videoStreams
 Gets the video streams. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase
(void) - addIceServers:
 Adds some ICE servers. More...
(void) - addOnExternalIdChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when external Id of this connection changes. More...
(NSString *, NSString *) - addOnExternalIdChangeWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when external Id of this connection changes. More...
(void) - addOnExternalIdChangeWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when external Id of this connection changes. More...
(void) - addOnGatheringStateChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the gathering state changes. More...
(TConnection) - addOnGatheringStateChangeWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the gathering state changes. More...
(void) - addOnGatheringStateChangeWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the gathering state changes. More...
(void) - addOnIceConnectionStateChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the ice connection state changes. More...
(TConnection) - addOnIceConnectionStateChangeWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the ice connection state changes. More...
(void) - addOnIceConnectionStateChangeWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the ice connection state changes. More...
(void) - addOnLocalCandidate:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a local candidate is added. More...
(TConnection, FMLiveSwitchCandidate *) - addOnLocalCandidateWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when a local candidate is added. More...
(void) - addOnLocalCandidateWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a local candidate is added. More...
(void) - addOnLocalDescription:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a local description is set. More...
(TConnection, FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription *) - addOnLocalDescriptionWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when a local description is set. More...
(void) - addOnLocalDescriptionWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a local description is set. More...
(void) - addOnRemoteCandidate:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a remote description is added. More...
(TConnection, FMLiveSwitchCandidate *) - addOnRemoteCandidateWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when a remote description is added. More...
(void) - addOnRemoteCandidateWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a remote description is added. More...
(void) - addOnRemoteDescription:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a remote description is set. More...
(TConnection, FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription *) - addOnRemoteDescriptionWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when a remote description is set. More...
(void) - addOnRemoteDescriptionWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a remote description is set. More...
(void) - addOnSignallingStateChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the signalling state changes. More...
(TConnection) - addOnSignallingStateChangeWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the signalling state changes. More...
(void) - addOnSignallingStateChangeWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the signalling state changes. More...
(void) - addOnStateChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the connection state changes. More...
(TConnection) - addOnStateChangeWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the connection state changes. More...
(void) - addOnStateChangeWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the connection state changes. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFuture< FMLiveSwitchCandidate * > *) - addRemoteCandidate:
 Adds the remote candidate. More...
(TAudioStream) - audioStream
 Gets the first audio stream. More...
(FMLiveSwitchBundlePolicy) - bundlePolicy
 Gets the bundle policy. More...
(NSString *) - canonicalName
 Gets the canonical name. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFuture< id > *) - closed
 Gets a future that resolves if the connection enters the Closed state or rejects if the connection enters the Failed state before that happens. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFuture< id > *) - connected
 Gets a future that resolves if the connection enters the Connected state or rejects if the connection enters the Failed state before that happens. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFuture< FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription * > *) - createAnswer
 Creates an answer. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFuture< FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription * > *) - createOffer
 Creates an offer. More...
(TDataStream) - dataStream
 Gets the first data stream. More...
(int) - deadStreamTimeout
 Gets the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for connectivity checks to re-establish after they start to fail on a live connection. More...
(FMLiveSwitchError *) - error
 Gets the error. More...
(NSString *) - externalId
 Gets the external identifier. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFuture< id > *) - failed
 Gets a future that resolves if the connection enters the Failed state or rejects if the connection enters the Closed state before that happens. More...
(bool) - hasAudio
 Gets whether this connection has an audio stream. More...
(bool) - hasData
 Gets whether this connection has a data stream. More...
(bool) - hasVideo
 Gets whether this connection has a video stream. More...
(FMLiveSwitchIceGatherPolicy) - iceGatherPolicy
 Gets the ICE gather policy. More...
(FMLiveSwitchIceServer *) - iceServer
 Gets the ICE server. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - iceServers
 Gets the ICE servers. More...
(NSString *) - id
 Gets the identifier. More...
(instancetype) - initWithSharedLock:
 Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase`6 class. More...
(bool) - isTerminated
 Gets a value indicating whether the connection is currently closed or failed. More...
(bool) - isTerminating
 Gets a value indicating whether the connection is currently closing or failing. More...
(bool) - isTerminatingOrTerminated
 Gets a value indicating whether the connection is currently closing, failing, closed, or failed. More...
(bool) - legacyTimeout
 Gets a value indicating whether legacy Connection.Timeout should be used. More...
(FMLiveSwitchMediaProtocol) - mediaProtocol
 Gets the media protocol in use on this connection. More...
(FMLiveSwitchError *) - processDescription:isLocalDescription:
 Processes a session description. More...
(void) - raiseGatheringStateChangeWithConnection:
 Raises gathering state change. More...
(void) - raiseIceConnectionStateChangeWithConnection:
 Raises ICE connection state change. More...
(void) - removeIceServer:
 Removes an ICE server. More...
(void) - removeIceServers:
 Removes some ICE servers. More...
(void) - removeOnExternalIdChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when external Id of this connection changes. More...
(void) - removeOnGatheringStateChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the gathering state changes. More...
(void) - removeOnIceConnectionStateChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the ice connection state changes. More...
(void) - removeOnLocalCandidate:
 Removes a handler that is raised when a local candidate is added. More...
(void) - removeOnLocalDescription:
 Removes a handler that is raised when a local description is set. More...
(void) - removeOnRemoteCandidate:
 Removes a handler that is raised when a remote description is added. More...
(void) - removeOnRemoteDescription:
 Removes a handler that is raised when a remote description is set. More...
(void) - removeOnSignallingStateChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the signalling state changes. More...
(void) - removeOnStateChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the connection state changes. More...
(void) - setBundlePolicy:
 Sets the bundle policy. More...
(void) - setDeadStreamTimeout:
 Sets the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for connectivity checks to re-establish after they start to fail on a live connection. More...
(void) - setError:
 Sets the error. More...
(void) - setExternalId:
 Sets the external identifier. More...
(void) - setIceGatherPolicy:
 Sets the ICE gather policy. More...
(void) - setIceServer:
 Sets the ICE server. More...
(void) - setIceServers:
 Sets the ICE servers. More...
(void) - setLegacyTimeout:
 Sets a value indicating whether legacy Connection.Timeout should be used. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFuture< FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription * > *) - setLocalDescription:
 Sets the local description. More...
(void) - setMediaProtocol:
 Sets the media protocol in use on this connection. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFuture< FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription * > *) - setRemoteDescription:
 Sets the remote description. More...
(void) - setSignallingState:
 Sets the state of the signalling. More...
(void) - setTieBreaker:
 Sets the tie breaker. More...
(void) - setTimeout:
 Sets the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for a connection to establish before giving up and closing it. More...
(void) - setTrickleIcePolicy:
 Sets Trickle Ice Support Policy. More...
(void) - setVideoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicy:
 Sets a method that determines when to enable video again on a connection that dynamically disables video. More...
(int) - setVideoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicyBlock
 Sets a method that determines when to enable video again on a connection that dynamically disables video. More...
(void) - setVideoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicyBlock:
 Sets a method that determines when to enable video again on a connection that dynamically disables video. More...
(void) - setVideoRetentionPolicy:
 Sets the Video Retention Policy. More...
(FMLiveSwitchSignallingState) - signallingState
 Gets the state of the signalling. More...
(FMLiveSwitchConnectionState) - state
 Gets the state of the connection. More...
(TStream) - stream
 Gets the first stream. More...
(NSString *) - tieBreaker
 Gets the tie breaker. More...
(int) - timeout
 Gets the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for a connection to establish before giving up and closing it. More...
(FMLiveSwitchTrickleIcePolicy) - trickleIcePolicy
 Gets Trickle Ice Support Policy. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFunction1< id, id > *) - videoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicy
 Gets a method that determines when to enable video again on a connection that dynamically disables video. More...
(FMLiveSwitchVideoRetentionPolicy) - videoRetentionPolicy
 Gets the Video Retention Policy. More...
(TVideoStream) - videoStream
 Gets the first video stream. More...

Class Methods

(FMLiveSwitchConnection *) + connectionWithSharedLock:streams:
(FMLiveSwitchConnection *) + connectionWithSharedLock:streams:useWebSocketsForMedia:
(FMLiveSwitchDtlsCertificate *) + defaultLocalDtlsCertificate
(NSMutableArray *) + defaultLocalDtlsCertificates
(void) + setDefaultLocalDtlsCertificate:
(void) + setDefaultLocalDtlsCertificates:
- Class Methods inherited from FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase
(FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase *) + connectionBaseWithSharedLock:
 Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase`6 class. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase
 __pad0__: FMLiveSwitchDynamic<FMLiveSwitchIConnection>- (void) addIceServer:(FMLiveSwitchIceServer*)iceServer

Method Documentation

◆ audioStreams

- (NSMutableArray*) audioStreams

Gets the audio streams.

Implements FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase.

◆ close

- (bool) close

Closes this instance.

Implements FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase.

◆ connectionWithSharedLock:streams:

+ (FMLiveSwitchConnection*) connectionWithSharedLock: (id sharedLock
streams: (NSMutableArray *)  streams 

◆ connectionWithSharedLock:streams:useWebSocketsForMedia:

+ (FMLiveSwitchConnection*) connectionWithSharedLock: (id sharedLock
streams: (NSMutableArray *)  streams
useWebSocketsForMedia: (bool)  useWebSocketsForMedia 

◆ createDatagramSocket

- (FMLiveSwitchFunction1<FMLiveSwitchDatagramSocketCreateArgs*,FMLiveSwitchDatagramSocket*>*) createDatagramSocket

◆ createStreamSocket

- (FMLiveSwitchFunction1<FMLiveSwitchStreamSocketCreateArgs*,FMLiveSwitchStreamSocket*>*) createStreamSocket

◆ dataStreams

- (NSMutableArray*) dataStreams

Gets the data streams.

Implements FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase.

◆ defaultLocalDtlsCertificate

+ (FMLiveSwitchDtlsCertificate*) defaultLocalDtlsCertificate

◆ defaultLocalDtlsCertificates

+ (NSMutableArray*) defaultLocalDtlsCertificates

◆ doAddRemoteCandidateWithPromise:remoteCandidate:

- (void) doAddRemoteCandidateWithPromise: (FMLiveSwitchPromise< FMLiveSwitchCandidate * > *)  promise
remoteCandidate: (FMLiveSwitchCandidate *)  remoteCandidate 

Adds the remote candidate.

promiseThe promise.
remoteCandidateThe remote candidate.

Implements FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase.

◆ doCreateAnswerWithPromise:

- (void) doCreateAnswerWithPromise: (FMLiveSwitchPromise< FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription * > *)  promise

Creates an answer.

Implements FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase.

◆ doCreateOfferWithPromise:

- (bool) doCreateOfferWithPromise: (FMLiveSwitchPromise< FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription * > *)  promise

Creates an offer.

Implements FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase.

◆ doProcessDescription:isLocalDescription:

- (FMLiveSwitchError*) doProcessDescription: (FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription *)  description
isLocalDescription: (bool)  isLocalDescription 

Processes a session description.

descriptionThe session description.
isLocalDescriptionWhether this is a local session description.

Implements FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase.

◆ doSendCachedLocalCandidates

- (void) doSendCachedLocalCandidates

Dispatches cached local candidates that were gathered while Connection generated session description.

Implements FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase.

◆ doSetLocalDescriptionWithPromise:localDescription:

- (void) doSetLocalDescriptionWithPromise: (FMLiveSwitchPromise< FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription * > *)  promise
localDescription: (FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription *)  localDescription 

Sets the local description.

promiseThe promise.
localDescriptionThe local description.

Implements FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase.

◆ doSetRemoteDescriptionWithPromise:remoteDescription:

- (void) doSetRemoteDescriptionWithPromise: (FMLiveSwitchPromise< FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription * > *)  promise
remoteDescription: (FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription *)  remoteDescription 

Sets the remote description.

promiseThe promise.
remoteDescriptionThe remote description.

Implements FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase.

◆ dtlsCipherSuites

- (NSMutableArray*) dtlsCipherSuites

◆ dtlsClientVersion

- (FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersion) dtlsClientVersion

◆ dtlsServerMaxVersion

- (FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersion) dtlsServerMaxVersion

◆ dtlsServerMinVersion

- (FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersion) dtlsServerMinVersion

◆ gatheringState

- (FMLiveSwitchIceGatheringState) gatheringState

Gets the ICE gathering state.

Implements FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase.

◆ getStats

Gets the current connection stats.

Implements FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase.

◆ getStreamByType:

- (FMLiveSwitchStream*) getStreamByType: (FMLiveSwitchStreamType)  type

◆ getStreamsByType:

- (NSMutableArray<FMLiveSwitchStream*>*) getStreamsByType: (FMLiveSwitchStreamType)  type

◆ iceAddressTypes

- (NSMutableArray*) iceAddressTypes

◆ iceConnectionState

- (FMLiveSwitchIceConnectionState) iceConnectionState

Gets the ICE connection state.

Implements FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase.

◆ icePolicy

- (FMLiveSwitchIcePolicy) icePolicy

◆ icePortRange

- (FMLiveSwitchIcePortRange*) icePortRange

◆ iceRole

- (FMLiveSwitchIceRole) iceRole

◆ initWithSharedLock:streams:

- (instancetype) initWithSharedLock: (id sharedLock
streams: (NSMutableArray *)  streams 

◆ initWithSharedLock:streams:useWebSocketsForMedia:

- (instancetype) initWithSharedLock: (id sharedLock
streams: (NSMutableArray *)  streams
useWebSocketsForMedia: (bool)  useWebSocketsForMedia 

◆ instance

- (FMLiveSwitchConnection*) instance

Gets the current instance.

Implements FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase.

◆ keepAliveInterval

- (int) keepAliveInterval

◆ localDescription

- (FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription*) localDescription

Gets the local description.

Implements FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase.

◆ localDtlsCertificate

- (FMLiveSwitchDtlsCertificate*) localDtlsCertificate

◆ localDtlsCertificates

- (NSMutableArray*) localDtlsCertificates

◆ localIceParameters

- (FMLiveSwitchIceParameters*) localIceParameters

◆ multiplexPolicy

- (FMLiveSwitchMultiplexPolicy) multiplexPolicy

◆ onRemoteAddStream

- (FMLiveSwitchFunction1<FMLiveSwitchStreamDescription*,FMLiveSwitchStream*>*) onRemoteAddStream

◆ onRemoteRemoveStream

- (FMLiveSwitchAction1<FMLiveSwitchStream*>*) onRemoteRemoveStream

◆ preferredDtlsRole

- (FMLiveSwitchDtlsRole) preferredDtlsRole

◆ privateIPAddress

- (NSString*) privateIPAddress

◆ privateIPAddresses

- (NSMutableArray*) privateIPAddresses

◆ processStateChange

- (void) processStateChange

Processes a state change.

Implements FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase.

◆ publicIPAddress

- (NSString*) publicIPAddress

◆ publicIPAddresses

- (NSMutableArray*) publicIPAddresses

◆ raiseLocalCandidate:

- (void) raiseLocalCandidate: (FMLiveSwitchCandidate *)  localCandidate

Raises a local candidate but only if it has not been already raised.

localCandidateThe local candidate.

Implements FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase.

◆ remoteDescription

- (FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription*) remoteDescription

Gets the remote description.

Implements FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase.

◆ setCreateDatagramSocket:

- (void) setCreateDatagramSocket: (FMLiveSwitchFunction1< FMLiveSwitchDatagramSocketCreateArgs *, FMLiveSwitchDatagramSocket * > *)  value

◆ setCreateDatagramSocketBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchDatagramSocketCreateArgs*) setCreateDatagramSocketBlock

◆ setCreateDatagramSocketBlock:

- (void) setCreateDatagramSocketBlock: (FMLiveSwitchDatagramSocket *(^)(FMLiveSwitchDatagramSocketCreateArgs *))  valueBlock

◆ setCreateStreamSocket:

- (void) setCreateStreamSocket: (FMLiveSwitchFunction1< FMLiveSwitchStreamSocketCreateArgs *, FMLiveSwitchStreamSocket * > *)  value

◆ setCreateStreamSocketBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchStreamSocketCreateArgs*) setCreateStreamSocketBlock

◆ setCreateStreamSocketBlock:

- (void) setCreateStreamSocketBlock: (FMLiveSwitchStreamSocket *(^)(FMLiveSwitchStreamSocketCreateArgs *))  valueBlock

◆ setDefaultLocalDtlsCertificate:

+ (void) setDefaultLocalDtlsCertificate: (FMLiveSwitchDtlsCertificate *)  value

◆ setDefaultLocalDtlsCertificates:

+ (void) setDefaultLocalDtlsCertificates: (NSMutableArray *)  value

◆ setDtlsCipherSuites:

- (void) setDtlsCipherSuites: (NSMutableArray *)  value

◆ setDtlsClientVersion:

- (void) setDtlsClientVersion: (FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersion)  value

◆ setDtlsServerMaxVersion:

- (void) setDtlsServerMaxVersion: (FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersion)  value

◆ setDtlsServerMinVersion:

- (void) setDtlsServerMinVersion: (FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersion)  value

◆ setGatheringState:

- (void) setGatheringState: (FMLiveSwitchIceGatheringState)  value

Sets the ICE gathering state.

Implements FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase.

◆ setIceAddressTypes:

- (void) setIceAddressTypes: (NSMutableArray *)  value

◆ setIceConnectionState:

- (void) setIceConnectionState: (FMLiveSwitchIceConnectionState)  value

Sets the ICE connection state.

Implements FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase.

◆ setIcePolicy:

- (void) setIcePolicy: (FMLiveSwitchIcePolicy)  value

◆ setIcePortRange:

- (void) setIcePortRange: (FMLiveSwitchIcePortRange *)  value

◆ setKeepAliveInterval:

- (void) setKeepAliveInterval: (int)  value

◆ setLocalDtlsCertificate:

- (void) setLocalDtlsCertificate: (FMLiveSwitchDtlsCertificate *)  value

◆ setLocalDtlsCertificates:

- (void) setLocalDtlsCertificates: (NSMutableArray *)  value

◆ setMultiplexPolicy:

- (void) setMultiplexPolicy: (FMLiveSwitchMultiplexPolicy)  value

◆ setOnRemoteAddStream:

- (void) setOnRemoteAddStream: (FMLiveSwitchFunction1< FMLiveSwitchStreamDescription *, FMLiveSwitchStream * > *)  value

◆ setOnRemoteAddStreamBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchStreamDescription*) setOnRemoteAddStreamBlock

◆ setOnRemoteAddStreamBlock:

- (void) setOnRemoteAddStreamBlock: (FMLiveSwitchStream *(^)(FMLiveSwitchStreamDescription *))  valueBlock

◆ setOnRemoteRemoveStream:

- (void) setOnRemoteRemoveStream: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< FMLiveSwitchStream * > *)  value

◆ setOnRemoteRemoveStreamBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchStream*) setOnRemoteRemoveStreamBlock

◆ setOnRemoteRemoveStreamBlock:

- (void) setOnRemoteRemoveStreamBlock: (void(^)(FMLiveSwitchStream *))  valueBlock

◆ setPreferredDtlsRole:

- (void) setPreferredDtlsRole: (FMLiveSwitchDtlsRole)  value

◆ setPrivateIPAddress:

- (void) setPrivateIPAddress: (NSString *)  value

◆ setPrivateIPAddresses:

- (void) setPrivateIPAddresses: (NSMutableArray *)  value

◆ setPublicIPAddress:

- (void) setPublicIPAddress: (NSString *)  value

◆ setPublicIPAddresses:

- (void) setPublicIPAddresses: (NSMutableArray *)  value

◆ setStunBindingRequestLimit:

- (void) setStunBindingRequestLimit: (int)  value

◆ setStunRequestTimeout:

- (void) setStunRequestTimeout: (int)  value

◆ setSynchronizeMediaStreams:

- (void) setSynchronizeMediaStreams: (bool)  value

◆ setTcpConnectTimeout:

- (void) setTcpConnectTimeout: (int)  value

◆ setTestReceivedRtpBuffer:

- (void) setTestReceivedRtpBuffer: (FMLiveSwitchFunction1< FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *, FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer * > *)  value

◆ setTestReceivedRtpBufferBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer*) setTestReceivedRtpBufferBlock

◆ setTestReceivedRtpBufferBlock:

- (void) setTestReceivedRtpBufferBlock: (FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *(^)(FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *))  valueBlock

◆ setTestRoundTripTime:

- (void) setTestRoundTripTime: (int)  value

◆ setTestSendingRtpBuffer:

- (void) setTestSendingRtpBuffer: (FMLiveSwitchFunction1< FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *, FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer * > *)  value

◆ setTestSendingRtpBufferBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer*) setTestSendingRtpBufferBlock

◆ setTestSendingRtpBufferBlock:

- (void) setTestSendingRtpBufferBlock: (FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *(^)(FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *))  valueBlock

◆ setTurnAllocateRequestLimit:

- (void) setTurnAllocateRequestLimit: (int)  value

◆ streams

- (NSMutableArray*) streams

Gets the streams.

Implements FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase.

◆ stunBindingRequestLimit

- (int) stunBindingRequestLimit

◆ stunRequestTimeout

- (int) stunRequestTimeout

◆ synchronizeMediaStreams

- (bool) synchronizeMediaStreams

◆ tcpConnectTimeout

- (int) tcpConnectTimeout

◆ testReceivedRtpBuffer

- (FMLiveSwitchFunction1<FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer*,FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer*>*) testReceivedRtpBuffer

◆ testRoundTripTime

- (int) testRoundTripTime

◆ testSendingRtpBuffer

- (FMLiveSwitchFunction1<FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer*,FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer*>*) testSendingRtpBuffer

◆ turnAllocateRequestLimit

- (int) turnAllocateRequestLimit

◆ videoStreams

- (NSMutableArray*) videoStreams

Gets the video streams.

Implements FMLiveSwitchConnectionBase.