FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe Class Reference

A media pipe. More...

Instance Methods

(void) - addInput:
 Adds an input. More...
(void) - addInputs:
 Adds some inputs. More...
(void) - addOnDisabledChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the Disabled property changes state. More...
(void) - addOnDisabledChangeWithCaller:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the Disabled property changes state. More...
(id- addOnDisabledChangeWithCallerWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the Disabled property changes state. More...
(void) - addOnDisabledChangeWithCallerWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the Disabled property changes state. More...
(void) - addOnPausedChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the Paused property changes state. More...
(void) - addOnProcessControlFrameResponses:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses are processed. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - addOnProcessControlFrameResponsesWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses are processed. More...
(void) - addOnProcessControlFrameResponsesWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses are processed. More...
(void) - addOnProcessControlFrames:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frames are processed. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - addOnProcessControlFramesWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frames are processed. More...
(void) - addOnProcessControlFramesWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frames are processed. More...
(void) - addOnProcessedControlFrameResponses:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses have been processed. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - addOnProcessedControlFrameResponsesWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses have been processed. More...
(void) - addOnProcessedControlFrameResponsesWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses have been processed. More...
(void) - addOnProcessedControlFrames:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frames have been processed. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - addOnProcessedControlFramesWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frames have been processed. More...
(void) - addOnProcessedControlFramesWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frames have been processed. More...
(void) - addOnProcessedFrame:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame has been processed. More...
(TFrame) - addOnProcessedFrameWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame has been processed. More...
(void) - addOnProcessedFrameWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame has been processed. More...
(void) - addOnProcessFrame:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is being processed. More...
(void) - addOnProcessFrameException:
 Adds a handler that is raised when an exception is thrown while processing a frame. More...
(TFrame, NSException *) - addOnProcessFrameExceptionWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when an exception is thrown while processing a frame. More...
(void) - addOnProcessFrameExceptionWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when an exception is thrown while processing a frame. More...
(TFrame) - addOnProcessFrameWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is being processed. More...
(void) - addOnProcessFrameWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is being processed. More...
(void) - addOnRaiseControlFrameResponses:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses are raised. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - addOnRaiseControlFrameResponsesWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses are raised. More...
(void) - addOnRaiseControlFrameResponsesWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses are raised. More...
(void) - addOnRaiseControlFrames:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frames are raised. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - addOnRaiseControlFramesWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frames are raised. More...
(void) - addOnRaiseControlFramesWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frames are raised. More...
(void) - addOnRaisedControlFrameResponses:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses have been raised. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - addOnRaisedControlFrameResponsesWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses have been raised. More...
(void) - addOnRaisedControlFrameResponsesWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses have been raised. More...
(void) - addOnRaisedControlFrames:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frames have been raised. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - addOnRaisedControlFramesWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frames have been raised. More...
(void) - addOnRaisedControlFramesWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frames have been raised. More...
(void) - addOnRaisedFrame:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame has been raised. More...
(TFrame) - addOnRaisedFrameWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame has been raised. More...
(void) - addOnRaisedFrameWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame has been raised. More...
(void) - addOnRaiseFrame:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is being raised. More...
(TFrame) - addOnRaiseFrameWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is being raised. More...
(void) - addOnRaiseFrameWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is being raised. More...
(void) - addOnStateChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the state changes. More...
(TPipe) - addOnStateChangeWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the state changes. More...
(void) - addOnStateChangeWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the state changes. More...
(void) - addOutput:
 Adds an output. More...
(void) - addOutputs:
 Adds some outputs. More...
(bool) - allowDiagnosticTimer
 Gets whether this media pipe is allowed to be timed. More...
(bool) - allowDurationTimer
 Gets whether this media pipe duration is allowed to be timed. More...
(bool) - allowInputRateTimer
 Gets whether this media pipe input rate is allowed to be timed. More...
(bool) - allowOutputRateTimer
 Gets whether this media pipe output rate is allowed to be timed. More...
(bool) - canChangeBitrate
 Gets whether this pipe can change the output bitrate. More...
(bool) - canPauseBitrate
 Gets whether this pipe can pause the output bitrate. More...
(NSString *) - content
 Gets the content descriptor. More...
(TFrame) - createFrameWithBuffer:
 Creates a frame. More...
(TIInputCollection) - createInputCollectionWithOutput:
 Creates an input collection. More...
(TIOutputCollection) - createOutputCollectionWithInput:
 Creates an output collection. More...
(bool) - deactivated
 Gets a value indicating whether this pipe is deactivated. More...
(bool) - deactivatedByApplication
 Gets whether this pipe is deactivated because the application has requested it. More...
(bool) - deactivatedByServer
 Gets whether this pipe is deactivated because the server has requested it. More...
(NSString *) - description
 Returns a string that represents this instance. More...
(bool) - destroy
 Destroys this instance. More...
(bool) - disabled
 Gets a value indicating whether this pipe is disabled. More...
(void) - doDestroy
 Destroys this instance. More...
(void) - doPostProcessFrame:inputBuffer:
 Post-processes a frame. More...
(void) - doPreProcessFrame:inputBuffer:
 Pre-processes a frame. More...
(void) - doProcessControlFrameResponses:
 Processes control frame responses. More...
(void) - doProcessControlFrames:
 Processes control frames. More...
(void) - doProcessFrame:inputBuffer:
 Processes a frame. More...
(FMLiveSwitchError *) - doProcessSdpMediaDescription:isOffer:isLocalDescription:
 Processes an SDP media description. More...
(void) - doProcessSinkStatsFromInputWithSinkStats:
 Processes sink stats from an input. More...
(void) - doProcessSourceStatsFromOutputWithSourceStats:
 Processes source stats from an output. More...
(void) - doProcessTrackStatsFromInputWithTrackStats:
 Processes track stats from an input. More...
(void) - doProcessTrackStatsFromOutputWithTrackStats:
 Processes track stats from an output. More...
(NSString *) - externalId
 Gets the external identifier. More...
(int) - getCcmSequenceNumber
 Gets the CCM sequence number. More...
(long long) - getPipelineSystemDelayWithOutputFormat:
 Gets the total pipeline system delay in ticks for a given output format. More...
(bool) - hasInput:
 Determines whether this pipe has the specified input. More...
(bool) - hasOutput:
 Determines whether this pipe has the specified output. More...
(NSString *) - id
 Gets the identifier. More...
(void) - incrementCcmSequenceNumber
 Increments the CCM sequence number. More...
(instancetype) - initWithInputFormat:outputFormat:
 Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe`9 class. More...
(instancetype) - initWithOutputFormat:
 Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe`9 class. More...
(TIOutput) - input
 Gets the input. More...
(void) - inputAddedWithInput:
 Called when an input is added. More...
(bool) - inputDeactivated
 Gets whether input is deactivated. More...
(TFormat) - inputFormat
 Gets the input format. More...
(bool) - inputMuted
 Gets whether input is muted. More...
(void) - inputRemovedWithInput:
 Called when an input is removed. More...
(NSString *) - inputRtpStreamId
 Gets the input RTP stream identifier. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - inputs
 Gets the inputs. More...
(long long) - inputSynchronizationSource
 Gets the input synchronization source. More...
(bool) - isMixer
 Gets whether this pipe processes media from different sources. More...
(NSString *) - label
 Gets a label that identifies this class. More...
(int) - maxInputBitrate
 Gets the maximum allowed input bitrate, in kbps. More...
(FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *) - maxInputEncoding
 Gets the max input encoding. More...
(int) - maxOutputBitrate
 Gets the maximum allowed output bitrate, in kbps. More...
(FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *) - maxOutputEncoding
 Gets the max output encoding. More...
(int) - minInputBitrate
 Gets the minimum allowed output bitrate, in kbps. More...
(FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *) - minInputEncoding
 Gets the min input encoding. More...
(int) - minOutputBitrate
 Gets the minimum allowed output bitrate, in kbps. More...
(FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *) - minOutputEncoding
 Gets the min output encoding. More...
(bool) - muted
 Gets whether output is muted. More...
(TIInput) - output
 Gets the output. More...
(void) - outputAddedWithOutput:
 Called when an output is added. More...
(bool) - outputCanProcessFrameWithOutput:
 Determines whether an output can process a frame from this pipe. More...
(bool) - outputDeactivated
 Gets whether output is deactivated. More...
(TFormat) - outputFormat
 Gets the output format. More...
(bool) - outputMuted
 Gets whether output is muted. More...
(void) - outputRemovedWithOutput:
 Called when an output is removed. More...
(NSString *) - outputRtpStreamId
 Gets the output RTP stream identifier. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - outputs
 Gets the outputs. More...
(bool) - outputSynchronizable
 Gets whether output is synchronizable. More...
(long long) - outputSynchronizationSource
 Gets the output synchronization source. More...
(bool) - overConstrained
 Gets whether this pipe is over-constrained. More...
(bool) - overConstrainedBitrate
 Gets whether the pipe bitrate is over-constrained. More...
(bool) - overConstrainedInput
 Gets whether the input is over-contrained. More...
(bool) - overConstrainedInputBitrate
 Gets whether the minimum allowed input bitrate exceeds the maximum allowed input bitrate. More...
(bool) - overConstrainedOutput
 Gets whether the output is over-constrained. More...
(bool) - overConstrainedOutputBitrate
 Gets whether the minimum allowed output bitrate exceeds the maximum allowed output bitrate. More...
(bool) - paused
 Gets a value indicating whether this pipe is paused. More...
(bool) - persistent
 Gets a value indicating whether this instance is persistent. More...
(NSString *) - pipelineJson
 Gets the pipeline JSON with this as the central point. More...
(NSString *) - pipelineJsonBase
 Gets the pipeline JSON base. More...
(NSString *) - pipelineJsonFromInput
 Gets the pipeline JSON from an input. More...
(NSString *) - pipelineJsonFromOutput
 Gets the pipeline JSON from an output. More...
(NSString *) - pipelineJsonInputs
 Gets the pipeline JSON inputs. More...
(NSString *) - pipelineJsonOutputs
 Gets the pipeline JSON outputs. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFuture< TBuffer > *) - processBuffer:
 Processes a buffer, returning a future that is resolved when processing is complete. More...
(void) - processControlFrame:
 Processes a control frame. More...
(void) - processControlFrameResponse:
 Processes a control frame response. More...
(void) - processControlFrameResponses:
 Processes control frame responses. More...
(void) - processControlFrames:
 Processes control frames. More...
(bool) - processFrame:
 Processes a frame. More...
(FMLiveSwitchProcessFramePolicy) - processFramePolicy
 Gets the ProcessFramePolicy for this media input. More...
(FMLiveSwitchError *) - processSdpMediaDescriptionFromInputWithMediaDescription:isOffer:isLocalDescription:
 Processes an SDP media description from an input. More...
(FMLiveSwitchError *) - processSdpMediaDescriptionFromOutputWithMediaDescription:isOffer:isLocalDescription:
 Processes an SDP media description from an output. More...
(void) - processSinkStatsFromInputWithSinkStats:
 Processes sink stats from an input. More...
(void) - processSourceStatsFromOutputWithSourceStats:
 Processes source stats from an output. More...
(void) - processTrackStatsFromInputWithTrackStats:
 Processes track stats from an input. More...
(void) - processTrackStatsFromOutputWithTrackStats:
 Processes track stats from an output. More...
(void) - raiseControlFrame:
 Raises a control frame. More...
(void) - raiseControlFrame:inputs:
 Raises a control frame. More...
(void) - raiseControlFrameResponse:
 Raises a control frame response. More...
(void) - raiseControlFrameResponse:outputs:
 Raises a control frame response. More...
(void) - raiseControlFrameResponses:
 Raises control frame responses. More...
(void) - raiseControlFrameResponses:outputs:
 Raises control frame responses. More...
(void) - raiseControlFrames:
 Raises control frames. More...
(void) - raiseControlFrames:inputs:
 Raises control frames. More...
(void) - raiseDisabledChange
 Raises the OnDisabledChange event. More...
(void) - raiseFrame:
 Raises a frame. More...
(bool) - removeInput:
 Removes an input. More...
(void) - removeInputs
 Removes all inputs. More...
(void) - removeInputs:
 Removes some inputs. More...
(void) - removeOnDisabledChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the Disabled property changes state. More...
(void) - removeOnDisabledChangeWithCaller:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the Disabled property changes state. More...
(void) - removeOnPausedChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the Paused property changes state. More...
(void) - removeOnProcessControlFrameResponses:
 Removes a handler that is raised when control frame responses are processed. More...
(void) - removeOnProcessControlFrames:
 Removes a handler that is raised when control frames are processed. More...
(void) - removeOnProcessedControlFrameResponses:
 Removes a handler that is raised when control frame responses have been processed. More...
(void) - removeOnProcessedControlFrames:
 Removes a handler that is raised when control frames have been processed. More...
(void) - removeOnProcessedFrame:
 Removes a handler that is raised when a frame has been processed. More...
(void) - removeOnProcessFrame:
 Removes a handler that is raised when a frame is being processed. More...
(void) - removeOnProcessFrameException:
 Removes a handler that is raised when an exception is thrown while processing a frame. More...
(void) - removeOnRaiseControlFrameResponses:
 Removes a handler that is raised when control frame responses are raised. More...
(void) - removeOnRaiseControlFrames:
 Removes a handler that is raised when control frames are raised. More...
(void) - removeOnRaisedControlFrameResponses:
 Removes a handler that is raised when control frame responses have been raised. More...
(void) - removeOnRaisedControlFrames:
 Removes a handler that is raised when control frames have been raised. More...
(void) - removeOnRaisedFrame:
 Removes a handler that is raised when a frame has been raised. More...
(void) - removeOnRaiseFrame:
 Removes a handler that is raised when a frame is being raised. More...
(void) - removeOnStateChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the state changes. More...
(bool) - removeOutput:
 Removes an output. More...
(void) - removeOutputs
 Removes all outputs. More...
(void) - removeOutputs:
 Removes some outputs. More...
(void) - setDeactivated:
 Sets a value indicating whether this pipe is deactivated. More...
(void) - setExternalId:
 Sets the external identifier. More...
(void) - setInput:
 Sets the input. More...
(void) - setInputDeactivated:
 Sets whether input is deactivated. More...
(void) - setInputMuted:
 Sets whether input is muted. More...
(void) - setInputRtpStreamId:
 Sets the input RTP stream identifier. More...
(void) - setInputs:
 Sets the inputs. More...
(void) - setInputSynchronizationSource:
 Sets the input synchronization source. More...
(void) - setMaxInputBitrate:
 Sets the maximum allowed input bitrate, in kbps. More...
(void) - setMaxInputEncoding:
 Sets the max input encoding. More...
(void) - setMaxOutputBitrate:
 Sets the maximum allowed output bitrate, in kbps. More...
(void) - setMaxOutputEncoding:
 Sets the max output encoding. More...
(void) - setMinInputBitrate:
 Sets the minimum allowed output bitrate, in kbps. More...
(void) - setMinInputEncoding:
 Sets the min input encoding. More...
(void) - setMinOutputBitrate:
 Sets the minimum allowed output bitrate, in kbps. More...
(void) - setMinOutputEncoding:
 Sets the min output encoding. More...
(void) - setMuted:
 Sets whether output is muted. More...
(void) - setOutput:
 Sets the output. More...
(void) - setOutputDeactivated:
 Sets whether output is deactivated. More...
(void) - setOutputMuted:
 Sets whether output is muted. More...
(void) - setOutputRtpStreamId:
 Sets the output RTP stream identifier. More...
(void) - setOutputs:
 Sets the outputs. More...
(void) - setOutputSynchronizable:
 Sets whether output is synchronizable. More...
(void) - setOutputSynchronizationSource:
 Sets the output synchronization source. More...
(void) - setPersistent:
 Sets a value indicating whether this instance is persistent. More...
(void) - setProcessFramePolicy:
 Sets the ProcessFramePolicy for this media input. More...
(void) - setSynchronizationSource:
 Sets the output synchronization source. More...
(void) - setSystemDelay:
 Sets the system delay in ticks. More...
(void) - setTag:
 Sets optional data to associate with this instance. More...
(void) - setTargetOutputBitrate:
 Sets the target output bitrate, in kbps. More...
(void) - setTargetOutputEncoding:
 Sets the target output encoding. More...
(FMLiveSwitchMediaPipeState) - state
 Gets the state. More...
(long long) - synchronizationSource
 Gets the output synchronization source. More...
(long long) - systemDelay
 Gets the system delay in ticks. More...
(NSString *) - tag
 Gets optional data to associate with this instance. More...
(int) - targetOutputBitrate
 Gets the target output bitrate, in kbps. More...
(FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *) - targetOutputEncoding
 Gets the target output encoding. More...
(bool) - trySetInputFormatWithFrame:
 Sets the input format, if not set, using the frame's last buffer format. More...

Class Methods

(FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe *) + mediaPipeWithInputFormat:outputFormat:
 Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe`9 class. More...
(FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe *) + mediaPipeWithOutputFormat:
 Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe`9 class. More...

Protected Attributes

 __pad0__: FMLiveSwitchDynamic<FMLiveSwitchIMediaOutput

Detailed Description

A media pipe.

Method Documentation

◆ addInput:

- (void) addInput: (TIOutput)  input

Adds an input.

inputThe input.

◆ addInputs:

- (void) addInputs: (NSMutableArray *)  inputs

Adds some inputs.

inputsThe inputs.

◆ addOnDisabledChange:

- (void) addOnDisabledChange: (FMLiveSwitchAction0 *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when the Disabled property changes state.

◆ addOnDisabledChangeWithCaller:

- (void) addOnDisabledChangeWithCaller: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< id > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when the Disabled property changes state.

◆ addOnDisabledChangeWithCallerWithBlock

- (id) addOnDisabledChangeWithCallerWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when the Disabled property changes state.

◆ addOnDisabledChangeWithCallerWithBlock:

- (void) addOnDisabledChangeWithCallerWithBlock: (void(^)(id))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when the Disabled property changes state.

◆ addOnPausedChange:

- (void) addOnPausedChange: (FMLiveSwitchAction0 *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when the Paused property changes state.

◆ addOnProcessControlFrameResponses:

- (void) addOnProcessControlFrameResponses: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< NSMutableArray * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses are processed.

◆ addOnProcessControlFrameResponsesWithBlock

- (NSMutableArray*) addOnProcessControlFrameResponsesWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses are processed.

◆ addOnProcessControlFrameResponsesWithBlock:

- (void) addOnProcessControlFrameResponsesWithBlock: (void(^)(NSMutableArray *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses are processed.

◆ addOnProcessControlFrames:

- (void) addOnProcessControlFrames: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< NSMutableArray * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when control frames are processed.

◆ addOnProcessControlFramesWithBlock

- (NSMutableArray*) addOnProcessControlFramesWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when control frames are processed.

◆ addOnProcessControlFramesWithBlock:

- (void) addOnProcessControlFramesWithBlock: (void(^)(NSMutableArray *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when control frames are processed.

◆ addOnProcessedControlFrameResponses:

- (void) addOnProcessedControlFrameResponses: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< NSMutableArray * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses have been processed.

◆ addOnProcessedControlFrameResponsesWithBlock

- (NSMutableArray*) addOnProcessedControlFrameResponsesWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses have been processed.

◆ addOnProcessedControlFrameResponsesWithBlock:

- (void) addOnProcessedControlFrameResponsesWithBlock: (void(^)(NSMutableArray *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses have been processed.

◆ addOnProcessedControlFrames:

- (void) addOnProcessedControlFrames: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< NSMutableArray * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when control frames have been processed.

◆ addOnProcessedControlFramesWithBlock

- (NSMutableArray*) addOnProcessedControlFramesWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when control frames have been processed.

◆ addOnProcessedControlFramesWithBlock:

- (void) addOnProcessedControlFramesWithBlock: (void(^)(NSMutableArray *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when control frames have been processed.

◆ addOnProcessedFrame:

- (void) addOnProcessedFrame: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< TFrame > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when a frame has been processed.

◆ addOnProcessedFrameWithBlock

- (TFrame) addOnProcessedFrameWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when a frame has been processed.

◆ addOnProcessedFrameWithBlock:

- (void) addOnProcessedFrameWithBlock: (void(^)(TFrame))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when a frame has been processed.

◆ addOnProcessFrame:

- (void) addOnProcessFrame: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< TFrame > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is being processed.

◆ addOnProcessFrameException:

- (void) addOnProcessFrameException: (FMLiveSwitchAction2< TFrame, NSException * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when an exception is thrown while processing a frame.

◆ addOnProcessFrameExceptionWithBlock

- (TFrame, NSException*) addOnProcessFrameExceptionWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when an exception is thrown while processing a frame.

◆ addOnProcessFrameExceptionWithBlock:

- (void) addOnProcessFrameExceptionWithBlock: (void(^)(TFrame, NSException *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when an exception is thrown while processing a frame.

◆ addOnProcessFrameWithBlock

- (TFrame) addOnProcessFrameWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is being processed.

◆ addOnProcessFrameWithBlock:

- (void) addOnProcessFrameWithBlock: (void(^)(TFrame))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is being processed.

◆ addOnRaiseControlFrameResponses:

- (void) addOnRaiseControlFrameResponses: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< NSMutableArray * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses are raised.

◆ addOnRaiseControlFrameResponsesWithBlock

- (NSMutableArray*) addOnRaiseControlFrameResponsesWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses are raised.

◆ addOnRaiseControlFrameResponsesWithBlock:

- (void) addOnRaiseControlFrameResponsesWithBlock: (void(^)(NSMutableArray *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses are raised.

◆ addOnRaiseControlFrames:

- (void) addOnRaiseControlFrames: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< NSMutableArray * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when control frames are raised.

◆ addOnRaiseControlFramesWithBlock

- (NSMutableArray*) addOnRaiseControlFramesWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when control frames are raised.

◆ addOnRaiseControlFramesWithBlock:

- (void) addOnRaiseControlFramesWithBlock: (void(^)(NSMutableArray *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when control frames are raised.

◆ addOnRaisedControlFrameResponses:

- (void) addOnRaisedControlFrameResponses: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< NSMutableArray * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses have been raised.

◆ addOnRaisedControlFrameResponsesWithBlock

- (NSMutableArray*) addOnRaisedControlFrameResponsesWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses have been raised.

◆ addOnRaisedControlFrameResponsesWithBlock:

- (void) addOnRaisedControlFrameResponsesWithBlock: (void(^)(NSMutableArray *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses have been raised.

◆ addOnRaisedControlFrames:

- (void) addOnRaisedControlFrames: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< NSMutableArray * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when control frames have been raised.

◆ addOnRaisedControlFramesWithBlock

- (NSMutableArray*) addOnRaisedControlFramesWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when control frames have been raised.

◆ addOnRaisedControlFramesWithBlock:

- (void) addOnRaisedControlFramesWithBlock: (void(^)(NSMutableArray *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when control frames have been raised.

◆ addOnRaisedFrame:

- (void) addOnRaisedFrame: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< TFrame > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when a frame has been raised.

◆ addOnRaisedFrameWithBlock

- (TFrame) addOnRaisedFrameWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when a frame has been raised.

◆ addOnRaisedFrameWithBlock:

- (void) addOnRaisedFrameWithBlock: (void(^)(TFrame))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when a frame has been raised.

◆ addOnRaiseFrame:

- (void) addOnRaiseFrame: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< TFrame > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is being raised.

◆ addOnRaiseFrameWithBlock

- (TFrame) addOnRaiseFrameWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is being raised.

◆ addOnRaiseFrameWithBlock:

- (void) addOnRaiseFrameWithBlock: (void(^)(TFrame))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is being raised.

◆ addOnStateChange:

- (void) addOnStateChange: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< TPipe > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when the state changes.

◆ addOnStateChangeWithBlock

- (TPipe) addOnStateChangeWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when the state changes.

◆ addOnStateChangeWithBlock:

- (void) addOnStateChangeWithBlock: (void(^)(TPipe))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when the state changes.

◆ addOutput:

- (void) addOutput: (TIInput)  output

Adds an output.

outputThe output.

◆ addOutputs:

- (void) addOutputs: (NSMutableArray *)  outputs

Adds some outputs.

outputsThe outputs.

◆ allowDiagnosticTimer

- (bool) allowDiagnosticTimer

Gets whether this media pipe is allowed to be timed.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoPacketizer, FMLiveSwitchAudioPacketizer, and FMLiveSwitchAudioDepacketizer.

◆ allowDurationTimer

- (bool) allowDurationTimer

Gets whether this media pipe duration is allowed to be timed.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchAudioMixer.

◆ allowInputRateTimer

- (bool) allowInputRateTimer

Gets whether this media pipe input rate is allowed to be timed.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchAudioMixer.

◆ allowOutputRateTimer

- (bool) allowOutputRateTimer

Gets whether this media pipe output rate is allowed to be timed.

◆ canChangeBitrate

- (bool) canChangeBitrate

Gets whether this pipe can change the output bitrate.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoEncoder, FMLiveSwitchIdentityVideoPipe, FMLiveSwitchIdentityAudioPipe, and FMLiveSwitchAudioEncoder.

◆ canPauseBitrate

- (bool) canPauseBitrate

Gets whether this pipe can pause the output bitrate.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoPacketizer, FMLiveSwitchIdentityVideoPipe, FMLiveSwitchIdentityAudioPipe, and FMLiveSwitchAudioPacketizer.

◆ content

- (NSString*) content

Gets the content descriptor.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoPipe.

◆ createFrameWithBuffer:

- (TFrame) createFrameWithBuffer: (TBuffer)  buffer

Creates a frame.

bufferThe buffer.

◆ createInputCollectionWithOutput:

- (TIInputCollection) createInputCollectionWithOutput: (TIOutput)  output

Creates an input collection.

outputThe output.

◆ createOutputCollectionWithInput:

- (TIOutputCollection) createOutputCollectionWithInput: (TIInput)  input

Creates an output collection.

inputThe input.

◆ deactivated

- (bool) deactivated

Gets a value indicating whether this pipe is deactivated.

A pipe is deactivated if it's input and output are deactivated. Alias for FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe9#inputDeactivated and FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe9outputDeactivated.

◆ deactivatedByApplication

- (bool) deactivatedByApplication

Gets whether this pipe is deactivated because the application has requested it.

◆ deactivatedByServer

- (bool) deactivatedByServer

Gets whether this pipe is deactivated because the server has requested it.

◆ description

- (NSString*) description

Returns a string that represents this instance.

◆ destroy

- (bool) destroy

◆ disabled

- (bool) disabled

Gets a value indicating whether this pipe is disabled.

A pipe is automatically disabled if it is deactivated or if all of its outputs are disabled. A disabled pipe will not accept frames raised by its inputs.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchDtmfReceiver.

◆ doDestroy

◆ doPostProcessFrame:inputBuffer:

- (void) doPostProcessFrame: (TFrame)  frame
inputBuffer: (TBuffer)  inputBuffer 

Post-processes a frame.

frameThe frame.
inputBufferThe input buffer.

◆ doPreProcessFrame:inputBuffer:

- (void) doPreProcessFrame: (TFrame)  frame
inputBuffer: (TBuffer)  inputBuffer 

Pre-processes a frame.

frameThe frame.
inputBufferThe input buffer.

◆ doProcessControlFrameResponses:

- (void) doProcessControlFrameResponses: (NSMutableArray *)  controlFrameResponses

Processes control frame responses.

controlFrameResponsesThe control frame responses.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchResetVideoPipe, and FMLiveSwitchResetAudioPipe.

◆ doProcessControlFrames:

- (void) doProcessControlFrames: (NSMutableArray *)  controlFrames

Processes control frames.

controlFramesThe control frames.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchOpusEncoder, FMLiveSwitchVideoEncoder, FMLiveSwitchResetVideoPipe, and FMLiveSwitchResetAudioPipe.

◆ doProcessFrame:inputBuffer:

- (void) doProcessFrame: (TFrame)  frame
inputBuffer: (TBuffer)  inputBuffer 

Processes a frame.

frameThe frame.
inputBufferThe input buffer.

◆ doProcessSdpMediaDescription:isOffer:isLocalDescription:

- (FMLiveSwitchError*) doProcessSdpMediaDescription: (FMLiveSwitchSdpMediaDescription *)  mediaDescription
isOffer: (bool)  isOffer
isLocalDescription: (bool)  isLocalDescription 

Processes an SDP media description.

mediaDescriptionThe media description.
isOfferif set to true [is offer].
isLocalDescriptionif set to true [is local description].

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchOpusEncoder, FMLiveSwitchOpusDecoder, and FMLiveSwitchCocoaVideoToolboxH264Encoder.

◆ doProcessSinkStatsFromInputWithSinkStats:

- (void) doProcessSinkStatsFromInputWithSinkStats: (FMLiveSwitchMediaSinkStats *)  sinkStats

Processes sink stats from an input.

sinkStatsThe sink stats.

◆ doProcessSourceStatsFromOutputWithSourceStats:

- (void) doProcessSourceStatsFromOutputWithSourceStats: (FMLiveSwitchMediaSourceStats *)  sourceStats

Processes source stats from an output.

sourceStatsThe source stats.

◆ doProcessTrackStatsFromInputWithTrackStats:

- (void) doProcessTrackStatsFromInputWithTrackStats: (FMLiveSwitchMediaTrackStats *)  trackStats

Processes track stats from an input.

trackStatsThe track stats.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoDecoder, FMLiveSwitchAudioDepacketizer, and FMLiveSwitchAudioDecoder.

◆ doProcessTrackStatsFromOutputWithTrackStats:

- (void) doProcessTrackStatsFromOutputWithTrackStats: (FMLiveSwitchMediaTrackStats *)  trackStats

Processes track stats from an output.

trackStatsThe track stats.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoPacketizer, FMLiveSwitchVideoEncoder, FMLiveSwitchAudioPacketizer, and FMLiveSwitchAudioEncoder.

◆ externalId

- (NSString*) externalId

Gets the external identifier.

◆ getCcmSequenceNumber

- (int) getCcmSequenceNumber

Gets the CCM sequence number.

◆ getPipelineSystemDelayWithOutputFormat:

- (long long) getPipelineSystemDelayWithOutputFormat: (TFormat)  outputFormat

Gets the total pipeline system delay in ticks for a given output format.

outputFormatThe output format.
The total pipeline system delay in ticks.

◆ hasInput:

- (bool) hasInput: (TIOutput)  input

Determines whether this pipe has the specified input.

inputThe input.

◆ hasOutput:

- (bool) hasOutput: (TIInput)  output

Determines whether this pipe has the specified output.

outputThe output.

◆ id

- (NSString*) id

Gets the identifier.

◆ incrementCcmSequenceNumber

- (void) incrementCcmSequenceNumber

Increments the CCM sequence number.

◆ initWithInputFormat:outputFormat:

- (instancetype) initWithInputFormat: (TFormat)  inputFormat
outputFormat: (TFormat)  outputFormat 

Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe`9 class.

inputFormatThe input format.
outputFormatThe output format.

◆ initWithOutputFormat:

- (instancetype) initWithOutputFormat: (TFormat)  outputFormat

Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe`9 class.

outputFormatThe output format.

◆ input

- (TIOutput) input

Gets the input.

◆ inputAddedWithInput:

- (void) inputAddedWithInput: (TIOutput)  input

Called when an input is added.

inputThe input.

◆ inputDeactivated

- (bool) inputDeactivated

Gets whether input is deactivated.

◆ inputFormat

- (TFormat) inputFormat

Gets the input format.

◆ inputMuted

- (bool) inputMuted

Gets whether input is muted.

◆ inputRemovedWithInput:

- (void) inputRemovedWithInput: (TIOutput)  input

Called when an input is removed.

inputThe input.

◆ inputRtpStreamId

- (NSString*) inputRtpStreamId

Gets the input RTP stream identifier.

If the input RTP stream identifier is null (unset), then getting this property returns the first valid output RTP stream identifier from the array of FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe`9inputs, or null if they are all unset.

◆ inputs

- (NSMutableArray*) inputs

Gets the inputs.

◆ inputSynchronizationSource

- (long long) inputSynchronizationSource

Gets the input synchronization source.

If the input synchronization source is -1 (unset), then getting this property returns the first valid output synchronization source from the array of FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe`9inputs, or -1 if they are all unset.

◆ isMixer

- (bool) isMixer

Gets whether this pipe processes media from different sources.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchAudioMixer.

◆ label

- (NSString*) label

Gets a label that identifies this class.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchYuvImageScaler, FMLiveSwitchYuvImageConverter, FMLiveSwitchVp9Encoder, FMLiveSwitchVp9Decoder, FMLiveSwitchVp8Encoder, FMLiveSwitchVp8Decoder, FMLiveSwitchOpusEncoder, FMLiveSwitchOpusDecoder, FMLiveSwitchCocoaVideoToolboxH265Encoder, FMLiveSwitchCocoaVideoToolboxH265Decoder, FMLiveSwitchCocoaVideoToolboxH264Encoder, FMLiveSwitchCocoaVideoToolboxH264Decoder, FMLiveSwitchVp9Packetizer, FMLiveSwitchVp8Packetizer, FMLiveSwitchVideoSynchronizer, FMLiveSwitchTestingPipe, FMLiveSwitchSoundReframer, FMLiveSwitchSoundConverter, FMLiveSwitchResetVideoPipe, FMLiveSwitchResetAudioPipe, FMLiveSwitchPcmuPacketizer, FMLiveSwitchPcmuEncoder, FMLiveSwitchPcmuDepacketizer, FMLiveSwitchPcmuDecoder, FMLiveSwitchPcmaPacketizer, FMLiveSwitchPcmaEncoder, FMLiveSwitchPcmaDepacketizer, FMLiveSwitchPcmaDecoder, FMLiveSwitchOpusPacketizer, FMLiveSwitchOpusDepacketizer, FMLiveSwitchL16Encoder, FMLiveSwitchL16Decoder, FMLiveSwitchJitterVideoPipe, FMLiveSwitchJitterAudioPipe, FMLiveSwitchImageSizePipe, FMLiveSwitchImageScalePipe, FMLiveSwitchIdentityVideoPipe, FMLiveSwitchIdentityAudioPipe, FMLiveSwitchH265Packetizer, FMLiveSwitchH264Packetizer, FMLiveSwitchG722Packetizer, FMLiveSwitchG722Encoder, FMLiveSwitchG722Depacketizer, FMLiveSwitchG722Decoder, FMLiveSwitchFrameRatePipe, FMLiveSwitchFrameRateController, FMLiveSwitchDtmfSender, FMLiveSwitchDtmfReceiver, FMLiveSwitchBasicVideoPacketizer, FMLiveSwitchBasicAudioPacketizer, FMLiveSwitchBasicAudioDepacketizer, FMLiveSwitchAudioSynchronizer, and FMLiveSwitchAudioMixer.

◆ maxInputBitrate

- (int) maxInputBitrate

Gets the maximum allowed input bitrate, in kbps.

A value of -1 indicates unset (no maximum).

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoDecoder, and FMLiveSwitchAudioDecoder.

◆ maxInputEncoding

- (FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo*) maxInputEncoding

Gets the max input encoding.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoPipe.

◆ maxOutputBitrate

- (int) maxOutputBitrate

Gets the maximum allowed output bitrate, in kbps.

A value of -1 indicates unset (no maximum).

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoEncoder, FMLiveSwitchVideoDecoder, FMLiveSwitchAudioEncoder, and FMLiveSwitchAudioDecoder.

◆ maxOutputEncoding

- (FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo*) maxOutputEncoding

Gets the max output encoding.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoPipe.

◆ mediaPipeWithInputFormat:outputFormat:

+ (FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe*) mediaPipeWithInputFormat: (TFormat)  inputFormat
outputFormat: (TFormat)  outputFormat 

Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe`9 class.

inputFormatThe input format.
outputFormatThe output format.

◆ mediaPipeWithOutputFormat:

+ (FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe*) mediaPipeWithOutputFormat: (TFormat)  outputFormat

Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe`9 class.

outputFormatThe output format.

◆ minInputBitrate

- (int) minInputBitrate

Gets the minimum allowed output bitrate, in kbps.

A value of -1 indicates unset (no minimum).

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoDecoder, and FMLiveSwitchAudioDecoder.

◆ minInputEncoding

- (FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo*) minInputEncoding

Gets the min input encoding.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoPipe.

◆ minOutputBitrate

- (int) minOutputBitrate

Gets the minimum allowed output bitrate, in kbps.

A value of -1 indicates unset (no minimum).

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoEncoder, FMLiveSwitchVideoDecoder, FMLiveSwitchAudioEncoder, and FMLiveSwitchAudioDecoder.

◆ minOutputEncoding

- (FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo*) minOutputEncoding

Gets the min output encoding.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoPipe.

◆ muted

- (bool) muted

Gets whether output is muted.

Alias for FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe`9outputMuted.

◆ output

- (TIInput) output

Gets the output.

◆ outputAddedWithOutput:

- (void) outputAddedWithOutput: (TIInput)  output

Called when an output is added.

outputThe output.

◆ outputCanProcessFrameWithOutput:

- (bool) outputCanProcessFrameWithOutput: (TIInput)  output

Determines whether an output can process a frame from this pipe.

outputThe output.

◆ outputDeactivated

- (bool) outputDeactivated

Gets whether output is deactivated.

◆ outputFormat

- (TFormat) outputFormat

Gets the output format.

◆ outputMuted

- (bool) outputMuted

Gets whether output is muted.

◆ outputRemovedWithOutput:

- (void) outputRemovedWithOutput: (TIInput)  output

Called when an output is removed.

outputThe output.

◆ outputRtpStreamId

- (NSString*) outputRtpStreamId

Gets the output RTP stream identifier.

If the output RTP stream identifier is null (unset), then getting this property returns the FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe`9inputRtpStreamId.

◆ outputs

- (NSMutableArray*) outputs

Gets the outputs.

◆ outputSynchronizable

- (bool) outputSynchronizable

Gets whether output is synchronizable.

◆ outputSynchronizationSource

- (long long) outputSynchronizationSource

Gets the output synchronization source.

If the output synchronization source is -1 (unset), then getting this property returns the FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe`9inputSynchronizationSource.

◆ overConstrained

- (bool) overConstrained

Gets whether this pipe is over-constrained.

A pipe is over-constrained if either it's input or output is over-constrained.

◆ overConstrainedBitrate

- (bool) overConstrainedBitrate

Gets whether the pipe bitrate is over-constrained.

A pipe bitrate is over-constrained if the input bitrate or output bitrate is over-constrained.

◆ overConstrainedInput

- (bool) overConstrainedInput

Gets whether the input is over-contrained.

An input is over-constrained if it's input bitrate is over-contrained.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoPipe.

◆ overConstrainedInputBitrate

- (bool) overConstrainedInputBitrate

Gets whether the minimum allowed input bitrate exceeds the maximum allowed input bitrate.

◆ overConstrainedOutput

- (bool) overConstrainedOutput

Gets whether the output is over-constrained.

An output is over-constrained if it's output bitrate is over-contrained.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoPipe.

◆ overConstrainedOutputBitrate

- (bool) overConstrainedOutputBitrate

Gets whether the minimum allowed output bitrate exceeds the maximum allowed output bitrate.

◆ paused

- (bool) paused

Gets a value indicating whether this pipe is paused.

◆ persistent

- (bool) persistent

Gets a value indicating whether this instance is persistent.

If true, this instance will not be destroyed unless FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe`9destroy is called explicitly on this instance. It will survive destruction of any parent elements that are being destroyed.

◆ pipelineJson

- (NSString*) pipelineJson

Gets the pipeline JSON with this as the central point.

◆ pipelineJsonBase

- (NSString*) pipelineJsonBase

Gets the pipeline JSON base.

◆ pipelineJsonFromInput

- (NSString*) pipelineJsonFromInput

Gets the pipeline JSON from an input.

◆ pipelineJsonFromOutput

- (NSString*) pipelineJsonFromOutput

Gets the pipeline JSON from an output.

◆ pipelineJsonInputs

- (NSString*) pipelineJsonInputs

Gets the pipeline JSON inputs.

◆ pipelineJsonOutputs

- (NSString*) pipelineJsonOutputs

Gets the pipeline JSON outputs.

◆ processBuffer:

- (FMLiveSwitchFuture<TBuffer>*) processBuffer: (TBuffer)  buffer

Processes a buffer, returning a future that is resolved when processing is complete.

The resolved future will contain a buffer that MUST be freed, as it is not known whether the underlying implementation is using data buffer pooling.

bufferThe buffer.

◆ processControlFrame:

- (void) processControlFrame: (FMLiveSwitchMediaControlFrame *)  controlFrame

Processes a control frame.

controlFrameThe control frame.

◆ processControlFrameResponse:

- (void) processControlFrameResponse: (FMLiveSwitchMediaControlFrame *)  controlFrameResponse

Processes a control frame response.

controlFrameResponseThe control frame response.

◆ processControlFrameResponses:

- (void) processControlFrameResponses: (NSMutableArray *)  controlFrameResponses

Processes control frame responses.

controlFrameResponsesThe control frame responses.

◆ processControlFrames:

- (void) processControlFrames: (NSMutableArray *)  controlFrames

Processes control frames.

controlFramesThe control frames.

◆ processFrame:

- (bool) processFrame: (TFrame)  frame

Processes a frame.

frameThe frame.

◆ processFramePolicy

- (FMLiveSwitchProcessFramePolicy) processFramePolicy

Gets the ProcessFramePolicy for this media input.

◆ processSdpMediaDescriptionFromInputWithMediaDescription:isOffer:isLocalDescription:

- (FMLiveSwitchError*) processSdpMediaDescriptionFromInputWithMediaDescription: (FMLiveSwitchSdpMediaDescription *)  mediaDescription
isOffer: (bool)  isOffer
isLocalDescription: (bool)  isLocalDescription 

Processes an SDP media description from an input.

mediaDescriptionThe media description.
isOfferif set to true [is offer].
isLocalDescriptionif set to true [is local description].

◆ processSdpMediaDescriptionFromOutputWithMediaDescription:isOffer:isLocalDescription:

- (FMLiveSwitchError*) processSdpMediaDescriptionFromOutputWithMediaDescription: (FMLiveSwitchSdpMediaDescription *)  mediaDescription
isOffer: (bool)  isOffer
isLocalDescription: (bool)  isLocalDescription 

Processes an SDP media description from an output.

mediaDescriptionThe media description.
isOfferif set to true [is offer].
isLocalDescriptionif set to true [is local description].

◆ processSinkStatsFromInputWithSinkStats:

- (void) processSinkStatsFromInputWithSinkStats: (FMLiveSwitchMediaSinkStats *)  sinkStats

Processes sink stats from an input.

sinkStatsThe sink stats.

◆ processSourceStatsFromOutputWithSourceStats:

- (void) processSourceStatsFromOutputWithSourceStats: (FMLiveSwitchMediaSourceStats *)  sourceStats

Processes source stats from an output.

sourceStatsThe source stats.

◆ processTrackStatsFromInputWithTrackStats:

- (void) processTrackStatsFromInputWithTrackStats: (FMLiveSwitchMediaTrackStats *)  trackStats

Processes track stats from an input.

trackStatsThe track stats.

◆ processTrackStatsFromOutputWithTrackStats:

- (void) processTrackStatsFromOutputWithTrackStats: (FMLiveSwitchMediaTrackStats *)  trackStats

Processes track stats from an output.

trackStatsThe track stats.

◆ raiseControlFrame:

- (void) raiseControlFrame: (FMLiveSwitchMediaControlFrame *)  controlFrame

Raises a control frame.

controlFrameThe control frame.

◆ raiseControlFrame:inputs:

- (void) raiseControlFrame: (FMLiveSwitchMediaControlFrame *)  controlFrame
inputs: (NSMutableArray *)  inputs 

Raises a control frame.

controlFrameThe control frame.
inputsThe inputs.

◆ raiseControlFrameResponse:

- (void) raiseControlFrameResponse: (FMLiveSwitchMediaControlFrame *)  controlFrameResponse

Raises a control frame response.

controlFrameResponseThe control frame response.

◆ raiseControlFrameResponse:outputs:

- (void) raiseControlFrameResponse: (FMLiveSwitchMediaControlFrame *)  controlFrameResponse
outputs: (NSMutableArray *)  outputs 

Raises a control frame response.

controlFrameResponseThe control frame response.
outputsThe outputs.

◆ raiseControlFrameResponses:

- (void) raiseControlFrameResponses: (NSMutableArray *)  controlFrameResponses

Raises control frame responses.

controlFrameResponsesThe control frame responses.

◆ raiseControlFrameResponses:outputs:

- (void) raiseControlFrameResponses: (NSMutableArray *)  controlFrameResponses
outputs: (NSMutableArray *)  outputs 

Raises control frame responses.

controlFrameResponsesThe control frame responses.
outputsThe outputs.

◆ raiseControlFrames:

- (void) raiseControlFrames: (NSMutableArray *)  controlFrames

Raises control frames.

controlFramesThe control frames.

◆ raiseControlFrames:inputs:

- (void) raiseControlFrames: (NSMutableArray *)  controlFrames
inputs: (NSMutableArray *)  inputs 

Raises control frames.

controlFramesThe control frames.
inputsThe inputs.

◆ raiseDisabledChange

- (void) raiseDisabledChange

Raises the OnDisabledChange event.

◆ raiseFrame:

- (void) raiseFrame: (TFrame)  frame

Raises a frame.

frameThe frame.

◆ removeInput:

- (bool) removeInput: (TIOutput)  input

Removes an input.

inputThe input.

◆ removeInputs

- (void) removeInputs

Removes all inputs.

◆ removeInputs:

- (void) removeInputs: (NSMutableArray *)  inputs

Removes some inputs.

inputsThe inputs.

◆ removeOnDisabledChange:

- (void) removeOnDisabledChange: (FMLiveSwitchAction0 *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when the Disabled property changes state.

◆ removeOnDisabledChangeWithCaller:

- (void) removeOnDisabledChangeWithCaller: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< id > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when the Disabled property changes state.

◆ removeOnPausedChange:

- (void) removeOnPausedChange: (FMLiveSwitchAction0 *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when the Paused property changes state.

◆ removeOnProcessControlFrameResponses:

- (void) removeOnProcessControlFrameResponses: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< NSMutableArray * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when control frame responses are processed.

◆ removeOnProcessControlFrames:

- (void) removeOnProcessControlFrames: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< NSMutableArray * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when control frames are processed.

◆ removeOnProcessedControlFrameResponses:

- (void) removeOnProcessedControlFrameResponses: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< NSMutableArray * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when control frame responses have been processed.

◆ removeOnProcessedControlFrames:

- (void) removeOnProcessedControlFrames: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< NSMutableArray * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when control frames have been processed.

◆ removeOnProcessedFrame:

- (void) removeOnProcessedFrame: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< TFrame > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when a frame has been processed.

◆ removeOnProcessFrame:

- (void) removeOnProcessFrame: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< TFrame > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when a frame is being processed.

◆ removeOnProcessFrameException:

- (void) removeOnProcessFrameException: (FMLiveSwitchAction2< TFrame, NSException * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when an exception is thrown while processing a frame.

◆ removeOnRaiseControlFrameResponses:

- (void) removeOnRaiseControlFrameResponses: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< NSMutableArray * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when control frame responses are raised.

◆ removeOnRaiseControlFrames:

- (void) removeOnRaiseControlFrames: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< NSMutableArray * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when control frames are raised.

◆ removeOnRaisedControlFrameResponses:

- (void) removeOnRaisedControlFrameResponses: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< NSMutableArray * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when control frame responses have been raised.

◆ removeOnRaisedControlFrames:

- (void) removeOnRaisedControlFrames: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< NSMutableArray * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when control frames have been raised.

◆ removeOnRaisedFrame:

- (void) removeOnRaisedFrame: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< TFrame > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when a frame has been raised.

◆ removeOnRaiseFrame:

- (void) removeOnRaiseFrame: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< TFrame > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when a frame is being raised.

◆ removeOnStateChange:

- (void) removeOnStateChange: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< TPipe > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when the state changes.

◆ removeOutput:

- (bool) removeOutput: (TIInput)  output

Removes an output.

outputThe output.

◆ removeOutputs

- (void) removeOutputs

Removes all outputs.

◆ removeOutputs:

- (void) removeOutputs: (NSMutableArray *)  outputs

Removes some outputs.

outputsThe outputs.

◆ setDeactivated:

- (void) setDeactivated: (bool)  value

Sets a value indicating whether this pipe is deactivated.

A pipe is deactivated if it's input and output are deactivated. Alias for FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe9#inputDeactivated and FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe9outputDeactivated.

◆ setExternalId:

- (void) setExternalId: (NSString *)  value

Sets the external identifier.

◆ setInput:

- (void) setInput: (TIOutput)  value

Sets the input.

◆ setInputDeactivated:

- (void) setInputDeactivated: (bool)  value

Sets whether input is deactivated.

◆ setInputMuted:

- (void) setInputMuted: (bool)  value

Sets whether input is muted.

◆ setInputRtpStreamId:

- (void) setInputRtpStreamId: (NSString *)  value

Sets the input RTP stream identifier.

If the input RTP stream identifier is null (unset), then getting this property returns the first valid output RTP stream identifier from the array of FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe`9inputs, or null if they are all unset.

◆ setInputs:

- (void) setInputs: (NSMutableArray *)  value

Sets the inputs.

◆ setInputSynchronizationSource:

- (void) setInputSynchronizationSource: (long long)  value

Sets the input synchronization source.

If the input synchronization source is -1 (unset), then getting this property returns the first valid output synchronization source from the array of FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe`9inputs, or -1 if they are all unset.

◆ setMaxInputBitrate:

- (void) setMaxInputBitrate: (int)  value

Sets the maximum allowed input bitrate, in kbps.

A value of -1 indicates unset (no maximum).

◆ setMaxInputEncoding:

- (void) setMaxInputEncoding: (FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *)  value

Sets the max input encoding.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoPipe.

◆ setMaxOutputBitrate:

- (void) setMaxOutputBitrate: (int)  value

Sets the maximum allowed output bitrate, in kbps.

A value of -1 indicates unset (no maximum).

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoEncoder, and FMLiveSwitchAudioEncoder.

◆ setMaxOutputEncoding:

- (void) setMaxOutputEncoding: (FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *)  value

Sets the max output encoding.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoPipe.

◆ setMinInputBitrate:

- (void) setMinInputBitrate: (int)  value

Sets the minimum allowed output bitrate, in kbps.

A value of -1 indicates unset (no minimum).

◆ setMinInputEncoding:

- (void) setMinInputEncoding: (FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *)  value

Sets the min input encoding.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoPipe.

◆ setMinOutputBitrate:

- (void) setMinOutputBitrate: (int)  value

Sets the minimum allowed output bitrate, in kbps.

A value of -1 indicates unset (no minimum).

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoEncoder, and FMLiveSwitchAudioEncoder.

◆ setMinOutputEncoding:

- (void) setMinOutputEncoding: (FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *)  value

Sets the min output encoding.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoPipe.

◆ setMuted:

- (void) setMuted: (bool)  value

Sets whether output is muted.

Alias for FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe`9outputMuted.

◆ setOutput:

- (void) setOutput: (TIInput)  value

Sets the output.

◆ setOutputDeactivated:

- (void) setOutputDeactivated: (bool)  value

Sets whether output is deactivated.

◆ setOutputMuted:

- (void) setOutputMuted: (bool)  value

Sets whether output is muted.

◆ setOutputRtpStreamId:

- (void) setOutputRtpStreamId: (NSString *)  value

Sets the output RTP stream identifier.

If the output RTP stream identifier is null (unset), then getting this property returns the FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe`9inputRtpStreamId.

◆ setOutputs:

- (void) setOutputs: (NSMutableArray *)  value

Sets the outputs.

◆ setOutputSynchronizable:

- (void) setOutputSynchronizable: (bool)  value

Sets whether output is synchronizable.

◆ setOutputSynchronizationSource:

- (void) setOutputSynchronizationSource: (long long)  value

Sets the output synchronization source.

If the output synchronization source is -1 (unset), then getting this property returns the FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe`9inputSynchronizationSource.

◆ setPersistent:

- (void) setPersistent: (bool)  value

Sets a value indicating whether this instance is persistent.

If true, this instance will not be destroyed unless FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe`9destroy is called explicitly on this instance. It will survive destruction of any parent elements that are being destroyed.

◆ setProcessFramePolicy:

- (void) setProcessFramePolicy: (FMLiveSwitchProcessFramePolicy)  value

Sets the ProcessFramePolicy for this media input.

◆ setSynchronizationSource:

- (void) setSynchronizationSource: (long long)  value

Sets the output synchronization source.

Alias for FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe`9outputSynchronizationSource.

◆ setSystemDelay:

- (void) setSystemDelay: (long long)  value

Sets the system delay in ticks.

◆ setTag:

- (void) setTag: (NSString *)  value

Sets optional data to associate with this instance.

◆ setTargetOutputBitrate:

- (void) setTargetOutputBitrate: (int)  value

Sets the target output bitrate, in kbps.

A value of -1 indicates unset (no target).

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoEncoder, and FMLiveSwitchAudioEncoder.

◆ setTargetOutputEncoding:

- (void) setTargetOutputEncoding: (FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *)  value

Sets the target output encoding.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoPipe.

◆ state

- (FMLiveSwitchMediaPipeState) state

Gets the state.

◆ synchronizationSource

- (long long) synchronizationSource

Gets the output synchronization source.

Alias for FMLiveSwitchMediaPipe`9outputSynchronizationSource.

◆ systemDelay

- (long long) systemDelay

Gets the system delay in ticks.

◆ tag

- (NSString*) tag

Gets optional data to associate with this instance.

◆ targetOutputBitrate

- (int) targetOutputBitrate

Gets the target output bitrate, in kbps.

A value of -1 indicates unset (no target).

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoEncoder, and FMLiveSwitchAudioEncoder.

◆ targetOutputEncoding

- (FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo*) targetOutputEncoding

Gets the target output encoding.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchVideoPipe.

◆ trySetInputFormatWithFrame:

- (bool) trySetInputFormatWithFrame: (TFrame)  frame

Sets the input format, if not set, using the frame's last buffer format.

frameThe frame.
true if the input format was set.

Member Data Documentation

◆ __pad0__

- __pad0__

◆ FMLiveSwitchIInput

- FMLiveSwitchIInput

◆ FMLiveSwitchIMediaElement

◆ FMLiveSwitchIMediaInput

◆ FMLiveSwitchIOutput

- FMLiveSwitchIOutput