A video buffer. More...
Instance Methods | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | - clone |
Clones this instance. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | - convertWithFormat: |
Creates a new video buffer using the specified format. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | - convertWithFormat:dataBuffer: |
Creates a new video buffer using the specified format. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | - convertWithFormat:usePool: |
Creates a new video buffer using the specified format. More... | |
(void) | - copyTransformationAttributesWithSourceBuffer: |
Copy the transformation attributes from another video buffer. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | - createInstance |
Creates a new instance. More... | |
(int) | - getAValueWithIndex: |
Gets the A value at a given index. More... | |
(int) | - getBValueWithIndex: |
Gets the B value at a given index. More... | |
(int) | - getGValueWithIndex: |
Gets the G value at a given index. More... | |
(int) | - getRValueWithIndex: |
Gets the R value at a given index. More... | |
(int) | - getUValueWithIndex: |
Gets the U value at a given index. More... | |
(int) | - getVValueWithIndex: |
Gets the V value at a given index. More... | |
(int) | - getYValueWithIndex: |
Gets the Y value at a given index. More... | |
(int) | - height |
Gets the height. More... | |
(bool) | - horizontallyMirrored |
Gets whether this buffer should be mirrored over the X axis. More... | |
(instancetype) | - init |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithWidth:height:dataBuffer:format: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithWidth:height:dataBuffers:format: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithWidth:height:stride:dataBuffer:format: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithWidth:height:strides:dataBuffers:format: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class. More... | |
(bool) | - inversionRequired |
Gets whether inversion is required to reset the mirroring of this buffer. More... | |
(bool) | - isAbgr |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has ABGR video. More... | |
(bool) | - isArgb |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has ARGB video. More... | |
(bool) | - isBgr |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has BGR video. More... | |
(bool) | - isBgra |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has BGRA video. More... | |
(bool) | - isH264 |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has H.264 video. More... | |
(bool) | - isH265 |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has H.265 video. More... | |
(bool) | - isI420 |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has I420 video. More... | |
(bool) | - isKeyFrame |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer contains a keyframe. More... | |
(bool) | - isMuted |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has been muted. More... | |
(bool) | - isNv12 |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has NV12 video. More... | |
(bool) | - isNv21 |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has NV21 video. More... | |
(bool) | - isPacked |
Gets a value indicating whether the data is packed into a single data buffer. More... | |
(bool) | - isPlanar |
Gets a value indicating whether the data is spread across multiple data buffers (planes). More... | |
(bool) | - isRaw |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has raw video. More... | |
(bool) | - isRgb |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has RGB video. More... | |
(bool) | - isRgba |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has RGBA video. More... | |
(bool) | - isRgbaType |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has raw RGBA, BGRA, ARGB, or ABGR video. More... | |
(bool) | - isRgbType |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has raw RGB or BGR video. More... | |
(bool) | - isVp8 |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has VP8 video. More... | |
(bool) | - isVp9 |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has VP9 video. More... | |
(bool) | - isYuvType |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has raw I420, YV12, NV12, or NV21 video. More... | |
(bool) | - isYv12 |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has YV12 video. More... | |
(bool) | - mute |
Mutes this instance. More... | |
(int) | - orientation |
Gets the desired orientation of the buffer. More... | |
(void) | - resetTransformationAttributes |
Resets the transformation attributes back to default values. More... | |
(int) | - rotationRequired |
Gets whether rotation is required to reset the mirroring and orientation of this buffer. More... | |
(bool) | - setAValue:index: |
Gets the A value at a given index. More... | |
(bool) | - setBValue:index: |
Gets the B value at a given index. More... | |
(bool) | - setGValue:index: |
Sets the G value at a given index. More... | |
(void) | - setHeight: |
Sets the height. More... | |
(void) | - setHorizontallyMirrored: |
Sets whether this buffer should be mirrored over the X axis. More... | |
(void) | - setOrientation: |
Sets the desired orientation of the buffer. More... | |
(bool) | - setRValue:index: |
Sets the R value at a given index. More... | |
(void) | - setStride: |
Sets the stride. More... | |
(void) | - setStrides: |
Sets the strides. More... | |
(bool) | - setUValue:index: |
Sets the U value at a given index. More... | |
(void) | - setVerticallyMirrored: |
Sets whether this buffer should be mirrored over the Y axis. More... | |
(bool) | - setVValue:index: |
Sets the V value at a given index. More... | |
(void) | - setWidth: |
Sets the width. More... | |
(bool) | - setYValue:index: |
Sets the Y value at a given index. More... | |
(int) | - stride |
Gets the stride. More... | |
(NSMutableArray *) | - strides |
Gets the strides. More... | |
(NSString *) | - toJson |
Serializes this instance to JSON. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | - toPacked |
Creates a packed representation of this planar buffer, if in YUV-planar format. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | - toPackedWithUsePool: |
Creates a packed representation of this planar buffer, if in YUV-planar format. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | - toPlanar |
Creates a planar representation of this packed buffer, if in YUV-packed format. More... | |
(bool) | - transformRequired |
Gets a boolean value on whether the buffer needs to be transformed. More... | |
(bool) | - verticallyMirrored |
Gets whether this buffer should be mirrored over the Y axis. More... | |
(int) | - width |
Gets the width. More... | |
![]() | |
(FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *) | - dataBuffer |
Gets the data buffer. More... | |
(NSMutableArray *) | - dataBuffers |
Gets the data buffers. More... | |
(NSString *) | - description |
Returns a string that represents this instance. More... | |
(int) | - footprint |
Gets the approximate footprint of this media buffer by returning the sum of its data buffer lengths. More... | |
(TFormat) | - format |
Gets the format. More... | |
(TBuffer) | - free |
Frees the data buffers referenced by this instance. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithDataBuffer:format: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaBuffer`2 class. More... | |
(instancetype) | - initWithDataBuffers:format: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaBuffer`2 class. More... | |
(TBuffer) | - keep |
Keeps the data buffers referenced by this instance. More... | |
(long long) | - lastSequenceNumber |
Gets the last sequence number. More... | |
(bool) | - recoveredByFec |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer contains data recovered by forward error correction (FEC). More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchRtpPacketHeader *) | - rtpHeader |
Gets the Rtp Packet Header for this media buffer. More... | |
(NSMutableArray *) | - rtpHeaders |
Gets the RTP Packet Headers for this media buffer. More... | |
(int) | - rtpSequenceNumber |
Gets the RTP sequence number. More... | |
(NSMutableArray *) | - rtpSequenceNumbers |
Gets the RTP sequence numbers. More... | |
(long long) | - sequenceNumber |
Gets the sequence number. More... | |
(NSMutableArray *) | - sequenceNumbers |
Gets the sequence numbers. More... | |
(void) | - setDataBuffer: |
Sets the data buffer. More... | |
(void) | - setDataBuffers: |
Sets the data buffers. More... | |
(void) | - setFormat: |
Sets the format. More... | |
(void) | - setRecoveredByFec: |
Sets a value indicating whether this buffer contains data recovered by forward error correction (FEC). More... | |
(void) | - setRtpHeader: |
Sets the Rtp Packet Header for this media buffer. More... | |
(void) | - setRtpHeaders: |
Sets the RTP Packet Headers for this media buffer. More... | |
(void) | - setSequenceNumber: |
Sets the sequence number. More... | |
(void) | - setSequenceNumbers: |
Sets the sequence numbers. More... | |
(void) | - setSourceId: |
Sets the source identifier. More... | |
(NSString *) | - sourceId |
Gets the source identifier. More... | |
(bool) | - tryKeep |
Attempts to keep the data buffers referenced by this instance. More... | |
Class Methods | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createBlackWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a black (0, 0, 0) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createBlueWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a blue (0, 0, 255) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createCustomWithWidth:height:red:green:blue:formatName: |
Creates a custom video buffer with the specified width/height and red/green/blue values for the specified format name. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createCustomWithWidth:height:red:green:blue:formatName:buffer: |
Creates a custom video buffer with the specified width/height and red/green/blue values for the specified format name. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createCyanWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a cyan (0, 255, 255) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createDarkBlueWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a dark blue (0, 0, 128) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createDarkGreenWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a dark green (0, 128, 0) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createDarkRedWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a dark red (128, 0, 0) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createGrayWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a gray (255, 255, 255) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createGreenWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a green (0, 255, 0) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createMagentaWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a magenta (255, 0, 255) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createOliveWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates an olive (128, 128, 0) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createPurpleWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a purple (128, 0, 128) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createRedWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a red (255, 0, 0) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createTealWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a teal (0, 128, 128) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createWhiteWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a white (255, 255, 255) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + createYellowWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Creates a yellow (255, 255, 0) video buffer with the specified width/height. More... | |
(NSMutableArray *) | + fromJsonArrayWithVideoBuffersJson: |
Deserializes an array of instances from JSON. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + fromJsonWithVideoBufferJson: |
Deserializes an instance from JSON. More... | |
(int) | + getMinimumBufferLengthWithWidth:height:formatName: |
Gets the minimum data buffer length for a given width, height, and format. More... | |
(NSString *) | + toJsonArrayWithVideoBuffers: |
Serializes an array of instances to JSON. More... | |
(NSString *) | + toJsonWithVideoBuffer: |
Serializes an instance to JSON. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + videoBuffer |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + videoBufferWithWidth:height:dataBuffer:format: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + videoBufferWithWidth:height:dataBuffers:format: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + videoBufferWithWidth:height:stride:dataBuffer:format: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | + videoBufferWithWidth:height:strides:dataBuffers:format: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class. More... | |
![]() | |
(FMLiveSwitchMediaBuffer *) | + mediaBuffer |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaBuffer`2 class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchMediaBuffer *) | + mediaBufferWithDataBuffer:format: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaBuffer`2 class. More... | |
(FMLiveSwitchMediaBuffer *) | + mediaBufferWithDataBuffers:format: |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaBuffer`2 class. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
__pad0__: FMLiveSwitchDynamic- (TBuffer) clone | |
A video buffer.
- (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) clone |
Clones this instance.
- (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) convertWithFormat: | (FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | format |
Creates a new video buffer using the specified format.
format | The format. |
- (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) convertWithFormat: | (FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | format | |
dataBuffer: | (FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *) | dataBuffer | |
Creates a new video buffer using the specified format.
format | The format. |
dataBuffer | The data buffer. |
- (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) convertWithFormat: | (FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | format | |
usePool: | (bool) | usePool | |
Creates a new video buffer using the specified format.
format | The format. |
usePool | Whether to use the DataBufferPool. |
- (void) copyTransformationAttributesWithSourceBuffer: | (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | sourceBuffer |
Copy the transformation attributes from another video buffer.
+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) createBlackWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
formatName: | (NSString *) | formatName | |
Creates a black (0, 0, 0) video buffer with the specified width/height.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
formatName | Name of the format. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) createBlueWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
formatName: | (NSString *) | formatName | |
Creates a blue (0, 0, 255) video buffer with the specified width/height.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
formatName | Name of the format. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) createCustomWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
red: | (int) | red | |
green: | (int) | green | |
blue: | (int) | blue | |
formatName: | (NSString *) | formatName | |
Creates a custom video buffer with the specified width/height and red/green/blue values for the specified format name.
If the format is not supported, returns null.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
red | The red value. |
green | The green value. |
blue | The blue value. |
formatName | Name of the format. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) createCustomWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
red: | (int) | red | |
green: | (int) | green | |
blue: | (int) | blue | |
formatName: | (NSString *) | formatName | |
buffer: | (FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *) | buffer | |
Creates a custom video buffer with the specified width/height and red/green/blue values for the specified format name.
If the format is not supported, returns null.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
red | The red value. |
green | The green value. |
blue | The blue value. |
formatName | Name of the format. |
buffer | The output data buffer. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) createCyanWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
formatName: | (NSString *) | formatName | |
Creates a cyan (0, 255, 255) video buffer with the specified width/height.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
formatName | Name of the format. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) createDarkBlueWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
formatName: | (NSString *) | formatName | |
Creates a dark blue (0, 0, 128) video buffer with the specified width/height.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
formatName | Name of the format. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) createDarkGreenWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
formatName: | (NSString *) | formatName | |
Creates a dark green (0, 128, 0) video buffer with the specified width/height.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
formatName | Name of the format. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) createDarkRedWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
formatName: | (NSString *) | formatName | |
Creates a dark red (128, 0, 0) video buffer with the specified width/height.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
formatName | Name of the format. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) createGrayWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
formatName: | (NSString *) | formatName | |
Creates a gray (255, 255, 255) video buffer with the specified width/height.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
formatName | Name of the format. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) createGreenWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
formatName: | (NSString *) | formatName | |
Creates a green (0, 255, 0) video buffer with the specified width/height.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
formatName | Name of the format. |
- (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) createInstance |
Creates a new instance.
Implements FMLiveSwitchMediaBuffer.
Implemented in FMLiveSwitchPacketizedVideoBuffer.
+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) createMagentaWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
formatName: | (NSString *) | formatName | |
Creates a magenta (255, 0, 255) video buffer with the specified width/height.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
formatName | Name of the format. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) createOliveWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
formatName: | (NSString *) | formatName | |
Creates an olive (128, 128, 0) video buffer with the specified width/height.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
formatName | Name of the format. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) createPurpleWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
formatName: | (NSString *) | formatName | |
Creates a purple (128, 0, 128) video buffer with the specified width/height.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
formatName | Name of the format. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) createRedWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
formatName: | (NSString *) | formatName | |
Creates a red (255, 0, 0) video buffer with the specified width/height.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
formatName | Name of the format. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) createTealWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
formatName: | (NSString *) | formatName | |
Creates a teal (0, 128, 128) video buffer with the specified width/height.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
formatName | Name of the format. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) createWhiteWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
formatName: | (NSString *) | formatName | |
Creates a white (255, 255, 255) video buffer with the specified width/height.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
formatName | Name of the format. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) createYellowWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
formatName: | (NSString *) | formatName | |
Creates a yellow (255, 255, 0) video buffer with the specified width/height.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
formatName | Name of the format. |
+ (NSMutableArray*) fromJsonArrayWithVideoBuffersJson: | (NSString *) | videoBuffersJson |
Deserializes an array of instances from JSON.
videoBuffersJson | The video buffers JSON. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) fromJsonWithVideoBufferJson: | (NSString *) | videoBufferJson |
Deserializes an instance from JSON.
videoBufferJson | The video buffer JSON. |
- (int) getAValueWithIndex: | (int) | index |
Gets the A value at a given index.
If the video buffer is not RGBA-type, then this will return 255.
index | The index. |
- (int) getBValueWithIndex: | (int) | index |
Gets the B value at a given index.
index | The index. |
- (int) getGValueWithIndex: | (int) | index |
Gets the G value at a given index.
index | The index. |
+ (int) getMinimumBufferLengthWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
formatName: | (NSString *) | formatName | |
Gets the minimum data buffer length for a given width, height, and format.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
formatName | Name of the format. |
- (int) getRValueWithIndex: | (int) | index |
Gets the R value at a given index.
index | The index. |
- (int) getUValueWithIndex: | (int) | index |
Gets the U value at a given index.
index | The index. |
- (int) getVValueWithIndex: | (int) | index |
Gets the V value at a given index.
index | The index. |
- (int) getYValueWithIndex: | (int) | index |
Gets the Y value at a given index.
index | The index. |
- (int) height |
Gets the height.
- (bool) horizontallyMirrored |
Gets whether this buffer should be mirrored over the X axis.
- (instancetype) init |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class.
Implements FMLiveSwitchMediaBuffer.
- (instancetype) initWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
dataBuffer: | (FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *) | dataBuffer | |
format: | (FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | format | |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
dataBuffer | The data buffer. |
format | The format. |
- (instancetype) initWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
dataBuffers: | (NSMutableArray *) | dataBuffers | |
format: | (FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | format | |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
dataBuffers | The data buffers. |
format | The format. |
- (instancetype) initWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
stride: | (int) | stride | |
dataBuffer: | (FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *) | dataBuffer | |
format: | (FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | format | |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
stride | The stride. |
dataBuffer | The data buffer. |
format | The format. |
- (instancetype) initWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
strides: | (NSMutableArray *) | strides | |
dataBuffers: | (NSMutableArray *) | dataBuffers | |
format: | (FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | format | |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
strides | The strides. |
dataBuffers | The data buffers. |
format | The format. |
- (bool) inversionRequired |
Gets whether inversion is required to reset the mirroring of this buffer.
- (bool) isAbgr |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has ABGR video.
- (bool) isArgb |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has ARGB video.
- (bool) isBgr |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has BGR video.
- (bool) isBgra |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has BGRA video.
- (bool) isH264 |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has H.264 video.
- (bool) isH265 |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has H.265 video.
- (bool) isI420 |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has I420 video.
- (bool) isKeyFrame |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer contains a keyframe.
- (bool) isMuted |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has been muted.
Implements FMLiveSwitchMediaBuffer.
- (bool) isNv12 |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has NV12 video.
- (bool) isNv21 |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has NV21 video.
- (bool) isPacked |
Gets a value indicating whether the data is packed into a single data buffer.
- (bool) isPlanar |
Gets a value indicating whether the data is spread across multiple data buffers (planes).
- (bool) isRaw |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has raw video.
- (bool) isRgb |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has RGB video.
- (bool) isRgba |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has RGBA video.
- (bool) isRgbaType |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has raw RGBA, BGRA, ARGB, or ABGR video.
- (bool) isRgbType |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has raw RGB or BGR video.
- (bool) isVp8 |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has VP8 video.
- (bool) isVp9 |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has VP9 video.
- (bool) isYuvType |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has raw I420, YV12, NV12, or NV21 video.
- (bool) isYv12 |
Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has YV12 video.
- (bool) mute |
Mutes this instance.
This is a one-way operation that clears the underlying data buffer.
Implements FMLiveSwitchMediaBuffer.
- (int) orientation |
Gets the desired orientation of the buffer.
- (void) resetTransformationAttributes |
Resets the transformation attributes back to default values.
- (int) rotationRequired |
Gets whether rotation is required to reset the mirroring and orientation of this buffer.
- (bool) setAValue: | (int) | aValue | |
index: | (int) | index | |
Gets the A value at a given index.
If the video buffer is not RGBA-type, then this will return false.
aValue | The A value. |
index | The index. |
if the video buffer is RGBA-type. - (bool) setBValue: | (int) | bValue | |
index: | (int) | index | |
Gets the B value at a given index.
bValue | The B value. |
index | The index. |
if the video buffer is RGB/RGBA-type. - (bool) setGValue: | (int) | gValue | |
index: | (int) | index | |
Sets the G value at a given index.
gValue | The G value. |
index | The index. |
if the video buffer is RGB/RGBA-type. - (void) setHeight: | (int) | value |
Sets the height.
- (void) setHorizontallyMirrored: | (bool) | value |
Sets whether this buffer should be mirrored over the X axis.
- (void) setOrientation: | (int) | value |
Sets the desired orientation of the buffer.
- (bool) setRValue: | (int) | rValue | |
index: | (int) | index | |
Sets the R value at a given index.
rValue | The R value. |
index | The index. |
if the video buffer is RGB/RGBA-type. - (void) setStride: | (int) | value |
Sets the stride.
- (void) setStrides: | (NSMutableArray *) | value |
Sets the strides.
- (bool) setUValue: | (int) | uValue | |
index: | (int) | index | |
Sets the U value at a given index.
uValue | The U value. |
index | The index. |
if the video buffer is YUV-type. - (void) setVerticallyMirrored: | (bool) | value |
Sets whether this buffer should be mirrored over the Y axis.
- (bool) setVValue: | (int) | vValue | |
index: | (int) | index | |
Sets the V value at a given index.
vValue | The V value. |
index | The index. |
if the video buffer is YUV-type. - (void) setWidth: | (int) | value |
Sets the width.
- (bool) setYValue: | (int) | yValue | |
index: | (int) | index | |
Sets the Y value at a given index.
yValue | The Y value. |
index | The index. |
if the video buffer is YUV-type. - (int) stride |
Gets the stride.
- (NSMutableArray*) strides |
Gets the strides.
- (NSString*) toJson |
Serializes this instance to JSON.
+ (NSString*) toJsonArrayWithVideoBuffers: | (NSMutableArray *) | videoBuffers |
Serializes an array of instances to JSON.
videoBuffers | The video buffers. |
+ (NSString*) toJsonWithVideoBuffer: | (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *) | videoBuffer |
Serializes an instance to JSON.
videoBuffer | The video buffer. |
- (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) toPacked |
Creates a packed representation of this planar buffer, if in YUV-planar format.
Otherwise, returns the current buffer. If the planar data is not contiguous in memory, new memory will be allocated for the packed representation.
- (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) toPackedWithUsePool: | (bool) | usePool |
Creates a packed representation of this planar buffer, if in YUV-planar format.
Otherwise, returns the current buffer. If the planar data is not contiguous in memory, new memory will be allocated or taken from the data buffer pool for the packed representation.
usePool | Whether to use the data buffer pool for any required memory allocations. |
- (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) toPlanar |
Creates a planar representation of this packed buffer, if in YUV-packed format.
Otherwise, returns the current buffer.
- (bool) transformRequired |
Gets a boolean value on whether the buffer needs to be transformed.
- (bool) verticallyMirrored |
Gets whether this buffer should be mirrored over the Y axis.
+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) videoBuffer |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class.
+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) videoBufferWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
dataBuffer: | (FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *) | dataBuffer | |
format: | (FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | format | |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
dataBuffer | The data buffer. |
format | The format. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) videoBufferWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
dataBuffers: | (NSMutableArray *) | dataBuffers | |
format: | (FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | format | |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
dataBuffers | The data buffers. |
format | The format. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) videoBufferWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
stride: | (int) | stride | |
dataBuffer: | (FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *) | dataBuffer | |
format: | (FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | format | |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
stride | The stride. |
dataBuffer | The data buffer. |
format | The format. |
+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer*) videoBufferWithWidth: | (int) | width | |
height: | (int) | height | |
strides: | (NSMutableArray *) | strides | |
dataBuffers: | (NSMutableArray *) | dataBuffers | |
format: | (FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *) | format | |
Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer class.
width | The width. |
height | The height. |
strides | The strides. |
dataBuffers | The data buffers. |
format | The format. |
- (int) width |
Gets the width.