<FMLiveSwitchIPlatform> Protocol Reference

Platform-specific methods. More...

Instance Methods

(FMLiveSwitchArchitecture) - architecture
 Gets the current CPU architecture. More...
(int) - coreCount
 Gets the current CPU core count. More...
(FMLiveSwitchCryptoLibrary) - cryptoLibrary
 Gets the cryptography library to use. More...
(NSString *) - descriptionWithIsVerbose:
 Gets the string representation of the FMLiveSwitchPlatformType and Platform type version, if isVerbose is true then the OS and OS version are included. More...
(NSString *) - directorySeparator
 Gets the character used to separate directories. More...
(bool) - isLittleEndian
 Gets a value indicating whether this is little-endian platform. More...
(bool) - isMobile
 Gets a value indicating whether this is a mobile platform. More...
(NSString *) - machineName
 Gets the current machine name. More...
(FMLiveSwitchOperatingSystem) - operatingSystem
 Gets the current operating system. More...
(NSString *) - operatingSystemVersion
 Gets the current operating system version. More...
(long long) - physicalMemory
 Gets the current physical memory in bytes. More...
(NSString *) - platformTypeVersion
 Gets the current version of the FMLiveSwitchPlatformType being used. More...
(int) - processId
 Gets the id of the current process. More...
(void) - setCryptoLibrary:
 Sets the cryptography library to use. More...
(void) - setIsMobile:
 Sets a value indicating whether this is a mobile platform. More...
(void) - setUseFipsAlgorithms:
 Sets a value that indicates whether FIPS algorithms should be used. More...
(FMLiveSwitchSourceLanguage) - sourceLanguage
 Gets the current programming language for the source code. More...
(FMLiveSwitchPlatformType) - type
 Gets the current FMLiveSwitchPlatformType being used. More...
(bool) - useFipsAlgorithms
 Gets a value that indicates whether FIPS algorithms should be used. More...

Detailed Description

Platform-specific methods.

Method Documentation

◆ architecture

- (FMLiveSwitchArchitecture) architecture

Gets the current CPU architecture.

◆ coreCount

- (int) coreCount

Gets the current CPU core count.

◆ cryptoLibrary

- (FMLiveSwitchCryptoLibrary) cryptoLibrary

Gets the cryptography library to use.

◆ descriptionWithIsVerbose:

- (NSString*) descriptionWithIsVerbose: (bool)  isVerbose

Gets the string representation of the FMLiveSwitchPlatformType and Platform type version, if isVerbose is true then the OS and OS version are included.

◆ directorySeparator

- (NSString*) directorySeparator

Gets the character used to separate directories.

◆ isLittleEndian

- (bool) isLittleEndian

Gets a value indicating whether this is little-endian platform.

◆ isMobile

- (bool) isMobile

Gets a value indicating whether this is a mobile platform.

◆ machineName

- (NSString*) machineName

Gets the current machine name.

◆ operatingSystem

- (FMLiveSwitchOperatingSystem) operatingSystem

Gets the current operating system.

◆ operatingSystemVersion

- (NSString*) operatingSystemVersion

Gets the current operating system version.

◆ physicalMemory

- (long long) physicalMemory

Gets the current physical memory in bytes.

◆ platformTypeVersion

- (NSString*) platformTypeVersion

Gets the current version of the FMLiveSwitchPlatformType being used.

◆ processId

- (int) processId

Gets the id of the current process.

◆ setCryptoLibrary:

- (void) setCryptoLibrary: (FMLiveSwitchCryptoLibrary)  value

Sets the cryptography library to use.

◆ setIsMobile:

- (void) setIsMobile: (bool)  value

Sets a value indicating whether this is a mobile platform.

◆ setUseFipsAlgorithms:

- (void) setUseFipsAlgorithms: (bool)  value

Sets a value that indicates whether FIPS algorithms should be used.

Note that not all platforms or third-party libraries are FIPS-compliant, so this should not be used as a guarantee of FIPS compliance.

◆ sourceLanguage

- (FMLiveSwitchSourceLanguage) sourceLanguage

Gets the current programming language for the source code.

◆ type

- (FMLiveSwitchPlatformType) type

Gets the current FMLiveSwitchPlatformType being used.

◆ useFipsAlgorithms

- (bool) useFipsAlgorithms

Gets a value that indicates whether FIPS algorithms should be used.

Note that not all platforms or third-party libraries are FIPS-compliant, so this should not be used as a guarantee of FIPS compliance.