A VideoBuffer containing an RtpHeader. More...
Instance Methods | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | - createInstance |
Creates a new instance. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithWidth:height:dataBuffer:format:rtpHeader: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchPacketizedVideoBuffer class. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithWidth:height:dataBuffers:format:rtpHeaders: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchPacketizedVideoBuffer class. More... | |
![]() | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | - clone |
Clones this instance. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | - convertWithFormat: |
Creates a new video buffer using the specified format. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | - convertWithFormat:dataBuffer: |
Creates a new video buffer using the specified format. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | - convertWithFormat:usePool: |
Creates a new video buffer using the specified format. More... | |
(void) | - copyTransformationAttributesWithSourceBuffer: |
Copy the transformation attributes from another video buffer. More... | |
(int) | - getAValueWithIndex: |
Gets the A value at a given index. More... | |
(int) | - getBValueWithIndex: |
Gets the B value at a given index. More... | |
(int) | - getGValueWithIndex: |
Gets the G value at a given index. More... | |
(int) | - getRValueWithIndex: |
Gets the R value at a given index. More... | |
(int) | - getUValueWithIndex: |
Gets the U value at a given index. More... | |
(int) | - getVValueWithIndex: |
Gets the V value at a given index. More... | |
(int) | - getYValueWithIndex: |
Gets the Y value at a given index. More... | |
(int) | - height |
Gets the height. More... | |
(bool) | - horizontallyMirrored |
Gets whether this buffer should be mirrored over the X axis. More... | |
(instancetype) | - init |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithWidth:height:dataBuffer:format: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithWidth:height:dataBuffers:format: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithWidth:height:stride:dataBuffer:format: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithWidth:height:strides:dataBuffers:format: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class. More... | |
(bool) | - inversionRequired |
Gets whether inversion is required to reset the mirroring of this buffer. More... | |
(bool) | - isAbgr |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has ABGR video. More... | |
(bool) | - isArgb |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has ARGB video. More... | |
(bool) | - isBgr |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has BGR video. More... | |
(bool) | - isBgra |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has BGRA video. More... | |
(bool) | - isH264 |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has H.264 video. More... | |
(bool) | - isH265 |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has H.265 video. More... | |
(bool) | - isI420 |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has I420 video. More... | |
(bool) | - isKeyFrame |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer contains a keyframe. More... | |
(bool) | - isMuted |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has been muted. More... | |
(bool) | - isNv12 |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has NV12 video. More... | |
(bool) | - isNv21 |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has NV21 video. More... | |
(bool) | - isPacked |
Gets a value indicating whether the data is packed into a single data buffer. More... | |
(bool) | - isPlanar |
Gets a value indicating whether the data is spread across multiple data buffers (planes). More... | |
(bool) | - isRaw |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has raw video. More... | |
(bool) | - isRgb |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has RGB video. More... | |
(bool) | - isRgba |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has RGBA video. More... | |
(bool) | - isRgbaType |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has raw RGBA, BGRA, ARGB, or ABGR video. More... | |
(bool) | - isRgbType |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has raw RGB or BGR video. More... | |
(bool) | - isVp8 |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has VP8 video. More... | |
(bool) | - isVp9 |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has VP9 video. More... | |
(bool) | - isYuvType |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has raw I420, YV12, NV12, or NV21 video. More... | |
(bool) | - isYv12 |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has YV12 video. More... | |
(bool) | - mute |
Mutes this instance. More... | |
(int) | - orientation |
Gets the desired orientation of the buffer. More... | |
(void) | - resetTransformationAttributes |
Resets the transformation attributes back to default values. More... | |
(int) | - rotationRequired |
Gets whether rotation is required to reset the mirroring and orientation of this buffer. More... | |
(bool) | - setAValue:index: |
Gets the A value at a given index. More... | |
(bool) | - setBValue:index: |
Gets the B value at a given index. More... | |
(bool) | - setGValue:index: |
Sets the G value at a given index. More... | |
(void) | - setHeight: |
Sets the height. More... | |
(void) | - setHorizontallyMirrored: |
Sets whether this buffer should be mirrored over the X axis. More... | |
(void) | - setOrientation: |
Sets the desired orientation of the buffer. More... | |
(bool) | - setRValue:index: |
Sets the R value at a given index. More... | |
(void) | - setStride: |
Sets the stride. More... | |
(void) | - setStrides: |
Sets the strides. More... | |
(bool) | - setUValue:index: |
Sets the U value at a given index. More... | |
(void) | - setVerticallyMirrored: |
Sets whether this buffer should be mirrored over the Y axis. More... | |
(bool) | - setVValue:index: |
Sets the V value at a given index. More... | |
(void) | - setWidth: |
Sets the width. More... | |
(bool) | - setYValue:index: |
Sets the Y value at a given index. More... | |
(int) | - stride |
Gets the stride. More... | |
(NSMutableArray *) | - strides |
Gets the strides. More... | |
(NSString *) | - toJson |
Serializes this instance to JSON. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | - toPacked |
Creates a packed representation of this planar buffer, if in YUV-planar format. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | - toPackedWithUsePool: |
Creates a packed representation of this planar buffer, if in YUV-planar format. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | - toPlanar |
Creates a planar representation of this packed buffer, if in YUV-packed format. More... | |
(bool) | - transformRequired |
Gets a boolean value on whether the buffer needs to be transformed. More... | |
(bool) | - verticallyMirrored |
Gets whether this buffer should be mirrored over the Y axis. More... | |
(int) | - width |
Gets the width. More... | |
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(FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *) | - dataBuffer |
Gets the data buffer. More... | |
(NSMutableArray *) | - dataBuffers |
Gets the data buffers. More... | |
(NSString *) | - description |
Returns a string that represents this instance. More... | |
(int) | - footprint |
Gets the approximate footprint of this media buffer by returning the sum of its data buffer lengths. More... | |
(TFormat) | - format |
Gets the format. More... | |
(TBuffer) | - free |
Frees the data buffers referenced by this instance. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithDataBuffer:format: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaBuffer`2 class. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithDataBuffers:format: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaBuffer`2 class. More... | |
(TBuffer) | - keep |
Keeps the data buffers referenced by this instance. More... | |
(long long) | - lastSequenceNumber |
Gets the last sequence number. More... | |
(bool) | - recoveredByFec |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer contains data recovered by forward error correction (FEC). More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchRtpPacketHeader *) | - rtpHeader |
Gets the Rtp Packet Header for this media buffer. More... | |
(NSMutableArray *) | - rtpHeaders |
Gets the RTP Packet Headers for this media buffer. More... | |
(int) | - rtpSequenceNumber |
Gets the RTP sequence number. More... | |
(NSMutableArray *) | - rtpSequenceNumbers |
Gets the RTP sequence numbers. More... | |
(long long) | - sequenceNumber |
Gets the sequence number. More... | |
(NSMutableArray *) | - sequenceNumbers |
Gets the sequence numbers. More... | |
(void) | - setDataBuffer: |
Sets the data buffer. More... | |
(void) | - setDataBuffers: |
Sets the data buffers. More... | |
(void) | - setFormat: |
Sets the format. More... | |
(void) | - setRecoveredByFec: |
Sets a value indicating whether this buffer contains data recovered by forward error correction (FEC). More... | |
(void) | - setRtpHeader: |
Sets the Rtp Packet Header for this media buffer. More... | |
(void) | - setRtpHeaders: |
Sets the RTP Packet Headers for this media buffer. More... | |
(void) | - setSequenceNumber: |
Sets the sequence number. More... | |
(void) | - setSequenceNumbers: |
Sets the sequence numbers. More... | |
(void) | - setSourceId: |
Sets the source identifier. More... | |
(NSString *) | - sourceId |
Gets the source identifier. More... | |
(bool) | - tryKeep |
Attempts to keep the data buffers referenced by this instance. More... | |
Class Methods | |
(FMLiveSwitchPacketizedVideoBuffer *) | + packetizedVideoBufferWithWidth:height:dataBuffer:format:rtpHeader: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchPacketizedVideoBuffer class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchPacketizedVideoBuffer *) | + packetizedVideoBufferWithWidth:height:dataBuffers:format:rtpHeaders: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchPacketizedVideoBuffer class. More... | |
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(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createBlackWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a black (0, 0, 0) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createBlueWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a blue (0, 0, 255) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createCustomWithWidth:height:red:green:blue:formatName: |
Creates a custom video buffer with the specified width/height and red/green/blue values for the specified format name. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createCustomWithWidth:height:red:green:blue:formatName:buffer: |
Creates a custom video buffer with the specified width/height and red/green/blue values for the specified format name. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createCyanWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a cyan (0, 255, 255) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createDarkBlueWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a dark blue (0, 0, 128) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createDarkGreenWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a dark green (0, 128, 0) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createDarkRedWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a dark red (128, 0, 0) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createGrayWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a gray (255, 255, 255) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createGreenWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a green (0, 255, 0) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createMagentaWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a magenta (255, 0, 255) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createOliveWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates an olive (128, 128, 0) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createPurpleWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a purple (128, 0, 128) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createRedWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a red (255, 0, 0) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createTealWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a teal (0, 128, 128) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createWhiteWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a white (255, 255, 255) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createYellowWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a yellow (255, 255, 0) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(NSMutableArray *) | + fromJsonArrayWithVideoBuffersJson: |
Deserializes an array of instances from JSON. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + fromJsonWithVideoBufferJson: |
Deserializes an instance from JSON. More... | |
(int) | + getMinimumBufferLengthWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Gets the minimum data buffer length for a given width, height, and format. More... | |
(NSString *) | + toJsonArrayWithVideoBuffers: |
Serializes an array of instances to JSON. More... | |
(NSString *) | + toJsonWithVideoBuffer: |
Serializes an instance to JSON. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + videoBuffer |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + videoBufferWithWidth:height:dataBuffer:format: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + videoBufferWithWidth:height:dataBuffers:format: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + videoBufferWithWidth:height:stride:dataBuffer:format: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + videoBufferWithWidth:height:strides:dataBuffers:format: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class. More... | |
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(FMLiveSwitchMediaBuffer *) | + mediaBuffer |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaBuffer`2 class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchMediaBuffer *) | + mediaBufferWithDataBuffer:format: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaBuffer`2 class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchMediaBuffer *) | + mediaBufferWithDataBuffers:format: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaBuffer`2 class. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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__pad0__: FMLiveSwitchDynamic- (TBuffer) clone | |
A VideoBuffer containing an RtpHeader.
- (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) createInstance |
Creates a new instance.
Implements FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer.
- (instancetype) initWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
dataBuffer: | (FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *) | dataBuffer | |
format: | (FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | format | |
rtpHeader: | (FMLiveSwitchRtpPacketHeader *) | rtpHeader | |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchPacketizedVideoBuffer class.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
dataBuffer | The data buffer. |
format | The format. |
rtpHeader | The RTP header. |
- (instancetype) initWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
dataBuffers: | (NSMutableArray *) | dataBuffers | |
format: | (FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | format | |
rtpHeaders: | (NSMutableArray *) | rtpHeaders | |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchPacketizedVideoBuffer class.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
dataBuffers | The data buffers. |
format | The format. |
rtpHeaders | The RTP headers. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchPacketizedVideoBuffer*) packetizedVideoBufferWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
dataBuffer: | (FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *) | dataBuffer | |
format: | (FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | format | |
rtpHeader: | (FMLiveSwitchRtpPacketHeader *) | rtpHeader | |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchPacketizedVideoBuffer class.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
dataBuffer | The data buffer. |
format | The format. |
rtpHeader | The RTP header. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchPacketizedVideoBuffer*) packetizedVideoBufferWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
dataBuffers: | (NSMutableArray *) | dataBuffers | |
format: | (FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | format | |
rtpHeaders: | (NSMutableArray *) | rtpHeaders | |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchPacketizedVideoBuffer class.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
dataBuffers | The data buffers. |
format | The format. |
rtpHeaders | The RTP headers. |