An H.264 format. More...
Instance Methods | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | - createInstance |
Creates a new instance. More... | |
(instancetype) | - init |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithClockRate: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithClockRate:packetizationMode: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithClockRate:profile:level:packetizationMode: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithClockRate:profileLevelId:packetizationMode: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithProfile:level:packetizationMode: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithProfileLevelId: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithProfileLevelId:packetizationMode: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class. More... | |
(int) | - maxBitrate |
Gets the maximum bitrate supported by this format, in kbps. More... | |
(int) | - minBitrate |
Gets the minimum bitrate supported by this format, in kbps. More... | |
![]() | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | - clone |
Clones this instance. More... | |
(int) | - fourCC |
Gets the FourCC value for this format. More... | |
(NSString *) | - fourCCToFormatNameWithFourcc: |
Converts a FourCC value to its format name. More... | |
(NSString *) | - getMaxLevelWithLevel1:level2: |
Gets the maximum level. More... | |
(NSString *) | - getMinLevelWithLevel1:level2: |
Gets the minimum level. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchFormatInfo *) | - info |
Gets this format as an info object. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithName: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat class. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithName:clockRate: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat class. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithName:clockRate:packetizationMode: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat class. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithName:clockRate:profile:level: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat class. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithName:clockRate:profile:level:packetizationMode: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat class. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithName:clockRate:profile:level:packetizationMode:tier: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat class. More... | |
(bool) | - isAbgr |
Gets a value indicating whether this format is ABGR. More... | |
(bool) | - isArgb |
Gets a value indicating whether this format is ARGB. More... | |
(bool) | - isBgr |
Gets a value indicating whether this format is BGR. More... | |
(bool) | - isBgra |
Gets a value indicating whether this format is BGRA. More... | |
(bool) | - isCompressed |
Gets whether this is a compressed format. More... | |
(bool) | - isH264 |
Gets a value indicating whether this format is H.264. More... | |
(bool) | - isH265 |
Gets a value indicating whether this format is H.265. More... | |
(bool) | - isI420 |
Gets a value indicating whether this format is I420. More... | |
(bool) | - isLevelCompatibleWithLevel: |
Gets whether a level is compatible. More... | |
(bool) | - isNv12 |
Gets a value indicating whether this format is NV12. More... | |
(bool) | - isNv21 |
Gets a value indicating whether this format is NV21. More... | |
(bool) | - isProfileCompatibleWithProfile: |
Gets whether a profile is compatible. More... | |
(bool) | - isRaw |
Gets a value indicating whether this format is RGB, BGR, I420, YV12, NV12, NV21, RGBA, BGRA, ARGB, or ABGR. More... | |
(bool) | - isRgb |
Gets a value indicating whether this format is RGB. More... | |
(bool) | - isRgba |
Gets a value indicating whether this format is RGBA. More... | |
(bool) | - isRgbaType |
Gets a value indicating whether this format is RGBA, BGRA, ARGB, or ABGR. More... | |
(bool) | - isRgbType |
Gets a value indicating whether this format is RGB or BGR. More... | |
(bool) | - isVp8 |
Gets a value indicating whether this format is VP8. More... | |
(bool) | - isVp9 |
Gets a value indicating whether this format is VP9. More... | |
(bool) | - isYuvType |
Gets a value indicating whether this format is I420, YV12, NV12, or NV21. More... | |
(bool) | - isYv12 |
Gets a value indicating whether this format is YV12. More... | |
(NSString *) | - parameters |
Gets the parameters. More... | |
(void) | - setFourCC: |
Sets the FourCC value for this format. More... | |
(NSString *) | - toJson |
Serializes this instance to JSON. More... | |
(void) | - updateProfileToCompatibleWithFormat: |
Updates the profile to a compatible value. More... | |
![]() | |
(NSString *) | - description |
Returns a string that represents this instance. More... | |
(NSString *) | - fullName |
Gets the full name, including clock rate and encoding parameters. More... | |
(bool) | - isCompatibleWithFormat: |
Determines whether the specified format is compatible. More... | |
(bool) | - isEncrypted |
Gets a value indicating that the data is encrypted. More... | |
(bool) | - isEquivalentWithFormat: |
Determines whether the specified format is equivalent. More... | |
(bool) | - isEquivalentWithFormat:ignoreIsPacketized: |
Determines whether the specified format is equivalent. More... | |
(bool) | - isFixedBitrate |
Gets a value indicating whether a format only supports fixed bitrate. More... | |
(bool) | - isInjected |
Gets a value indicating that the data is injected into the primary media stream (e.g. More... | |
(bool) | - isPacketized |
Gets a value indicating whether the data is packetized. More... | |
(NSString *) | - level |
Gets the level. More... | |
(bool) | - levelIsStrict |
Gets a value indicating whether the level is strict. More... | |
(NSString *) | - name |
Gets the name. More... | |
(NSString *) | - packetizationMode |
Gets the packetization mode. More... | |
(NSString *) | - profile |
Gets the profile. More... | |
(void) | - setClockRate: |
Sets the clock rate. More... | |
(void) | - setIsEncrypted: |
Sets a value indicating that the data is encrypted. More... | |
(void) | - setIsFixedBitrate: |
Sets a value indicating whether a format only supports fixed bitrate. More... | |
(void) | - setIsInjected: |
Sets a value indicating that the data is injected into the primary media stream (e.g. More... | |
(void) | - setIsPacketized: |
Sets a value indicating whether the data is packetized. More... | |
(void) | - setLevel: |
Sets the level. More... | |
(void) | - setLevelIsStrict: |
Sets a value indicating whether the level is strict. More... | |
(void) | - setName: |
Sets the name. More... | |
(void) | - setPacketizationMode: |
Sets the packetization mode. More... | |
(void) | - setProfile: |
Sets the profile. More... | |
(void) | - setStaticPayloadType: |
Sets the static payload type, if this format has a static payload type registered with IANA. More... | |
(void) | - setTier: |
Sets the tier. More... | |
(int) | - staticPayloadType |
Gets the static payload type, if this format has a static payload type registered with IANA. More... | |
(NSString *) | - tier |
Gets the tier. More... | |
(void) | - updateLevelIsStrictToCompatibleWithFormat: |
Updates the level-is-strict flag to a compatible value. More... | |
(void) | - updateLevelToCompatibleWithFormat: |
Updates the level to a compatible value. More... | |
(void) | - updateProfileToCompatibleWithFormat: |
Updates the profile to a compatible value. More... | |
(void) | - updateTierToCompatibleWithFormat: |
Updates the tier to a compatible value. More... | |
Class Methods | |
(FMLiveSwitchH264Format *) | + format |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchH264Format *) | + formatWithClockRate: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchH264Format *) | + formatWithClockRate:packetizationMode: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchH264Format *) | + formatWithClockRate:profile:level:packetizationMode: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchH264Format *) | + formatWithClockRate:profileLevelId:packetizationMode: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchH264Format *) | + formatWithProfile:level:packetizationMode: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchH264Format *) | + formatWithProfileLevelId: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchH264Format *) | + formatWithProfileLevelId:packetizationMode: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class. More... | |
![]() | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | + abgr |
Gets an ABGR video format. More... | |
(NSString *) | + abgrName |
Gets the name of the ABGR video format ("ABGR"). More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | + argb |
Gets an ARGB video format. More... | |
(NSString *) | + argbName |
Gets the name of the ARGB video format ("ARGB"). More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | + bgr |
Gets a BGR video format. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | + bgra |
Gets an BGRA video format. More... | |
(NSString *) | + bgraName |
Gets the name of the BGRA video format ("BGRA"). More... | |
(NSString *) | + bgrName |
Gets the name of the BGR video format ("BGR"). More... | |
(int) | + defaultClockRate |
Gets the default clock rate. More... | |
(int) | + formatNameToFourCCWithFormatName: |
Converts a format name to its FourCC value. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | + fromFormatInfo: |
Transforms a FormatInfo into an VideoFormat. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | + fromJsonWithVideoFormatJson: |
Deserializes an instance from JSON. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | + h264 |
Gets an H.264 video format. More... | |
(NSString *) | + h264Name |
Gets the name of the H.264 video format ("H264"). More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | + h265 |
Gets an H.265 video format. More... | |
(NSString *) | + h265Name |
Gets the name of the H.265 video format ("H265"). More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | + i420 |
Gets an I420 video format. More... | |
(NSString *) | + i420Name |
Gets the name of the I420 video format ("I420"). More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | + nv12 |
Gets an NV12 video format. More... | |
(NSString *) | + nv12Name |
Gets the name of the NV12 video format ("NV12"). More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | + nv21 |
Gets an NV21 video format. More... | |
(NSString *) | + nv21Name |
Gets the name of the NV21 video format ("NV21"). More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | + rgb |
Gets an RGB video format. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | + rgba |
Gets an RGBA video format. More... | |
(NSString *) | + rgbaName |
Gets the name of the RGBA video format ("RGBA"). More... | |
(NSString *) | + rgbName |
Gets the name of the RGB video format ("RGB"). More... | |
(int) | + toFourCCWithA:b:c:d: |
Converts 4 FourCC characters to an int. More... | |
(int) | + toFourCCWithFourcc: |
Converts a FourCC string to a int. More... | |
(NSString *) | + toJsonWithVideoFormat: |
Serializes an instance to JSON. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | + videoFormat |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | + videoFormatWithName: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | + videoFormatWithName:clockRate: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | + videoFormatWithName:clockRate:packetizationMode: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | + videoFormatWithName:clockRate:profile:level: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | + videoFormatWithName:clockRate:profile:level:packetizationMode: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | + videoFormatWithName:clockRate:profile:level:packetizationMode:tier: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | + vp8 |
Gets a VP8 video format. More... | |
(NSString *) | + vp8Name |
Gets the name of the VP8 video format ("VP8"). More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | + vp9 |
Gets a VP9 video format. More... | |
(NSString *) | + vp9Name |
Gets the name of the VP9 video format ("VP9"). More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | + yv12 |
Gets a YV12 video format. More... | |
(NSString *) | + yv12Name |
Gets the name of the YV12 video format ("YV12"). More... | |
![]() | |
(FMLiveSwitchMediaFormat *) | + mediaFormat |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaFormat`1 class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchMediaFormat *) | + mediaFormatWithName:clockRate: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaFormat`1 class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchMediaFormat *) | + mediaFormatWithName:clockRate:packetizationMode: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaFormat`1 class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchMediaFormat *) | + mediaFormatWithName:clockRate:profile:level: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaFormat`1 class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchMediaFormat *) | + mediaFormatWithName:clockRate:profile:level:packetizationMode: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaFormat`1 class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchMediaFormat *) | + mediaFormatWithName:clockRate:profile:level:packetizationMode:tier: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaFormat`1 class. More... | |
(NSString *) | + redName |
Gets the name of the RED media format. More... | |
(NSString *) | + ulpFecName |
Gets the name of the ULPFEC media format. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
__pad0__: NSObject- (int) clockRate | |
An H.264 format.
- (FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat*) createInstance |
Creates a new instance.
Implements FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat.
+ (FMLiveSwitchH264Format*) format |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class.
+ (FMLiveSwitchH264Format*) formatWithClockRate: | (int) | clockRate |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class.
clockRate | The clock rate. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchH264Format*) formatWithClockRate: | (int) | clockRate | |
packetizationMode: | (int) | packetizationMode | |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class.
clockRate | The clock rate. |
packetizationMode | The packetization mode. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchH264Format*) formatWithClockRate: | (int) | clockRate | |
profile: | (NSString *) | profile | |
level: | (NSString *) | level | |
packetizationMode: | (int) | packetizationMode | |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class.
clockRate | The clock rate. |
profile | The profile. |
level | The level. |
packetizationMode | The packetization mode. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchH264Format*) formatWithClockRate: | (int) | clockRate | |
profileLevelId: | (FMLiveSwitchH264ProfileLevelId *) | profileLevelId | |
packetizationMode: | (int) | packetizationMode | |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class.
clockRate | The clock rate. |
profileLevelId | The profile level ID. |
packetizationMode | The packetization mode. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchH264Format*) formatWithProfile: | (NSString *) | profile | |
level: | (NSString *) | level | |
packetizationMode: | (int) | packetizationMode | |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class.
profile | The profile. |
level | The level. |
packetizationMode | The packetization mode. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchH264Format*) formatWithProfileLevelId: | (FMLiveSwitchH264ProfileLevelId *) | profileLevelId |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class.
profileLevelId | The profile level ID. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchH264Format*) formatWithProfileLevelId: | (FMLiveSwitchH264ProfileLevelId *) | profileLevelId | |
packetizationMode: | (int) | packetizationMode | |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class.
profileLevelId | The profile level ID. |
packetizationMode | The packetization mode. |
- (instancetype) init |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class.
Implements FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat.
- (instancetype) initWithClockRate: | (int) | clockRate |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class.
clockRate | The clock rate. |
- (instancetype) initWithClockRate: | (int) | clockRate | |
packetizationMode: | (int) | packetizationMode | |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class.
clockRate | The clock rate. |
packetizationMode | The packetization mode. |
- (instancetype) initWithClockRate: | (int) | clockRate | |
profile: | (NSString *) | profile | |
level: | (NSString *) | level | |
packetizationMode: | (int) | packetizationMode | |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class.
clockRate | The clock rate. |
profile | The profile. |
level | The level. |
packetizationMode | The packetization mode. |
- (instancetype) initWithClockRate: | (int) | clockRate | |
profileLevelId: | (FMLiveSwitchH264ProfileLevelId *) | profileLevelId | |
packetizationMode: | (int) | packetizationMode | |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class.
clockRate | The clock rate. |
profileLevelId | The profile level ID. |
packetizationMode | The packetization mode. |
- (instancetype) initWithProfile: | (NSString *) | profile | |
level: | (NSString *) | level | |
packetizationMode: | (int) | packetizationMode | |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class.
profile | The profile. |
level | The level. |
packetizationMode | The packetization mode. |
- (instancetype) initWithProfileLevelId: | (FMLiveSwitchH264ProfileLevelId *) | profileLevelId |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class.
profileLevelId | The profile level ID. |
- (instancetype) initWithProfileLevelId: | (FMLiveSwitchH264ProfileLevelId *) | profileLevelId | |
packetizationMode: | (int) | packetizationMode | |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchH264Format class.
profileLevelId | The profile level ID. |
packetizationMode | The packetization mode. |
- (int) maxBitrate |
Gets the maximum bitrate supported by this format, in kbps.
Implements FMLiveSwitchMediaFormat.
- (int) minBitrate |
Gets the minimum bitrate supported by this format, in kbps.
Implements FMLiveSwitchMediaFormat.