Class Methods | |
(FMLiveSwitchIceTransport *) | + transportWithLockObject:connectionId:scheduler:options: |
(FMLiveSwitchIceTransport *) | + transportWithLockObject:connectionId:scheduler:options:context: |
![]() | |
(FMLiveSwitchTransport *) | + transport |
![]() | |
(FMLiveSwitchDynamic *) | + dynamic |
![]() | |
(FMLiveSwitchSerializable *) | + serializable |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchSerializable class. More... | |
- (void) addOnActiveCandidatePairChange: | (FMLiveSwitchAction2< FMLiveSwitchIceTransport *, FMLiveSwitchIceCandidatePair * > *) | value |
- (FMLiveSwitchIceTransport*, FMLiveSwitchIceCandidatePair*) addOnActiveCandidatePairChangeWithBlock |
- (void) addOnActiveCandidatePairChangeWithBlock: | (void(^)(FMLiveSwitchIceTransport *, FMLiveSwitchIceCandidatePair *)) | valueBlock |
- (void) addOnReceive: | (FMLiveSwitchAction1< FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer * > *) | value |
Adds a handler that is raised when data is received.
Implements FMLiveSwitchTransport.
- (FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer*) addOnReceiveWithBlock |
Adds a handler that is raised when data is received.
Implements FMLiveSwitchTransport.
- (void) addOnReceiveWithBlock: | (void(^)(FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *)) | valueBlock |
Adds a handler that is raised when data is received.
Implements FMLiveSwitchTransport.
- (void) addOnStateChange: | (FMLiveSwitchAction1< FMLiveSwitchIceTransport * > *) | value |
- (FMLiveSwitchIceTransport*) addOnStateChangeWithBlock |
- (void) addOnStateChangeWithBlock: | (void(^)(FMLiveSwitchIceTransport *)) | valueBlock |
- (void) addRemoteCandidate: | (FMLiveSwitchIceCandidate *) | remoteCandidate |
- (bool) closingShouldNotTriggerGlobalNonGracefulShutdown |
- (FMLiveSwitchIceComponent) component |
- (FMLiveSwitchIceTransport*) createRtcpTransport |
- (FMLiveSwitchError*) error |
- (FMLiveSwitchIceCandidate*) findMatchingRemoteCandidateWithIPAddress: | (NSString *) | ipAddress | |
port: | (int) | port | |
- (FMLiveSwitchIceGatherer*) gatherer |
- (instancetype) initWithLockObject: | (id) | lockObject | |
connectionId: | (NSString *) | connectionId | |
scheduler: | (NSObject< FMLiveSwitchIScheduler > *) | scheduler | |
options: | (FMLiveSwitchIceTransportOptions *) | options | |
- (instancetype) initWithLockObject: | (id) | lockObject | |
connectionId: | (NSString *) | connectionId | |
scheduler: | (NSObject< FMLiveSwitchIScheduler > *) | scheduler | |
options: | (FMLiveSwitchIceTransportOptions *) | options | |
context: | (FMLiveSwitchLogContext *) | context | |
- (bool) isClosed |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is closed.
Implements FMLiveSwitchTransport.
- (int) lastRelayServerRoundTripTime |
- (int) lastRoundTripTime |
- (NSMutableArray*) localCandidates |
- (int) nextTransportSequenceNumber |
Gets the next Transport-Wide Sequence Number.
Values ranger between -2^16 and 2^16 and wrap around.
Implements FMLiveSwitchTransport.
- (NSMutableArray*) remoteCandidates |
- (FMLiveSwitchIceParameters*) remoteParameters |
- (void) removeOnActiveCandidatePairChange: | (FMLiveSwitchAction2< FMLiveSwitchIceTransport *, FMLiveSwitchIceCandidatePair * > *) | value |
- (void) removeOnReceive: | (FMLiveSwitchAction1< FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer * > *) | value |
Removes a handler that is raised when data is received.
Implements FMLiveSwitchTransport.
- (void) removeOnStateChange: | (FMLiveSwitchAction1< FMLiveSwitchIceTransport * > *) | value |
- (void) removeRtcpTransport |
- (FMLiveSwitchIceRole) role |
- (int) roundTripTime |
Gets the current round-trip-time in milliseconds.
Implements FMLiveSwitchTransport.
- (void) sendWithBuffer: | (FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *) | buffer |
- (void) setClosingShouldNotTriggerGlobalNonGracefulShutdown: | (bool) | value |
- (void) setSingleRemoteCandidateForIceBypass: | (FMLiveSwitchIceCandidate *) | value |
- (FMLiveSwitchIceCandidate*) singleRemoteCandidateForIceBypass |
- (int) smoothedRelayServerRoundTripTime |
- (int) smoothedRoundTripTime |
- (bool) startWithGatherer: | (FMLiveSwitchIceGatherer *) | gatherer | |
remoteParameters: | (FMLiveSwitchIceParameters *) | remoteParameters | |
role: | (FMLiveSwitchIceRole) | role | |
tieBreaker: | (long long) | tieBreaker | |
- (FMLiveSwitchIceTransportState) state |
- (bool) stop |
+ (FMLiveSwitchIceTransport*) transportWithLockObject: | (id) | lockObject | |
connectionId: | (NSString *) | connectionId | |
scheduler: | (NSObject< FMLiveSwitchIScheduler > *) | scheduler | |
options: | (FMLiveSwitchIceTransportOptions *) | options | |
+ (FMLiveSwitchIceTransport*) transportWithLockObject: | (id) | lockObject | |
connectionId: | (NSString *) | connectionId | |
scheduler: | (NSObject< FMLiveSwitchIScheduler > *) | scheduler | |
options: | (FMLiveSwitchIceTransportOptions *) | options | |
context: | (FMLiveSwitchLogContext *) | context | |
- (void) updateInfo: | (FMLiveSwitchTransportInfo *) | info |
- (void) updateStats: | (FMLiveSwitchTransportStats *) | stats |