FMLiveSwitchMcuConnection Class Reference

An MCU connection. More...

Instance Methods

(FMLiveSwitchMessage *) - doCreateOfferMessageWithOffer:
 Creates an offer message. More...
(bool) - isMediaDirectionAllowedWithDirection:
 Gets a value indicating whether the given media direction is allowed for this connection. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from FMLiveSwitchServerConnection
(void) - addOnInboundAudioBitrateChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the inbound audio bitrate changes. More...
(int, int) - addOnInboundAudioBitrateChangeWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the inbound audio bitrate changes. More...
(void) - addOnInboundAudioBitrateChangeWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the inbound audio bitrate changes. More...
(void) - addOnInboundVideoBitrateChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the inbound video bitrate changes. More...
(int, int) - addOnInboundVideoBitrateChangeWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the inbound video bitrate changes. More...
(void) - addOnInboundVideoBitrateChangeWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the inbound video bitrate changes. More...
(void) - detachInternalEventHandlers
 Detaches internal event handlers. More...
(FMLiveSwitchMessage *) - doCreateCandidateMessageWithCandidate:
 Creates a candidate message. More...
(FMLiveSwitchMessage *) - doCreateCloseMessage
 Creates a close message. More...
(void) - doOpen
 Opens the connection. More...
(void) - doProcessMessage:
 Processes a message. More...
(int) - inboundAudioBitrate
 Gets the current inbound audio bitrate. More...
(int) - inboundVideoBitrate
 Gets the current inbound video bitrate. More...
(NSString *) - mediaServerId
 Gets the identifier of the Media Server handling this connection. More...
(NSString *) - preferredMediaServerId
 Gets the preferred identifier of the Media Server to handle this connection. More...
(void) - processAnswerWithMessage:
 Processes an answer. More...
(void) - processErrorWithMessage:
 Processes an error message. More...
(void) - processMediaIntentResponseWithMessage:
 Processes an MediaIntentResponse message. More...
(void) - processRtcpDataChannelSignallingActivationWithMessage:
 Processes inband signalling activation. More...
(void) - raiseAudioBitrateNotificationWithAudioStream:bitrateNotification:
 Raises an audio bitrate notification. More...
(void) - raiseVideoBitrateNotificationWithVideoStream:bitrateNotification:
 Raises a video bitrate notification. More...
(void) - removeOnInboundAudioBitrateChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the inbound audio bitrate changes. More...
(void) - removeOnInboundVideoBitrateChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the inbound video bitrate changes. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFuture< FMLiveSwitchMessage * > *) - sendWithMessage:
 Sends a message. More...
(void) - setPreferredMediaServerId:
 Sets the preferred identifier of the Media Server to handle this connection. More...
(bool) - trySendRtcpDataChannelWithMessage:
 Sends bitrate messages. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection
(void) - addOnAudioUnmuteDisabled:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute audio is disabled. More...
(void) - addOnAudioUnmuteEnabled:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute audio is enabled. More...
(void) - addOnAutomaticIceServers:
 Adds a handler that is raised when automatic ICE servers have been received. More...
(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchIceServerCollection *) - addOnAutomaticIceServersWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when automatic ICE servers have been received. More...
(void) - addOnAutomaticIceServersWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when automatic ICE servers have been received. More...
(void) - addOnGatheringStateChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the ICE gathering state changes. More...
(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *) - addOnGatheringStateChangeWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the ICE gathering state changes. More...
(void) - addOnGatheringStateChangeWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the ICE gathering state changes. More...
(void) - addOnIceConnectionStateChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the ICE connection state changes. More...
(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *) - addOnIceConnectionStateChangeWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the ICE connection state changes. More...
(void) - addOnIceConnectionStateChangeWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the ICE connection state changes. More...
(void) - addOnLocalCandidate:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a local candidate is ready. More...
(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchCandidate *) - addOnLocalCandidateWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when a local candidate is ready. More...
(void) - addOnLocalCandidateWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a local candidate is ready. More...
(void) - addOnLocalDescription:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the local description is ready. More...
(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription *) - addOnLocalDescriptionWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the local description is ready. More...
(void) - addOnLocalDescriptionWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the local description is ready. More...
(void) - addOnMediaQuality:
 Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated media quality. More...
(double) - addOnMediaQualityWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated media quality. More...
(void) - addOnMediaQualityWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated media quality. More...
(void) - addOnNetworkQuality:
 Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated network quality. More...
(double) - addOnNetworkQualityWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated network quality. More...
(void) - addOnNetworkQualityWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated network quality. More...
(void) - addOnNoMediaServersAvailable:
 Adds a handler that is raised when there are no Media Servers available. More...
(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchNoMediaServersAvailableEventArgs *) - addOnNoMediaServersAvailableWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when there are no Media Servers available. More...
(void) - addOnNoMediaServersAvailableWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when there are no Media Servers available. More...
(void) - addOnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailable:
 Adds a handler that is raised when there are no WebSocket Media Servers available. More...
(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableEventArgs *) - addOnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when there are no WebSocket Media Servers available. More...
(void) - addOnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when there are no WebSocket Media Servers available. More...
(void) - addOnRecordingDisabled:
 Adds a handler that is raised when this connection is no longer being recorded. More...
(NSString *) - addOnRecordingDisabledWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when this connection is no longer being recorded. More...
(void) - addOnRecordingDisabledWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when this connection is no longer being recorded. More...
(void) - addOnRecordingEnabled:
 Adds a handler that is raised when this connection is being recorded. More...
(NSString *) - addOnRecordingEnabledWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when this connection is being recorded. More...
(void) - addOnRecordingEnabledWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when this connection is being recorded. More...
(void) - addOnRemoteAudioEncodingSwitch:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the remote audio encoding is switched by the server. More...
(FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *, FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *) - addOnRemoteAudioEncodingSwitchWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the remote audio encoding is switched by the server. More...
(void) - addOnRemoteAudioEncodingSwitchWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the remote audio encoding is switched by the server. More...
(void) - addOnRemoteCandidate:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a remote candidate is ready. More...
(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchCandidate *) - addOnRemoteCandidateWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when a remote candidate is ready. More...
(void) - addOnRemoteCandidateWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a remote candidate is ready. More...
(void) - addOnRemoteDescription:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the remote description is ready. More...
(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription *) - addOnRemoteDescriptionWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the remote description is ready. More...
(void) - addOnRemoteDescriptionWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the remote description is ready. More...
(void) - addOnRemoteUpdate:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a remote connection has been updated. More...
(FMLiveSwitchConnectionInfo *, FMLiveSwitchConnectionInfo *) - addOnRemoteUpdateWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when a remote connection has been updated. More...
(void) - addOnRemoteUpdateWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a remote connection has been updated. More...
(void) - addOnRemoteVideoEncodingSwitch:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the remote video encoding is switched by the server. More...
(FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *, FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *) - addOnRemoteVideoEncodingSwitchWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the remote video encoding is switched by the server. More...
(void) - addOnRemoteVideoEncodingSwitchWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the remote video encoding is switched by the server. More...
(void) - addOnSignallingStateChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the signalling state changes. More...
(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *) - addOnSignallingStateChangeWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the signalling state changes. More...
(void) - addOnSignallingStateChangeWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the signalling state changes. More...
(void) - addOnStateChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the connection state changes. More...
(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *) - addOnStateChangeWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the connection state changes. More...
(void) - addOnStateChangeWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the connection state changes. More...
(void) - addOnStats:
 Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current connection stats. More...
(FMLiveSwitchConnectionStats *) - addOnStatsWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current connection stats. More...
(void) - addOnStatsWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current connection stats. More...
(void) - addOnVideoEnabledChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a connection has it's video state changed from disabled or enabled. More...
(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, bool) - addOnVideoEnabledChangeWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when a connection has it's video state changed from disabled or enabled. More...
(void) - addOnVideoEnabledChangeWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a connection has it's video state changed from disabled or enabled. More...
(void) - addOnVideoUnmuteDisabled:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute video is disabled. More...
(void) - addOnVideoUnmuteEnabled:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute video is enabled. More...
(NSString *) - applicationId
 Gets the application identifier. More...
(NSString *) - audioDirection
 Gets the audio direction. More...
(FMLiveSwitchAudioStream *) - audioStream
 Gets the audio stream. More...
(bool) - audioUnmuteDisabled
 Gets whether the ability to unmute audio is disabled. More...
(FMLiveSwitchBundlePolicy) - bundlePolicy
 Gets the Bundle Policy. More...
(NSString *) - canonicalName
 Gets the connection's canonical name. More...
(NSString *) - channelId
 Gets the channel identifier. More...
(NSString *) - clientId
 Gets the client identifier. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFuture< id > *) - close
 Closes the connection. More...
(FMLiveSwitchConnectionConfig *) - config
 Gets the current configuration. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFunction1< FMLiveSwitchDatagramSocketCreateArgs *, FMLiveSwitchDatagramSocket * > *) - createDatagramSocket
 Gets a method that creates Datagram sockets. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFunction1< FMLiveSwitchStreamSocketCreateArgs *, FMLiveSwitchStreamSocket * > *) - createStreamSocket
 Gets a method that creates Stream sockets. More...
(NSString *) - dataDirection
 Gets the data direction. More...
(FMLiveSwitchDataStream *) - dataStream
 Gets the data stream. More...
(int) - deadStreamTimeout
 Gets the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before declaring the connection dead. More...
(NSString *) - deviceId
 Gets the device identifier. More...
(bool) - disableAutomaticIceServers
 Gets whether to disable automatic ICE servers (embedded TURN). More...
(FMLiveSwitchMessage *) - doCreateUpdateMessageWithConfig:
 Creates an update message. More...
(FMLiveSwitchMessage *) - doCreateUseWebSocketServiceMessage
 Create the message to use WebSockets for media. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - dtlsCipherSuites
 Gets the DTLS cipher suites to use. More...
(FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersion) - dtlsClientVersion
 Gets the protocol version to use when in the DTLS client role. More...
(FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersion) - dtlsServerMaxVersion
 Gets the maximum protocol version to allow when in the DTLS server role. More...
(FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersion) - dtlsServerMinVersion
 Gets the minimum protocol version to allow when in the DTLS server role. More...
(FMLiveSwitchError *) - error
 Gets the error, if an error exists. More...
(NSString *) - externalId
 Gets the external connection identifier. More...
(FMLiveSwitchIceGatheringState) - gatheringState
 Gets the state of the ice gathering. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFuture< FMLiveSwitchConnectionStats * > *) - getStats
 Gets the current connection stats. More...
(bool) - hasAudio
 Gets whether this connection has an audio stream. More...
(bool) - hasData
 Gets whether this connection has a data stream. More...
(bool) - hasVideo
 Gets whether this connection has a video stream. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - iceAddressTypes
 Gets the ICE address types. More...
(FMLiveSwitchIceConnectionState) - iceConnectionState
 Gets the state of the ice connection. More...
(FMLiveSwitchIceGatherPolicy) - iceGatherPolicy
 Gets the ICE gather policy. More...
(FMLiveSwitchIcePolicy) - icePolicy
 Gets policy indicating whether ICE is required (and enabled) or disabled (and not required for this connection). More...
(FMLiveSwitchIcePortRange *) - icePortRange
 Gets the ICE port range. More...
(FMLiveSwitchIceRole) - iceRole
 Gets the ICE role. More...
(FMLiveSwitchIceServer *) - iceServer
 Gets the ICE server. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - iceServers
 Gets the ICE servers. More...
(NSString *) - id
 Gets the connection identifier. More...
(FMLiveSwitchConnectionInfo *) - info
 Gets the connection info. More...
(FMLiveSwitchDataChannel *) - internalRtcpDataChannel
 Gets Data Channel for inband signalling. More...
(int) - keepAliveInterval
 Gets a value indicating how many milliseconds must elapse between STUN keep-alive binding requests. More...
(FMLiveSwitchNullableInt *) - layoutPriority
 Gets the LayoutPriority. More...
(NSString *) - layoutZone
 Gets the LayoutZone. More...
(NSString *) - localAudioDirection
 Gets the local audio direction. More...
(bool) - localAudioDisabled
 Gets if local audio is disabled. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - localAudioFormats
 Gets the local audio formats. More...
(bool) - localAudioMuted
 Gets whether the local audio is muted. More...
(NSString *) - localDataDirection
 Gets the local data direction. More...
(bool) - localDataDisabled
 Gets if local data is disabled. More...
(FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription *) - localDescription
 Gets the local description. More...
(FMLiveSwitchDtlsCertificate *) - localDtlsCertificate
 Gets the local DTLS certificate. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - localDtlsCertificates
 Gets the local DTLS certificates. More...
(NSString *) - localVideoDirection
 Gets the local video direction. More...
(bool) - localVideoDisabled
 Gets if local video is disabled. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - localVideoFormats
 Gets the local video formats. More...
(bool) - localVideoMuted
 Gets whether the local video is muted. More...
(int) - maxNoMediaServerRetryBackoff
 Gets the maximum retry backoff timeout, in milliseconds, before we retry a request after receiving no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More...
(NSString *) - mediaId
 Gets the media identifier. More...
(FMLiveSwitchMediaProtocol) - mediaProtocol
 Gets the media protocol in use on this connection. More...
(double) - mediaQuality
 Gets the current estimated media quality. More...
(int) - minNoMediaServerRetryBackoff
 Gets the mininum retry backoff timeout, in milliseconds, before we retry a request after receiving no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More...
(FMLiveSwitchMultiplexPolicy) - multiplexPolicy
 Gets the multiplex policy. More...
(double) - networkQuality
 Gets the current estimated network quality. More...
(int) - noMediaServerTimeout
 Gets the timeout, in milliseconds, before failing a request where no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFuture< id > *) - open
 Opens the connection. More...
(NSString *) - privateIPAddress
 Gets the private IP address of this device. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - privateIPAddresses
 Gets the private IP address of this device. More...
(void) - processIceServersWithMessage:
 Processes an iceServers message. More...
(void) - processLocalError:
 Processes a local failure. More...
(void) - processSimulcastNotificationWithMessage:
 Processes a simulcast notification. More...
(void) - raiseAudioBitrateRequestWithAudioStream:bitrateRequest:
 Raises an audio bitrate request. More...
(void) - raiseLocalCandidate:
 Raises a local candidate. More...
(void) - raiseNoMediaServersAvailableWithArgs:
 Raises the OnNoMediaServersAvailable event. More...
(void) - raiseNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableWithArgs:
 Raises the OnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailable event. More...
(void) - raiseRemoteCandidate:
 Raises a remote candidate. More...
(void) - raiseVideoBitrateRequestWithVideoStream:bitrateRequest:
 Raises a video bitrate request. More...
(FMLiveSwitchRandomizer *) - randomizer
 Gets a randomizer for backoff timers. More...
(bool) - recordingEnabled
 Gets whether this connection is being recorded. More...
(bool) - remoteAudioDisabled
 Gets if remote audio is disabled. More...
(FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *) - remoteAudioEncoding
 Gets the remote audio encoding. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - remoteAudioFormats
 Gets the remote audio formats. More...
(bool) - remoteAudioMuted
 Gets whether the remote audio is muted. More...
(bool) - remoteClosed
 Gets a value indicating whether the connection was closed by the remote host. More...
(NSString *) - remoteConnectionId
 Gets the remote connection identifier, if available. More...
(bool) - remoteDataDisabled
 Gets if remote data is disabled. More...
(FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription *) - remoteDescription
 Gets the remote description. More...
(NSString *) - remoteMediaId
 Gets the remote media identifier, if available. More...
(bool) - remoteRejected
 Gets a value indicating whether the connection was rejected by the remote host. More...
(NSString *) - remoteTag
 Gets the remote tag, if applicable. More...
(bool) - remoteVideoDisabled
 Gets if remote video is disabled. More...
(FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *) - remoteVideoEncoding
 Gets the remote video encoding. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - remoteVideoFormats
 Gets the remote video formats. More...
(bool) - remoteVideoMuted
 Gets whether the remote video is muted. More...
(void) - removeOnAudioUnmuteDisabled:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute audio is disabled. More...
(void) - removeOnAudioUnmuteEnabled:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute audio is enabled. More...
(void) - removeOnAutomaticIceServers:
 Removes a handler that is raised when automatic ICE servers have been received. More...
(void) - removeOnGatheringStateChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the ICE gathering state changes. More...
(void) - removeOnIceConnectionStateChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the ICE connection state changes. More...
(void) - removeOnLocalCandidate:
 Removes a handler that is raised when a local candidate is ready. More...
(void) - removeOnLocalDescription:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the local description is ready. More...
(void) - removeOnMediaQuality:
 Removes a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated media quality. More...
(void) - removeOnNetworkQuality:
 Removes a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated network quality. More...
(void) - removeOnNoMediaServersAvailable:
 Removes a handler that is raised when there are no Media Servers available. More...
(void) - removeOnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailable:
 Removes a handler that is raised when there are no WebSocket Media Servers available. More...
(void) - removeOnRecordingDisabled:
 Removes a handler that is raised when this connection is no longer being recorded. More...
(void) - removeOnRecordingEnabled:
 Removes a handler that is raised when this connection is being recorded. More...
(void) - removeOnRemoteAudioEncodingSwitch:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the remote audio encoding is switched by the server. More...
(void) - removeOnRemoteCandidate:
 Removes a handler that is raised when a remote candidate is ready. More...
(void) - removeOnRemoteDescription:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the remote description is ready. More...
(void) - removeOnRemoteUpdate:
 Removes a handler that is raised when a remote connection has been updated. More...
(void) - removeOnRemoteVideoEncodingSwitch:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the remote video encoding is switched by the server. More...
(void) - removeOnSignallingStateChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the signalling state changes. More...
(void) - removeOnStateChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the connection state changes. More...
(void) - removeOnStats:
 Removes a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current connection stats. More...
(void) - removeOnVideoEnabledChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when a connection has it's video state changed from disabled or enabled. More...
(void) - removeOnVideoUnmuteDisabled:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute video is disabled. More...
(void) - removeOnVideoUnmuteEnabled:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute video is enabled. More...
(void) - setBundlePolicy:
 Sets the Bundle Policy. More...
(void) - setCreateDatagramSocket:
 Sets a method that creates Datagram sockets. More...
(FMLiveSwitchDatagramSocketCreateArgs *) - setCreateDatagramSocketBlock
 Sets a method that creates Datagram sockets. More...
(void) - setCreateDatagramSocketBlock:
 Sets a method that creates Datagram sockets. More...
(void) - setCreateStreamSocket:
 Sets a method that creates Stream sockets. More...
(FMLiveSwitchStreamSocketCreateArgs *) - setCreateStreamSocketBlock
 Sets a method that creates Stream sockets. More...
(void) - setCreateStreamSocketBlock:
 Sets a method that creates Stream sockets. More...
(void) - setDeadStreamTimeout:
 Sets the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before declaring the connection dead. More...
(void) - setDisableAutomaticIceServers:
 Sets whether to disable automatic ICE servers (embedded TURN). More...
(void) - setDtlsCipherSuites:
 Sets the DTLS cipher suites to use. More...
(void) - setDtlsClientVersion:
 Sets the protocol version to use when in the DTLS client role. More...
(void) - setDtlsServerMaxVersion:
 Sets the maximum protocol version to allow when in the DTLS server role. More...
(void) - setDtlsServerMinVersion:
 Sets the minimum protocol version to allow when in the DTLS server role. More...
(void) - setIceAddressTypes:
 Sets the ICE address types. More...
(void) - setIceGatherPolicy:
 Sets the ICE gather policy. More...
(void) - setIcePolicy:
 Sets policy indicating whether ICE is required (and enabled) or disabled (and not required for this connection). More...
(void) - setIcePortRange:
 Sets the ICE port range. More...
(void) - setIceServer:
 Sets the ICE server. More...
(void) - setIceServers:
 Sets the ICE servers. More...
(void) - setKeepAliveInterval:
 Sets a value indicating how many milliseconds must elapse between STUN keep-alive binding requests. More...
(void) - setLayoutPriority:
 Sets the LayoutPriority. More...
(void) - setLayoutZone:
 Sets the LayoutZone. More...
(void) - setLocalAudioFormats:
 Sets the local audio formats. More...
(void) - setLocalDtlsCertificate:
 Sets the local DTLS certificate. More...
(void) - setLocalDtlsCertificates:
 Sets the local DTLS certificates. More...
(void) - setLocalVideoFormats:
 Sets the local video formats. More...
(void) - setMaxNoMediaServerRetryBackoff:
 Sets the maximum retry backoff timeout, in milliseconds, before we retry a request after receiving no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More...
(void) - setMediaId:
 Sets the media identifier. More...
(void) - setMinNoMediaServerRetryBackoff:
 Sets the mininum retry backoff timeout, in milliseconds, before we retry a request after receiving no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More...
(void) - setMultiplexPolicy:
 Sets the multiplex policy. More...
(void) - setNoMediaServerTimeout:
 Sets the timeout, in milliseconds, before failing a request where no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More...
(void) - setPrivateIPAddress:
 Sets the private IP address of this device. More...
(void) - setPrivateIPAddresses:
 Sets the private IP address of this device. More...
(void) - setRemoteAudioEncoding:
 Sets the remote audio encoding. More...
(void) - setRemoteAudioFormats:
 Sets the remote audio formats. More...
(void) - setRemoteAudioMuted:
 Sets whether the remote audio is muted. More...
(void) - setRemoteConnectionId:
 Sets the remote connection identifier, if available. More...
(void) - setRemoteMediaId:
 Sets the remote media identifier, if available. More...
(void) - setRemoteTag:
 Sets the remote tag, if applicable. More...
(void) - setRemoteVideoEncoding:
 Sets the remote video encoding. More...
(void) - setRemoteVideoFormats:
 Sets the remote video formats. More...
(void) - setRemoteVideoMuted:
 Sets whether the remote video is muted. More...
(void) - setStatsEventInterval:
 Sets the interval, in milliseconds, between stats events raised locally by addOnStats:. More...
(void) - setStatsInterval:
 Sets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More...
(void) - setStatsReportInterval:
 Sets the interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More...
(void) - setStunBindingRequestLimit:
 Sets the limit on the the number of Turn Allocate request messages when trying to establish allocation on a Turn server. More...
(void) - setStunRequestTimeout:
 Sets the timeout for individual Stun (and Turn) request messages in ms. More...
(void) - setTag:
 Sets the tag. More...
(void) - setTcpConnectTimeout:
 Sets connection timeout for stream sockets in ms. More...
(void) - setTestReceivedRtpBuffer:
 Sets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify inbound RTP buffers. More...
(FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *) - setTestReceivedRtpBufferBlock
 Sets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify inbound RTP buffers. More...
(void) - setTestReceivedRtpBufferBlock:
 Sets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify inbound RTP buffers. More...
(void) - setTestRoundTripTime:
 Sets a fixed round-trip time (in milliseconds) to use in the network transport. More...
(void) - setTestSendingRtpBuffer:
 Sets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify outbound RTP buffers. More...
(FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *) - setTestSendingRtpBufferBlock
 Sets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify outbound RTP buffers. More...
(void) - setTestSendingRtpBufferBlock:
 Sets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify outbound RTP buffers. More...
(void) - setTrickleIcePolicy:
 Sets the trickle-ICE policy. More...
(void) - setTurnAllocateRequestLimit:
 Sets the limit on the the number of Turn Allocate request messages when trying to establish allocation on a Turn server. More...
(void) - setUseWebSocketsForMedia:
 Sets if we should use WebSockets for sending media. More...
(void) - setVideoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicy:
 Sets a method that determines when to enable video again on a connection that dynamically disables video. More...
(int) - setVideoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicyBlock
 Sets a method that determines when to enable video again on a connection that dynamically disables video. More...
(void) - setVideoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicyBlock:
 Sets a method that determines when to enable video again on a connection that dynamically disables video. More...
(void) - setVideoRetentionPolicy:
 Sets the Video Retention Policy. More...
(void) - setWmsAddress:
 Sets the WMS endpoint address. More...
(void) - setWmsConnectionToken:
 Sets WMS connection token. More...
(FMLiveSwitchSignallingState) - signallingState
 Gets the state of the signalling. More...
(FMLiveSwitchConnectionState) - state
 Gets the state of the connection. More...
(int) - statsEventInterval
 Gets the interval, in milliseconds, between stats events raised locally by addOnStats:. More...
(int) - statsInterval
 Gets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More...
(int) - statsReportInterval
 Gets the interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More...
(int) - stunBindingRequestLimit
 Gets the limit on the the number of Turn Allocate request messages when trying to establish allocation on a Turn server. More...
(int) - stunRequestTimeout
 Gets the timeout for individual Stun (and Turn) request messages in ms. More...
(NSString *) - tag
 Gets the tag. More...
(int) - tcpConnectTimeout
 Gets connection timeout for stream sockets in ms. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFunction1< FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *, FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer * > *) - testReceivedRtpBuffer
 Gets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify inbound RTP buffers. More...
(int) - testRoundTripTime
 Gets a fixed round-trip time (in milliseconds) to use in the network transport. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFunction1< FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *, FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer * > *) - testSendingRtpBuffer
 Gets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify outbound RTP buffers. More...
(FMLiveSwitchTrickleIcePolicy) - trickleIcePolicy
 Gets the trickle-ICE policy. More...
(int) - turnAllocateRequestLimit
 Gets the limit on the the number of Turn Allocate request messages when trying to establish allocation on a Turn server. More...
(NSString *) - type
 Gets the connection type. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFuture< id > *) - updateWithConfig:
 Updates this connection. More...
(NSString *) - userId
 Gets the user identifier. More...
(bool) - useWebSocketsForMedia
 Gets if we should use WebSockets for sending media. More...
(NSString *) - videoDirection
 Gets the video direction. More...
(int) - videoEnabledConnectionUpdateAttempts
 Gets the amount of attempts this connection has made to enabled video on a connection. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFunction1< id, id > *) - videoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicy
 Gets a method that determines when to enable video again on a connection that dynamically disables video. More...
(FMLiveSwitchVideoRetentionPolicy) - videoRetentionPolicy
 Gets the Video Retention Policy. More...
(FMLiveSwitchVideoStream *) - videoStream
 Gets the video stream. More...
(bool) - videoUnmuteDisabled
 Gets whether the ability to unmute video is disabled. More...
(NSString *) - wmsAddress
 Gets the WMS endpoint address. More...
(NSString *) - wmsConnectionToken
 Gets WMS connection token. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from FMLiveSwitchDynamic
(NSMutableDictionary< NSString *, id > *) - dynamicProperties
 Gets all dynamic properties on this instance. More...
(id- getDynamicValueWithKey:
 Gets a property value from the local cache. More...
(instancetype) - init
 Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchSerializable class. More...
(void) - setDynamicValueWithKey:value:
 Sets a property value in the local cache. More...
(bool) - unsetDynamicValueWithKey:
 Removes a property value from the local cache. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Class Methods inherited from FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection
(FMLiveSwitchDtlsCertificate *) + defaultLocalDtlsCertificate
 Gets the default local DTLS certificate. More...
(NSMutableArray *) + defaultLocalDtlsCertificates
 Gets the default local DTLS certificates. More...
(int) + defaultNoMediaServerTimeout
 Gets the default timeout, in milliseconds, before we fail the connection attempt where no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More...
(int) + defaultStatsEventInterval
 Gets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats events raised locally by addOnStats:. More...
(int) + defaultStatsInterval
 Gets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More...
(int) + defaultStatsReportInterval
 Gets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More...
(void) + setDefaultLocalDtlsCertificate:
 Sets the default local DTLS certificate. More...
(void) + setDefaultLocalDtlsCertificates:
 Sets the default local DTLS certificates. More...
(void) + setDefaultNoMediaServerTimeout:
 Sets the default timeout, in milliseconds, before we fail the connection attempt where no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More...
(void) + setDefaultStatsEventInterval:
 Sets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats events raised locally by addOnStats:. More...
(void) + setDefaultStatsInterval:
 Sets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More...
(void) + setDefaultStatsReportInterval:
 Sets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More...
- Class Methods inherited from FMLiveSwitchDynamic
(FMLiveSwitchDynamic *) + dynamic
- Class Methods inherited from FMLiveSwitchSerializable
(FMLiveSwitchSerializable *) + serializable
 Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchSerializable class. More...

Detailed Description

An MCU connection.

Method Documentation

◆ doCreateOfferMessageWithOffer:

- (FMLiveSwitchMessage*) doCreateOfferMessageWithOffer: (FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription *)  offer

Creates an offer message.

offerThe offer.

Implements FMLiveSwitchServerConnection.

◆ isMediaDirectionAllowedWithDirection:

- (bool) isMediaDirectionAllowedWithDirection: (NSString *)  direction

Gets a value indicating whether the given media direction is allowed for this connection.

directionThe direction.

Implements FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection.