▼Nfm | |
►Nliveswitch | |
►Nandroid | A MediaCodec video decoder |
CAudioDevicePreferenceProfile | Pre-defined device preference profiles |
CAudioDeviceType | Audio Device Type |
CAudioManagerUtility | AudioManagerUtility is responsible for managing Audio Input and Output devices on an Android client. Notice that some methods and events are only available on Android SDK 31 and above. Application layer should check the version of Android on the client before attempting to call such methods. Use if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.S) |
CAudioRecordSource | An Android AudioRecord-based source |
CAudioRecordSource2 | An Android AudioRecord-based source. This audio source does not manage audio output routing or AudioManager modes |
CAudioTrackSink | An Android AudioTrack-based sink |
CCamera2Source | An android video capture provider |
CCamera2SourceListener | |
CCameraPreview | |
CCameraSource | An Android video capture provider |
CImageUtility | Utility class for common bitmap operations |
CImageViewSink | An ImageView-based video sink |
CLayoutManager | A layout manager for Android |
CLogProvider | |
CMediaCodecColorFormats | Defines common MIME types and helper methods |
CMediaCodecDecoder | |
CMediaCodecEncoder | |
CMediaCodecMimeTypes | Defines common MIME types and helper methods |
CMediaCodecUtility | |
CMediaProjectionSource | An Android MediaProjection-based video source |
COpenGLSink | |
CTextViewLogProvider | An Android TextView-based log provider |
CUtility | |
CViewSource | An Android View-based video source |
►Naudioprocessing | |
CAecProcessor | A libaudioprocessing-based AEC processor |
CUtility | AudioProcessing-related utility functions |
►Nbzip2 | |
CDecompressor | A bzip2 decompressor |
►Ndiagnostics | |
CDurationSample | A sample for the duration timer |
CDurationTimer | A duration timer for calculating how long a process takes |
CRateTimer | A rate timer for calculating the frequency of something |
CTimer | The base class for the diagnostic timers |
CTimers | The management class for all diagnostic timers |
►Ndtmf | |
CFormat | A DTMF (telephone-event) format |
CMode | The DTMF mode |
CPacket | A DTMF (telephone-event) packet |
CReceiver | A DTMF (telephone-event) receiver |
CSender | A DTMF (telephone-event) sender |
CTone | A DTMF (telephone-event) tone |
►Ng711 | |
CFormat | A G.711 format |
►Ng722 | |
CDecoder | A G.722 decoder |
CDepacketizer | A G.722 depacketizer |
CEncoder | A G.722 encoder |
CFormat | A G.722 format |
CPacketizer | A G.722 packetizer |
►Nh264 | |
CDepacketizer | An H.264 depacketizer |
CFormat | An H.264 format |
CFragment | An H.264 packet fragment |
CNalu | An H264 Network Abstraction Layer Unit |
CPacket | An H.264 packet for RTP |
CPacketizationMode | H.264 packetization modes |
CPacketizer | An H.264 packetizer |
CProfileIdc | Profile IDs |
CProfileIop | An H.264 Profile IOP |
CProfileLevelId | An H.264 Profile Level ID |
CUtility | Utility methods |
►Nh265 | |
CDepacketizer | An H.265 depacketizer |
CFormat | An H.265/HEVC format |
CFragment | An H.265 packet fragment |
CNalu | An H265 Network Abstraction Layer Unit |
CPacket | An H.265 packet for RTP |
CPacketizer | An H.265 packetizer |
CUtility | Utility methods |
►Nivf | |
CVideoRecorder | An IVF video recorder |
CVideoSink | An IVF-file-based video sink |
►Njava | |
►Nsarxos | |
CNativeWebcamDevice | Driver for using the cross platform video capture library originally created by roxlu: https://github.com/frankpapenmeier/video_capture |
CNativeWebcamDriver | Driver for using the cross platform video capture library originally created by roxlu: https://github.com/frankpapenmeier/video_capture |
CVideoSource | |
CImageUtility | Utility class for common bitmap operations |
CImageViewLayoutManager | A JavaFX ImageView-based layout manager |
CImageViewSink | A JavaFX ImageView-based video view sink |
CLayoutManager | An AWT-based layout manager |
CLogProvider | |
CScreenSource | A java.awt-based screen video source |
CSoundSink | A javax.sound-based audio sink |
CSoundSource | A javax.sound-based audio source |
CUtility | |
CVideoComponent | A JComponent for displaying video frames |
CVideoComponentSink | A VideoComponent-based video view sink |
►Nl16 | |
CDecoder | A PCM Uncompressed (L16) decoder |
CDepacketizer | A L16 depacketizer |
CEncoder | A PCM Uncompressed (L16) encoder |
CFormat | Linear PCM 16-bit audio (PCM Uncompressed) |
CPacketizer | A L16 packetizer |
►Nmatroska | |
CAttachments | A Matroska EBML Attachments element |
CAudio | A Matroska audio element |
CAudioRecorder | A Matroska audio recorder |
CAudioSink | A Matroska-file-based audio sink |
CAudioSource | A Matroska-file-based audio source |
CBlock | A Matroska block element |
CBlockAdditions | A Matroska EBML Block Additions element |
CBlockFlags | Valid Matroska block element flags |
CBlockGroup | A Matroska block group element |
CChapters | A Matroska EBML Chapters element |
CCluster | A Matroska cluster element |
CContentCompAlgo | Valid Matroska content compression element algorithms |
CContentCompression | A Matroska content compression element |
CContentEncoding | A Matroska content encoding element |
CContentEncodings | A Matroska content encodings element |
CContentEncodingScope | Valid Matroska content encoding element scopes |
CCues | A Matroska EBML Cues element |
CEbml | A Matroska EBML element |
CEbmlCrc32 | A Matroska EBML CRC-32 element |
CEbmlVoid | A Matroska EBML void element |
CElement | A Matroska element |
CFile | A Matroska file |
CSeek | A Matroska seek element |
CSeekHead | A Matroska seek head element |
CSegment | A Matroska segment element |
CSegmentInfo | A Matroska segment info element |
CSimpleBlock | A Matroska simple block element |
CSimpleBlockFlags | Valid Matroska simple block element flags |
CTags | A Matroska EBML Tags element |
CTrack | A Matroska track element |
CTrackEntry | A Matroska track entry element |
CTrackType | Valid Matroska track entry element types |
CVideo | A Matroska video element |
CVideoDisplayUnit | Valid Matroska video element display units |
CVideoRecorder | A Matroska video recorder |
CVideoSink | A Matroska-file-based video sink |
CVideoSource | A Matroska-file-based video source |
►Nogg | |
CAudioRecorder | An Ogg audio recorder |
CAudioSink | An Ogg-file-based audio sink |
CPage | An Ogg page |
CPageHeaderType | Header type flags for an fm.liveswitch.ogg.Page |
►Nopenh264 | |
CColorMatrix | Color matrices for OpenH264, matching the "EColorMatrix" enum |
CColorPrimaries | Color primaries for OpenH264, matching the "EColorPrimaries" enum |
CComplexityMode | Complexity modes for OpenH264, matching the "ECOMPLEXITY_MODE" enum |
CDecoder | An OpenH264-based decoder |
CDecoderConfig | Configuration for the OpenH264 decoder |
CEncoder | An OpenH264-based encoder |
CEncoderConfig | Configuration for the OpenH264 encoder |
CEncoderSpatialLayerConfig | Configuration for OpenH264 encoder spatial layers |
CErrorConcealmentMethod | Error concealment methods for OpenH264, matching the "ERROR_CON_IDC" enum |
CLevelIdc | Level IDs for OpenH264, matching the "ELevelIdc" enum |
CParameterSetStrategy | Parameter set strategies for OpenH264, matching the "EParameterSetStrategy" enum |
CProfileIdc | Profile IDs for OpenH264, matching the "EProfileIdc" enum |
CRateControlMode | Rate control modes for OpenH264, matching the "RC_MODES" enum |
CSampleAspectRatio | Sample aspect ratios for OpenH264, matching the "ESampleAspectRatio" enum |
CSliceMode | Slice modes for OpenH264, matching the "SliceModeEnum" enum |
CTransferCharacteristics | Transfer characteristics for OpenH264, matching the "ETransferCharacteristics" enum |
CUsageType | Usage types for OpenH264, matching the "EUsageType" enum |
CUtility | OpenH264-related utility functions |
CVideoBitstreamType | Video bitstream types for OpenH264, matching the "VIDEO_BITSTREAM_TYPE" enum |
CVideoFormatSPS | Video formats for OpenH264, matching the "EVideoFormatSPSSPS" enum |
►Nopus | |
CDepacketizer | An Opus depacketizer |
CFormat | An Opus format |
CPacketizer | An Opus packetizer |
CApplicationType | Application types for Opus, used when updating the "OPUS_SET_APPLICATION" (EncoderConfig.Application) configuration |
CBandwidth | Audio bandwidths for Opus, used when updating the "OPUS_SET_BANDWIDTH" (EncoderConfig.Bandwidth) or "OPUS_SET_MAX_BANDWIDTH" (EncoderConfig.MaxBandwidth) configuration |
CDecoder | A libopus-based decoder |
CEncoder | A libopus-based encoder |
CEncoderConfig | Configuration for the Opus encoder |
CExpertFrameDuration | Frame durations for Opus, used when updating the "OPUS_SET_EXPERT_FRAME_DURATION_REQUEST" (EncoderConfig.ExpertFrameDuration) configuration |
CSignal | Signal types for Opus, used when updating the "OPUS_SET_SIGNAL_REQUEST" (EncoderConfig.Signal) configuration |
CUtility | Opus-related utility functions |
►Npcm | |
CDepacketizer | A PCM depacketizer |
CFormat | A PCM format |
CPacketizer | A PCM packetizer |
►Npcma | |
CDecoder | A PCMA (G.711a) decoder |
CDepacketizer | A PCMA (G.711a) depacketizer |
CEncoder | A PCMA (G.711a) encoder |
CFormat | A PCMA (G.711a) format |
CPacketizer | A PCMA (G.711a) packetizer |
►Npcmu | |
CDecoder | A PCMU (G.711u) decoder |
CDepacketizer | A PCMA (G.711u) depacketizer |
CEncoder | A PCMU (G.711u) encoder |
CFormat | A PCMU (G.711u) format |
CPacketizer | A PCMU (G.711u) packetizer |
►Nsdp | |
►Nice | |
CCandidateAttribute | The candidate attribute is a media-level attribute only |
CCandidateType | Defines valid SDP candidate types |
CFingerprintAttribute | The SDP session attribute "fingerprint" provides an encryption certificate fingerprint to a remote peer for use with DTLS |
CLiteAttribute | "ice-lite" is a session-level attribute only, and indicates that an agent is a lite implementation |
CMismatchAttribute | "ice-mismatch" is a media-level attribute only, and when present in an answer, indicates that the offer arrived with a default destination for a media component that didn't have a corresponding candidate attribute |
COptionsAttribute | The "ice-options" attribute is a session-level attribute |
COptionTag | A tag for an fm.liveswitch.sdp.ice.OptionsAttribute |
COptionTagType | A list of known types for fm.liveswitch.sdp.ice.OptionTag |
CPasswordAttribute | The "ice-pwd" attribute conveys the password used by ICE for message integrity |
CRemoteCandidate | An SDP remote candidate element |
CRemoteCandidatesAttribute | The attribute contains a connection-address and port for each component |
CTransportProtocol | Defines valid SDP transport protocols |
CTrickleIceOptionTag | |
CUfragAttribute | The "ice-ufrag" attribute conveys the username fragment used by ICE for message integrity |
CUnknownIceOptionTag | |
►Nrtcp | |
CAttribute | The RTCP attribute is used to document the RTCP port used for media stream, when that port is not the next higher (odd) port number following the RTP port described in the media line |
CFeedbackAttribute | This attribute is used to indicate the capability of using RTCP feedback |
CFeedbackAttributeSubType | A feedback attribute sub type |
CFeedbackAttributeType | A feedback attribute type |
CMuxAttribute | This attribute is used to signal that RTP and RTCP traffic should be multiplexed on a single port |
►Nrtp | |
CExtMapAttribute | Https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5285#section-5 Stream or media-level attribute used to indicate the presence of RTP Header Extensions, and the mapping of local identifiers used in the header extension to a larger namespace |
CMapAttribute | This attribute maps from an RTP payload type number (as used in an "m=" line) to an format name denoting the payload format to be used |
CMedia | An SDP media description with a transport protocol of "RTP/AVP" or "RTP/SAVP" |
CRidAttribute | The SDP media attribute "rid" specifies restrictions defining a unique RTP payload configuration |
CRidDirection | The allowed directions for an RID attribute |
CRidRestriction | A restriction for an RID attribute |
CSimulcastAttribute | The SDP media attribute "simulcast" describes, independently for send and receive directions, the number of simulcast RTP streams as well as potential alternative formats for each simulcast RTP stream |
CSimulcastDirection | The allowed directions for a simulcast attribute |
CSimulcastStream | A stream for a simulcast stream description |
CSimulcastStreamDescription | A stream description for a simulcast attribute |
CSimulcastStreamId | A simulcast stream identifier |
CSsrcAttribute | The SDP media attribute "ssrc" indicates a property (known as a "source-level attribute") of a media source (RTP stream) within an RTP session |
CSsrcAttributeName | SSRC atribute names |
CSsrcGroupAttribute | The SDP media attribute "ssrc-group" expresses a relationship among several sources of an RTP session |
►Nsctp | |
CMapAttribute | AB: Legacy attribute |
CMaxMessageSizeAttribute | The attribute can be associated with an m- line to indicate the maximum message size (indicated in bytes) that an SCTP endpoint is willing to receive on the SCTP association associated with the m- line |
CMedia | An SDP media description with a transport protocol of "RTP/AVP" or "RTP/SAVP" |
CPortAttribute | The attribute can be associated with an SDP media description (m- line) with a 'UDP/DTLS/SCTP' or a 'TCP/DTLS/SCTP' proto value, in which case the m- line port value indicates the port of the underlying transport-layer protocol (UDP or TCP), on which SCTP is carried, and the 'sctp-port' value indicates the SCTP port |
CAddressType | Defines valid SDP address types |
CAttribute | An SDP attribute |
CAttributeCategory | Specified Multiplexing category of SDP Attribute |
CAttributeType | SDP Attribute types |
CBandwidth | An SDP bandwidth element |
CBandwidthType | Defines valid SDP bandwidth types |
CBase64EncryptionKey | An SDP encryption key with a method of "base64" |
CBundleGroup | A bundle group of SDP Media Description elements |
CBundleOnlyAttribute | Defined in draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-bundle-negotiation |
CCategoryAttribute | This attribute gives the dot-separated hierarchical category of the session |
CCharacterSetAttribute | This specifies the character set to be used to display the session name and information data |
CClearEncryptionKey | An SDP encryption key with a method of "clear" |
CConferenceType | Defines valid SDP conference types |
CConferenceTypeAttribute | This specifies the type of the conference |
CConnectionData | An SDP connection data element |
CContent | Defines valid SDP content values |
CContentAttribute | The 'content' attribute contains one or more tokens, which MAY be attached to a media stream by a sending application.An application MAY attach a 'content' attribute to any media stream it describes |
CCryptoAttribute | This gives the maximum amount of media that can be encapsulated in each packet, expressed as time in milliseconds |
CCryptoKeyMethod | Defines valid SDP crypto key methods |
CCryptoSessionParam | Defines valid SDP crypto session parameters |
CCryptoSuite | Defines valid SDP crypto suites |
CDirectionAttribute | This specifies the mode in which tools should be started |
CEncryptionKey | An SDP encryption key element |
CFormatParametersAttribute | This attribute allows parameters that are specific to a particular format to be conveyed in a way that SDP does not have to understand them |
CFrameRateAttribute | This gives the maximum video frame rate in frames/sec |
CGroupAttribute | Defined in RFC 3388 |
CGroupSemanticsType | SDP Group Semantics |
CInactiveAttribute | This specifies that the tools should be started in inactive mode |
CKeywordsAttribute | Like the cat attribute, this is to assist identifying wanted sessions at the receiver |
CLanguageAttribute | This can be a session-level attribute or a media-level attribute |
CMaxPacketTimeAttribute | This gives the maximum amount of media that can be encapsulated in each packet, expressed as time in milliseconds |
CMedia | An SDP media element |
CMediaDescription | An SDP media description element |
CMediaStreamIdAttribute | Https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5888#page-4 "Media stream identification" media attribute, which is used for identifying media streams within a session description |
CMediaStreamIdSemanticAttribute | Https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-mmusic-msid-08 - NB: Removed in subsequent drafts, most likely will not be used eventually |
CMediaStreamIdSemanticToken | Media Stream Id Semantic Tokens |
CMediaType | Defines valid SDP media types |
CMessage | An SDP message |
CMutedAttribute | Attribute that indicates if the stream track is muted |
CNetworkType | Defines valid SDP network types |
COrientation | Defines valid SDP orientations |
COrientationAttribute | Normally this is only used for a whiteboard or presentation tool |
COrigin | An SDP origin element |
CPacketTimeAttribute | This gives the length of time in milliseconds represented by the media in a packet |
CPromptEncryptionKey | An SDP encryption key with a method of "prompt" |
CQualityAttribute | This gives a suggestion for the quality of the encoding as an integer value |
CReceiveOnlyAttribute | This specifies that the tools should be started in receive-only mode where applicable |
CRepeatTime | An SDP repeat time element |
CSdpLanguageAttribute | This can be a session-level attribute or a media-level attribute |
CSendOnlyAttribute | This specifies that the tools should be started in send-only mode |
CSendReceiveAttribute | This specifies that the tools should be started in send and receive mode |
CSetup | Defines valid SDP setups |
CSetupAttribute | The 'setup' attribute indicates which of the end points should initiate the TCP connection establishment (i.e., send the initial TCP SYN) |
CTimeDescription | An SDP time description element |
CTimeZone | An SDP time zone element |
CTimeZones | An SDP time zones element |
CTiming | An SDP timing element |
CToolAttribute | This gives the name and version number of the tool used to create the session description |
CUdpMedia | An SDP media description with a transport protocol of "udp" |
CUnknownAttribute | This attribute is used to encapsulate unrecognized SDP attributes |
CUriEncryptionKey | An SDP encryption key with a method of "uri" |
►Nstun | |
►Nice | |
CControlledAttribute | The ICE-CONTROLLED attribute is present in a Binding request and indicates that the client believes it is currently in the controlled role |
CControllingAttribute | The ICE-CONTROLLING attribute is present in a Binding request and indicates that the client believes it is currently in the controlling role |
CPriorityAttribute | The PRIORITY attribute indicates the priority that is to be associated with a peer reflexive candidate, should one be discovered by this check |
CRoleConflictError | 487 Role Conflict |
CUseCandidateAttribute | The USE-CANDIDATE attribute indicates that the candidate pair resulting from this check should be used for transmission of media |
►Nturn | |
CAddressFamilyNotSupportedError | 440 Address Family Not Supported |
CAllocateMessage | A generic STUN allocate message |
CAllocateRequest | A STUN allocate request |
CAllocateResponse | A STUN allocate response |
CAllocationMismatchError | 437 Allocation Mismatch |
CAllocationQuotaReachedError | 486 Allocation Quota Reached |
CChannelBindMessage | A generic STUN channel-bind message |
CChannelBindRequest | A STUN channel-bind request |
CChannelBindResponse | A STUN channel-bind response |
CChannelNumberAttribute | The CHANNEL-NUMBER attribute contains the number of the channel |
CConnectionAlreadyExistsError | 446 Connection Already exists |
CConnectionAttemptIndication | A STUN connection-attempt indication |
CConnectionAttemptMessage | A generic STUN connection-attempt message |
CConnectionBindMessage | A generic STUN connection-bind message |
CConnectionBindRequest | A STUN connection-bind request |
CConnectionBindResponse | A STUN connection-bind response |
CConnectionIdAttribute | The CONNECTION-ID attribute uniquely identifies a peer data connection |
CConnectionTimeoutOrFailureError | 447 Connection Timeout or Failure |
CConnectMessage | A generic STUN connect message |
CConnectRequest | A STUN connect request |
CConnectResponse | A STUN connect response |
CCreatePermissionMessage | A generic STUN create-permission message |
CCreatePermissionRequest | A STUN create-permission request |
CCreatePermissionResponse | A STUN create-permission response |
CDataAttribute | The DATA attribute is present in all Send and Data indications |
CDataIndication | A STUN data indication |
CDataMessage | A generic STUN data message |
CDontFragmentAttribute | This attribute is used by the client to request that the server set the DF (Don't Fragment) bit in the IP header when relaying the application data onward to the peer |
CEvenPortAttribute | This attribute allows the client to request that the port in the relayed transport address be even, and (optionally) that the server reserve the next-higher port number |
CForbiddenError | 403 Forbidden |
CInsufficientCapacityError | 508 Insufficient Capacity |
CLifetimeAttribute | The LIFETIME attribute represents the duration for which the server will maintain an allocation in the absence of a refresh (in seconds) |
CMobilityForbiddenError | 405 Mobility Forbidden |
CPeerAddressFamilyMismatchError | 443 Peer Address Family Mismatch |
CRefreshMessage | A generic STUN refresh message |
CRefreshRequest | A STUN refresh request |
CRefreshResponse | A STUN refresh response |
CRequestedAddressFamilyAttribute | The REQUESTED-ADDRESS-FAMILY attribute is used by clients to request the allocation of a specific address type from a server |
CRequestedTransportAttribute | This attribute is used by the client to request a specific transport protocol for the allocated transport address |
CReservationTokenAttribute | The RESERVATION-TOKEN attribute contains a token that uniquely identifies a relayed transport address being held in reserve by the server |
CSendIndication | A STUN send indication |
CSendMessage | A generic STUN send message |
CUnsupportedTransportProtocolError | 442 Unsupported Transport Protocol |
CWrongCredentialsError | 441 Wrong Credentials |
CXorPeerAddressAttribute | The XOR-PEER-ADDRESS specifies the address and port of the peer as seen from the TURN server |
CXorRelayedAddressAttribute | The XOR-RELAYED-ADDRESS is present in Allocate responses |
CAddressFamily | A STUN address family |
CAlternateServerAttribute | The alternate server represents an alternate transport address identifying a different STUN server that the STUN client should try |
CAttribute | A STUN attribute |
CBadRequestError | The request was malformed |
CBindingIndication | A STUN binding indication |
CBindingMessage | A generic STUN binding message |
CBindingRequest | A STUN binding request |
CBindingResponse | A STUN binding response |
CError | Common functionality of various STUN/TURN server exceptions that occur while processing Allocation and Binding requests |
CErrorCodeAttribute | The ERROR-CODE attribute is used in error response messages |
CFingerprintAttribute | The FINGERPRINT attribute MAY be present in all STUN messages |
CIntegrityCheckFailureError | 431 Integrity Check Failure |
CMappedAddressAttribute | The MAPPED-ADDRESS attribute indicates a reflexive transport address of the client |
CMessage | A STUN message |
CMessageIntegrityAttribute | The MESSAGE-INTEGRITY attribute contains an HMAC-SHA1 [RFC2104] of the STUN message |
CMessageType | The list of valid message types |
CMissingUsernameError | 432 Missing username; the username attribute is not present in the request |
CNonceAttribute | The NONCE attribute may be present in requests and responses |
CRealmAttribute | The REALM attribute may be present in requests and responses |
CServerError | 500 Server Error |
CSoftwareAttribute | The SOFTWARE attribute contains a textual description of the software being used by the agent sending the message |
CStaleCredentialsError | 430 Stale Credentials |
CStaleNonceError | 438 Stale Nonce |
CTransactionTransmitCounterAttribute | 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Reserved(Padding) | Req | Resp | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Transaction Transmit Counter comprehension-optional STUN attribute |
CTryAlternateStunError | The client should contact an alternate server for this request |
CUnauthorizedStunError | 401 Unauthorized |
CUnknownAttributeError | 420 Unknown Attribute |
CUnknownAttributesAttribute | The UNKNOWN-ATTRIBUTES attribute is present only in an error response when the response code in the ERROR-CODE attribute is 420 |
CUsernameAttribute | The USERNAME attribute is used for message integrity |
CUtility | STUN-wide methods |
CXorMappedAddressAttribute | The XOR-MAPPED-ADDRESS attribute is identical to the MAPPED-ADDRESS attribute, except that the reflexive transport address is obfuscated through the XOR function |
►Nvp8 | |
CDepacketizer | A VP8 depacketizer |
CFormat | A VP8 format |
CFragment | A VP8 packet fragment |
CPacketizer | A VP8 packetizer |
CUtility | Utility methods |
CUtilityExtension | Utility methods |
CDecoder | A libvpx-based VP8 decoder |
CEncoder | A libvpx-based VP8 encoder |
►Nvp9 | |
CDepacketizer | A VP9 depacketizer |
CFormat | A VP9 format |
CFragment | A VP9 packet fragment |
CPacketizer | A VP8 packetizer |
CUtility | Utility methods |
CDecoder | A libvpx-based VP9 decoder |
CEncoder | A libvpx-based VP9 encoder |
►Nvpx | |
CBitDepth | Bit depths for VPX output |
CCodec | A libvpx-based codec |
CDecoder | A libvpx-based decoder |
CEncoder | A libvpx-based encoder |
CEncoderConfig | Config for the Vp8/Vp9 encoders |
CEndUsageMode | End usage modes for VPX |
CErrorResilientType | Error resiliency flags for VPX |
CKeyframeMode | Keyframe modes for VPX |
CTemporalLayerMode | Temporal layer modes for VPX output |
CUtility | VPX-related utility functions |
►Nwave | |
CAudioRecorder | A WAVE audio recorder |
CAudioSink | A WAVE-file-based audio sink |
►Nxirsys | |
►Nv2 | |
CClient | A XirSys v2 client |
►Nv3 | |
CClient | A XirSys v3 client |
►Nyuv | |
CFilterMode | A filter mode |
CImageConverter | A libyuv-based image converter |
CImageScaler | A libyuv-based image scaler |
CUtility | YUV-related utility functions |
►Nyuv4mpeg | |
CVideoRecorder | A YUV4MPEG video recorder |
CVideoSink | A YUV4MPEG-file-based video sink |
CVideoSource | A YUV4MPEG-file-based video source |
CAddressType | Address types |
CAecContext | An acoustic echo cancellation context |
CAecPipe | An acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) pipe |
CAesCounterContext | Context for an AES counter |
CAfbControlFrame | An Application Layer Feedback control (RFC 4585) |
CAppControlFrame | An RTCP APP packet |
CApplicationInfo | Application information |
CArchitecture | A CPU architecture |
CArrayExtensions | |
CArrayListExtensions | |
CAscii | ASCII encoding/decoding utility |
CAsymmetricKey | An asymmetric key |
CAsymmetricKeyType | Asymmetric key types |
CAtomicInteger | |
CAtomicLong | |
CAtomicMutex | A managed mutex |
CAudioBranch | An audio branch |
CAudioBuffer | An audio buffer |
CAudioBufferCollection | An audio buffer collection |
CAudioClock | A clock used to raise audio data in appropriate intervals |
CAudioConfig | An audio configuration |
CAudioDecoder | An audio decoder |
CAudioDepacketizer | An audio depacketizer |
CAudioEncoder | An audio encoder |
CAudioEncodingConfig | Audio encoding configuration |
CAudioFormat | An audio format |
CAudioFormatCollection | A collection of audio formats |
CAudioFrame | An audio frame |
CAudioMixer | A mixer that mixes multiple audio inputs into a single output |
CAudioPacketizer | An audio packetizer |
CAudioPipe | An audio pipe |
CAudioRecorder | An audio recorder |
CAudioSink | An audio sink |
CAudioSource | An audio source |
CAudioStream | An audio stream |
CAudioSynchronizer | An audio pipe for synchronizing playout with other streams |
CAudioTrack | An audio chain |
CBandwidthAdaptationPolicy | RTP packet header Extension support policies |
CBase64 | |
CBaseDelegate< T extends BaseDelegate | |
CBaseStats | Base stats |
CBasicAudioDepacketizer | A basic audio depacketizer |
CBasicAudioPacketizer | A basic audio packetizer |
CBasicVideoDepacketizer | A basic video depacketizer |
CBasicVideoPacketizer | A basic video packetizer |
CBigDecimalExtensions | |
CBinary | Common binary methods |
CBitAssistant | |
CBitrateMonitor | A bitrate monitor |
CBitrateNotification | A bitrate notification |
CBitrateRequest | A bitrate request |
CBooleanExtensions | |
CBooleanHolder | Class to hold a boolean value passed by reference |
CBuild | Details about the current build |
CBundlePolicy | The local bundle negotiation policy |
CByeControlFrame | An RTCP BYE packet |
CByteCollection | A collection of bytes |
CByteExtensions | |
CByteHolder | Class to hold a byte value passed by reference |
CByteInputStream | An buffer of bytes that can be read sequentially |
CByteMap | A map of strings to bytes |
CByteOutputStream | An buffer of bytes that can be written sequentially |
CCameraSourceBase | A base class for camera-based sources |
CCandidate | A candidate |
CCandidateInfo | Candidate information |
CCandidatePairInfo | Candidate pair information |
CCandidatePairReport | Candidate pair report |
CCandidatePairState | The state of a candidate pair |
CCandidatePairStats | Candidate pair stats |
CCandidateStats | Candidate stats |
CCandidateType | The type of a candidate |
CCandidateUtility | Utility functions for candidate and candidate pair |
CCcmFirPolicy | The CCM FIR policy |
CCcmLrrPolicy | The CCM LRR policy |
CCcmTmmbnPolicy | The CCM TMMBN policy |
CCcmTmmbrPolicy | The CCM TMMBR policy |
CCcmUtility | A utility for codec control messages (CCM) |
CCertificate< TCertificate extends fm.liveswitch.Certificate | A certificate to be used for secure communication |
CCertificateInfo | Certificate information |
CCertificateStats | Certificate stats |
CChannel | A channel |
CChannelClaim | A channel claim |
CChannelClientConfig | Channel client configuration |
CChannelClientLayoutConfig | Channel client configuration |
CChannelConfig | Channel configuration |
CChannelConnectionConfig | Channel connection configuration |
CChannelConnectionLayoutConfig | Channel connection configuration |
CChannelDeviceConfig | Channel device configuration |
CChannelDeviceLayoutConfig | Channel device layout configuration |
CChannelInfo | Channel information |
CChannelLayoutConfig | Channel layout configuration |
CChannelReport | Channel report |
CChannelUserConfig | Channel user configuration |
CChannelUserLayoutConfig | Channel user layout configuration |
CCharacterExtensions | |
CCharacterHolder | Class to hold a character value passed by reference |
CCircularBuffer | A circular buffer |
CCircularDataBuffer | A DataBuffer that uses a circular buffer to manage data |
CClaimAction | A claim action |
CClassExtensions | |
CClient | A LiveSwitch client |
CClientConfig | Client configuration |
CClientInfo | Client information |
CClientReport | Client report |
CClientState | The state of a client |
CClientStateLedger | Maintains a ledger of client state transitions with timestamps |
CClientStateMachine | A state machine for Client states |
CClientStateRecord | Represents a single Client state transition record with timing information |
CCodecInfo | Codec information |
CCodecStats | Codec stats |
CCodecType | A value used to indicate whether this codec is used to encode or decode |
CCollection< T, TCollection extends fm.liveswitch.Collection | A collection of values |
CCollectionExtensions | |
CColor | A color |
CCommonConstants | Common constants |
CCompareResult | The compare result in a sort operation |
CComparison | |
CConnectionBase< TConnection extends fm.liveswitch.ConnectionBase< TConnection, TStream, TAudioStream, TVideoStream, TDataStream, TDataChannel >, TStream extends fm.liveswitch.StreamBase, TAudioStream extends fm.liveswitch.IAudioStream, TVideoStream extends fm.liveswitch.IVideoStream, TDataStream extends fm.liveswitch.IDataStream< TDataChannel >, TDataChannel extends fm.liveswitch.IDataChannel | Connection base properties/methods |
CConnectionConfig | Connection configuration |
CConnectionInfo | Connection information |
CConnectionState | The state of a connection |
CConnectionStateLedger | Maintains a ledger of connection state transitions with timestamps |
CConnectionStateMachine | A state machine for connection states |
CConnectionStateRecord | Represents a single connection state transition record with timing information |
CConnectionStats | Connection stats |
CConnectionType | A connection type |
CConsoleLogProvider | |
CConstants | A collection of platform-independent constant values |
CControlFrameEntry | RTCP frame entry |
CConvert | |
CCrc32 | Calculates CRC32 checksums |
CCryptoLibrary | A crypto library |
CCultureInfo | |
CDataBuffer | Binary data buffer implementation |
CDataBufferFramer | A utility class that allows a continuous stream of data to be written to it with properly framed messages being read out of it |
CDataBufferPool | A data buffer pool |
CDataBufferPoolTracer | A data buffer pool tracer |
CDataBufferStream | A data buffer stream |
CDataBufferSubset | A subset of a DataBuffer |
CDataChannel | A data channel |
CDataChannelBase | Data channel base properties/methods |
CDataChannelCollection | A collection of data channels |
CDataChannelInfo | Data channel information |
CDataChannelReceiveArgs | Arguments for the data channel receive event |
CDataChannelReport | Data channel report |
CDataChannelState | A data channel state |
CDataChannelStateMachine | A state machine for data channel states |
CDataChannelStats | Data channel stats |
CDatagramSocket | A datagram socket |
CDatagramSocketCreateArgs | Arguments for a datagram socket create event |
CDataStream | A data stream |
CDataStreamBase< TDataChannel extends fm.liveswitch.DataChannelBase | Data stream base properties/methods |
CDataStreamInfo | Data stream information |
CDataStreamReport | Data stream report |
CDataStreamStats | Data stream stats |
CDateExtensions | |
CDateTimeFormatInfo | |
CDateTimeStyles | |
CDeserializeCallback | Method signature for taking a property name and JSON value and assigning it to an object |
CDiagnosticSampler | A record that calculates the min, max, and average from integer samples |
CDispatchQueue | A dispatch queue |
CDns | DNS utility methods |
CDnsRequest | |
CDoubleExtensions | |
CDoubleHolder | Class to hold a double value passed by reference |
CDtlsCertificate | A certificate to be used for DTLS communication |
CDtlsCipherSuite | A cipher suite |
CDtlsFingerprint | A DTLS fingerprint |
CDtlsParameters | A set of DTLS parameters |
CDtlsProtocolVersion | DTLS protocol versions |
CDtlsRole | A DTLS role |
CDynamic | Supplies class instances with a key-value mapping to support dynamic property storage |
CEcdsaCrypto | ECDSA-based cryptographic functions |
CEcdsaKey | An elliptic-curve key |
CEcdsaNamedCurve | A named elliptic curve |
CEncoding | |
CEncodingConfig | Encoding configuration |
CEncodingInfo | Encoding information |
CEncryptionMode | The encryption mode for the stream |
CEncryptionPolicy | Indicates encryption policy for a connection |
CEnvironment | |
CError | An error |
CErrorCode | Error codes are six digit values, where the first three digits indicate component, while the remaining three digits particular problem with the component |
CEventBatch | An event batch |
CEventInfo | Event information |
CEventOrigin | Event origins |
CEventType | Event types |
CExternalNetworkInfo | External network information |
CFakeAudioSource | A fake audio source |
CFakeVideoSource | A fake video source |
CFecMaskType | Forward error correction mask types |
CFecProtectionParameters | FEC protection parameters |
CFeedback | Control frame feedback |
CFeedbackControlFrame | An RTCP Feedback packet |
CFileAssistant | A utility class for reading/writing from/to a fm.liveswitch.FileAssistant#getFile |
CFileStream | |
CFileStreamAccess | A file stream access type |
CFingerprint | A fingerprint |
CFirControlFrame | An RTCP full intra request (FIR) packet |
CFirEntry | An RTCP full intra request (FIR) packet entry |
CFloatExtensions | |
CFloatHolder | Class to hold a float value passed by reference |
CFormatInfo | Format information |
CFrameRateController | A frame-rate controller |
CFrameRatePipe | A frame-rate pipe |
CFrequentReadSynchronizedHash | Synchronized Hash for inserts/removes |
CFrequentReadSynchronizedList | Synchronized List for inserts/removes |
CFuture | A future |
CFutureBase | Future base properties/methods |
CFutureState | The state of a future |
CGenericNack | A Generic NACK feedback message |
CGenericNackControlFrame | An RTCP Feedback RTP-Generic NACK packet |
CGlobal | |
CGuid | |
CHashContext | |
CHashContextBase | A hash context |
CHashMapExtensions | |
CHashType | A hash algorithm |
CHolder | |
CHttpFileTransfer | Helper methods for downloading binary files |
CHttpMethod | The method used by an HTTP request |
CHttpRequest | |
CHttpRequestArgs | Arguments for sending an HTTP request |
CHttpRequestCreatedArgs | Arguments passed into callbacks when an HTTP request is created |
CHttpResponseArgs | Arguments for receiving an HTTP response |
CHttpResponseReceivedArgs | Arguments passed into callbacks when an HTTP response is received |
CHttpSendFinishArgs | Arguments for fm.liveswitch.HttpTransfer#addOnSendStart |
CHttpSendStartArgs | Arguments for fm.liveswitch.HttpTransfer#addOnSendStart |
CHttpTransfer | Base class that defines methods for transferring content over HTTP |
CHttpTransferFactory | Creates implementations of fm.liveswitch.HttpTransfer |
CHttpWebRequestSender | An HTTP web request sender |
CHttpWebRequestTransfer | |
CIAction0 | Generic functional interface for callbacks with no parameters |
CIAction1 | Generic functional interface for callbacks with one parameter |
CIAction2 | Generic functional interface for callbacks with two parameters |
CIAction3 | Generic functional interface for callbacks with three parameters |
CIAction4 | Generic functional interface for callbacks with four parameters |
CIAction5 | Generic functional interface for callbacks with five parameters |
CIAction6 | Generic functional interface for callbacks with six parameters |
CIActionDelegate0 | Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with no parameters |
CIActionDelegate1 | Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with one parameter |
CIActionDelegate2 | Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with two parameters |
CIActionDelegate3 | Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with three parameters |
CIActionDelegate4 | Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with four parameters |
CIActionDelegate5 | Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with five parameters |
CIActionDelegate6 | Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with six parameters |
CIAsyncResult | |
CIAudioElement | An audio element |
CIAudioInput | An audio input |
CIAudioInputCollection | A collection of audio inputs |
CIAudioOutput | An audio output |
CIAudioOutputCollection | A collection of audio outputs |
CIAudioStream | Audio stream interface |
CIAudioTrack | Audio track interface |
CIceConnectionState | The state of an ICE gatherer |
CIceGatheringState | The state of an ICE gatherer |
CIceGatherPolicy | The local policy for gathering candidates |
CIceParameters | A set of ICE parameters |
CIcePolicy | Policy indicating whether ICE connectivity checks are required (and enabled) or disabled (and not required for a Connection) |
CIcePortRange | An ICE port range |
CIceRole | An ICE role |
CIceServer | An ICE server |
CIceServerCollection | An ICE server collection |
CIceServerTest | An ICE server test |
CIceServerTestResult | An ICE server test result |
CIConnection | Connection interface |
CIDataBufferPool | A data buffer pool interface |
CIDataChannel | Data channel interface |
CIDataStream | Data stream interface |
CIdentityAudioPipe | An audio pipe whose output matches its input |
CIdentityVideoPipe | A video pipe whose output matches its input |
CIDispatchQueue | A dispatch queue interface |
CIElement | An element |
CIEquivalent | An interface for detecting equivalency |
CIFileStream | A file stream |
CIFormatProvider | |
CIFunction0 | Generic functional interface for callbacks with no parameters and a return value |
CIFunction1 | Generic functional interface for callbacks with one parameter and a return value |
CIFunction2 | Generic functional interface for callbacks with two parameters and a return value |
CIFunction3 | Generic functional interface for callbacks with three parameters and a return value |
CIFunction4 | Generic functional interface for callbacks with four parameters and a return value |
CIFunction5 | Generic functional interface for callbacks with five parameters and a return value |
CIFunction6 | Generic functional interface for callbacks with six parameters and a return value |
CIFunctionDelegate0 | Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with no parameters and a return value |
CIFunctionDelegate1 | Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with one parameter and a return value |
CIFunctionDelegate2 | Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with two parameters and a return value |
CIFunctionDelegate3 | Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with three parameters and a return value |
CIFunctionDelegate4 | Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with four parameters and a return value |
CIFunctionDelegate5 | Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with five parameters and a return value |
CIFunctionDelegate6 | Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with six parameters and a return value |
CIInput< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat | An input |
CILocalMedia | Local media interface |
CILog | ILog interface for loggers |
CImageScalePipe | An image scale pipe |
CImageSizePipe | An image size pipe |
CIMedia | Media interface |
CIMediaElement | A media element |
CIMediaInput< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat | A media input |
CIMediaInputCollection< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TMediaInputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInputCollection | A media input collection |
CIMediaOutput< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat | A media output |
CIMediaOutputCollection< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TMediaOutputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutputCollection | A media output collection |
CIMediaStream | Media stream interface |
CIMediaTrack | Media track interface |
CInfo | Information |
CIntegerExtensions | |
CIntegerHolder | Class to hold an integer value passed by reference |
CInternalNetworkInfo | Internal network information |
CInvitation | An invitation to join a channel |
CInvitationState | The invite feedback states |
CInviteFeedback | A class containing the feedback from invite requests |
CIOutput< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat | An output |
CIPlatform | Platform-specific methods |
CIPNetwork | An IP network |
CIPromise | Interface for a promise that can be rejected |
CIRemoteMedia | Remote media interface |
CIRtpHeaderExtension | The interface that all rtp header extensions must implement |
CIso8601Timestamp | Utility class to assist with ISO-8601 timestamp conversions |
CIStream | Stream interface |
CISynchronizableStream | A synchronizable stream |
CISynchronizer | A media rendering synchronizer |
CISystemClock | A system clock interface |
CITimeoutTimer | A thread-safe class for running timeouts on asynchronous methods |
CIVideoElement | A video element |
CIVideoInput | A video input |
CIVideoInputCollection | A collection of video inputs |
CIVideoOutput | A video output |
CIVideoOutputCollection | A collection of video outputs |
CIVideoStream | Video stream interface |
CIVideoTrack | Video track interface |
CIViewableMedia | Viewable media interface |
CIViewSink | View sink interface |
CIViewSinkableMedia< TView, TViewSink extends fm.liveswitch.IViewSink | Viewable media interface with a view sink |
CIWebSocket | Contract for an implementation of the WebSocket protocol v8 |
CJitterAudioPipe | An audio pipe that wraps a jitter buffer |
CJitterConfig | A Jitter config |
CJitterVideoPipe | A video pipe that wraps a jitter buffer |
CJson | JSON utility class |
CJsonProvider | Base class for all JSON provider implementations |
CJsonSerializer | Provides methods for serializing/deserializing .NET value types to/from JSON as well as facilities for converting objects and arrays if appropriate callbacks are supplied to assist with the conversion |
CLayout | A layout definition, including local and remote frame definitions |
CLayoutAlignment | A layout alignment definition |
CLayoutConfig | Layout configuration |
CLayoutDirection | Specifies the direction of the layout flow |
CLayoutFrame | A layout frame definition, including X/Y coordinates and width/height values |
CLayoutManager | A class that supplies simple video frame layout management |
CLayoutMode | Specifies the layout mode that should be used |
CLayoutOrigin | A layout origin definition |
CLayoutPreset | A layout preset |
CLayoutScale | Specifies how an element should be scaled within a layout |
CLayoutTable | Defines the results of a layout calculation |
CLayoutUtility | Utility to assist with managing the layout of a combined video feed |
CLicense | A license |
CLinkedList | A linked list |
CLinkedListEnumerator | A linked list enumerator |
CLinkedListNode | A linked list node |
CLocalMedia | A collection of local audio/video tracks |
CLocalMediaBase< TLocalMedia extends fm.liveswitch.LocalMediaBase | A collection of local audio/video track base methods |
CLocalMediaState | The state of local media |
CLocalNetwork | Local network utility methods |
CLockedRandomizer | Thread-safe class providing access to a single fm.liveswitch.LockedRandomizer#Randomizer |
CLog | Log utility class |
CLogContext | LogContext structure to hold ambient properties that can be attached to log events |
CLogEvent | Details about a specific log event |
CLogEventInfo | Log event information |
CLogEventLogProvider | Simple log provider that writes log events to a local array |
CLogLevel | The level at which to log |
CLogProvider | Base class for all logging provider implementations |
CLogStashLogProvider | A log provider that sends logs to LogStash |
CLongExtensions | |
CLongHolder | Class to hold a long value passed by reference |
CLrrControlFrame | An RTCP layer refresh request (LRR) packet |
CLrrEntry | An RTCP layer refresh request (FIR) packet entry |
CMacContext | |
CMacContextBase | A message authentication code (MAC) context |
CMacType | A message authentication code (MAC) algorithm |
CManagedAutoReleasePool | A managed thread |
CManagedAutoResetEvent | Managed AutoResetEvent |
CManagedConcurrentDictionary | A ConcurrentDictonary that maps to the appropriate platform version |
CManagedConcurrentQueue | A thread-safe queue |
CManagedConcurrentStack | A ConcurrentStack that maps to the appropriate platform version |
CManagedCondition | A managed condition |
CManagedConnection | A managed connection |
CManagedConnectionCollection | A collection of connections |
CManagedCountdownLatch | A countdown latch that will signal when the counter reaches zero |
CManagedLock | A managed lock |
CManagedSocket | A socket |
CManagedStopwatch | A managed stopwatch |
CManagedThread | A managed thread |
CManagedTimer | A managed timer that will tick on intervals |
CMathAssistant | |
CMcuConnection | An MCU connection |
CMd5Sha1HashContext | An MD5-SHA1 hash context |
CMedia | A collection of audio/video tracks |
CMediaBase | A collection of audio/video track base methods/properties |
CMediaBranch< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIOutputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIOutputCollection >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIInputCollection >, TIElement extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaElement, TSource extends fm.liveswitch.MediaSource< TIOutput, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TSource, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TSink extends fm.liveswitch.MediaSink< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TSink, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TPipe extends fm.liveswitch.MediaPipe< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TTrack extends fm.liveswitch.MediaTrack< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TBranch extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBranch< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat | A media branch |
CMediaBuffer< TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer | A media buffer |
CMediaBufferCollection< TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat | A media buffer collection |
CMediaCollection | A collection of remote medias |
CMediaComponentInfo | Media component information |
CMediaComponentReport | Media component report |
CMediaComponentStats | Media component stats |
CMediaConfig< TConfig extends fm.liveswitch.MediaConfig | A media configuration |
CMediaControlFrame | A media control frame |
CMediaFormat< TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat | A media format |
CMediaFormatCollection< TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TFormatCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormatCollection | A media format collection |
CMediaFrame< TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame | A media frame |
CMediaInfo | Media information |
CMediaPipe< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIOutputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIOutputCollection >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIInputCollection >, TPipe extends fm.liveswitch.MediaPipe< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat | A media pipe |
CMediaPipeState | The state of a media pipe |
CMediaProtocol | The protocol used to carry media on a connection |
CMediaReceiverInfo | Media receiver information |
CMediaReceiverReport | Media receiver report |
CMediaReceiverStats | Media receiver stats |
CMediaRecorder< TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat | A recorder |
CMediaSenderInfo | Media sender information |
CMediaSenderReport | Media sender report |
CMediaSenderStats | Media sender stats |
CMediaSink< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIOutputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIOutputCollection >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TSink extends fm.liveswitch.MediaSink< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TSink, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat | A media sink |
CMediaSinkBase | Media sink base properties/methods |
CMediaSinkInfo | Media sink information |
CMediaSinkState | The state of a media sink |
CMediaSinkStats | Media sink stats |
CMediaSource< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIInputCollection >, TSource extends fm.liveswitch.MediaSource< TIOutput, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TSource, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat | A media source |
CMediaSourceBase | Media source base properties/methods |
CMediaSourceInfo | Media source information |
CMediaSourceState | The state of a media source |
CMediaSourceStats | Media source stats |
CMediaStats | Media stats |
CMediaStream< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIOutputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIOutputCollection >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIInputCollection >, TIElement extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaElement, TSource extends fm.liveswitch.MediaSource< TIOutput, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TSource, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TSink extends fm.liveswitch.MediaSink< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TSink, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TPipe extends fm.liveswitch.MediaPipe< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TTrack extends fm.liveswitch.MediaTrack< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TBranch extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBranch< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TFormatCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormatCollection | A media stream |
CMediaStreamBase | Media stream base properties/methods |
CMediaStreamInfo | Media stream information |
CMediaStreamStats | Media stream stats |
CMediaTrack< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIOutputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIOutputCollection >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIInputCollection >, TIElement extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaElement, TSource extends fm.liveswitch.MediaSource< TIOutput, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TSource, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TSink extends fm.liveswitch.MediaSink< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TSink, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TPipe extends fm.liveswitch.MediaPipe< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TTrack extends fm.liveswitch.MediaTrack< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TBranch extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBranch< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat | A media track |
CMediaTrackBase | Media track base properties/methods |
CMediaTrackInfo | Media track information |
CMediaTrackReport | Media track report |
CMediaTrackStats | Media track stats |
CMessage | A message |
CMessageInfo | Message information |
CMessageType | A message type |
CMetricMonitorState | Metric monitor states |
CMetricMonitorStateChangeEventArgs | Metric monitor state change event args |
CMixerReport | Mixer report |
CMovingAverage | A moving average |
CMultiplexPolicy | The local policy for RTP/RTCP multiplex negotation |
CMutablePair | A mutable 2-tuple |
CMutableUnit | A mutable 1-tuple |
CMutedConfig | Muted configuration |
CNackConfig | A NACK Config |
CNackPliPolicy | The NACK PLI policy |
CNackPolicy | The local policy for the use of generic RTP Negative Acknowledgements (NACK) |
CNative | |
CNetworkConnectionState | The internet connection state of a client |
CNetworkInfo | Network information |
CNetworkInterfaceInfo | Network interface information |
CNetworkTimeProtocol | Utility class to assist with Network Time Protocol (NTP) conversions |
CNetworkType | A network type |
CNoMediaServersAvailableEventArgs | Event arguments for OnNoMediaServersAvailable |
CNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableEventArgs | Event arguments for OnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailable |
CNullable | |
CNullableBigDecimal | A nullable decimal |
CNullableBoolean | A nullable boolean |
CNullableCharacter | A nullable character |
CNullableDate | A nullable date |
CNullableDouble | A nullable double |
CNullableFloat | A nullable float |
CNullableGuid | A nullable GUID |
CNullableInteger | A nullable integer |
CNullableLong | A nullable long |
CNullableShort | A nullable short |
CNullAudioSink | An audio sink that discards frames |
CNullAudioSource | An audio source that raises nothing |
CNullJsonProvider | An implementation of a JSON provider that does nothing |
CNullLogProvider | An implementation of a logging provider that does nothing |
CNullVideoSink | A video sink that discards frames |
CNullVideoSource | A video source that raises nothing |
CNullViewSink | A video view sink that does nothing |
CNumberFormatInfo | |
COperatingSystem | An operating system |
CPacketizedAudioBuffer | A AudioBuffer containing an RtpHeader |
CPacketizedVideoBuffer | A VideoBuffer containing an RtpHeader |
CPair | A 2-tuple |
CParseAssistant | |
CPathUtility | |
CPayloadSpecificControlFrame | An RTCP Feedback PS packet |
CPeerConnection | A peer connection |
CPeerConnectionOffer | A peer connection offer |
CPeerRole | A peer role |
CPlatform | Platform-specific methods |
CPlatformType | A platform specifc type |
CPliControlFrame | An RTCP Feedback PS-PLI packet |
CPoint | A point (x and y coordinates) |
CPool | A pool of objects |
CPoolStatistics | Pool statistics |
CPriorityQueue | A priority queue |
CProcessFramePolicy | The policy on how a media input should process the frame |
CPromise | A promise |
CPromiseBase | Promise base properties/methods |
CProtocolType | A protocol type |
CProxy | Proxy utility methods |
CProxyAuthCheckResult | Proxy authentication check result |
CProxyCredentials | Proxy credentials |
CProxyCredentialsCache | Proxy credentials cache |
CRandomExtensions | |
CRandomizer | Utility class for random values |
CRecordingMode | The recording mode helper |
CRectangle | A rectangle (size and origin) |
CRedFecConfig | RED Forward error correction (FEC) config |
CRedFecPolicy | The local policy for the RED Forward Error Correction support |
CRegex | Utility class for parsing regular expressions |
CRelayPort | A MessagePort |
CRembControlFrame | An RTCP receiver estimated maximum bitrate (REMB) packet |
CRembPolicy | The local policy for the use of Receiver Estimated Maximum Bitrates (goog-remb) |
CRemoteMedia | A collection of remote audio/video tracks |
CRemoteMediaCollection | A collection of remote medias |
CRemoteReceiverStats | Remote receiver stats |
CReport | Report |
CReportBlock | An RTCP report block |
CReportControlFrame | An RTCP Sender or Receiver Report control frame |
CResampler | Utility class for resampling audio data |
CResetAudioPipe | An audio pipe that clones each input frame and includes only the last buffer in its output |
CResetVideoPipe | A video pipe that clones each input frame and includes only the last buffer in its output |
CRpsi | An RTCP reference picture selection indication |
CRpsiControlFrame | An RTCP Feedback PS-RPSI Control Frame |
CRRControlFrame | A receiver report control frame |
CRsaCrypto | RSA-based cryptographic functions |
CRsaKey | An RSA key |
CRtcAudioTrackConfig | A WebRTC/ORTC-compatible audio track configuration |
CRtcLocalMedia | A WebRTC/ORTC-compatible collection of local audio/video tracks |
CRtcpDataChannelSignallingActivation | An RTCP Data Channel Signalling Activation |
CRtcRemoteMedia | A WebRTC/ORTC-compatible collection of remote audio/video tracks |
CRtcVideoTrackConfig | A WebRTC/ORTC-compatible video track configuration |
CRtmpLayoutZones | The LayoutZones defined in the RTMP custom MCU layout |
CRtpControlFrame | An RTCP Feedback RTP control frame |
CRtpPacket | An RTP packet |
CRtpPacketHeader | An RTP packet header |
CSchedulerType | Scheduler types for connections |
CScreenConfig | A screen configuration |
CScreenSourceBase | A base class for screen-based sources |
CSdesChunk | An RTCP source description chunk |
CSdesControlFrame | An RTCP SDES packet |
CSdesItem | An RTCP source description item |
CSdesItemType | An SDES Item Type |
CSdesPolicy | Indicates Sdes policy for stream |
CSerializable | Base definition for classes that allow serialization to/from JSON |
CSerializeCallback | Method signature for storing property values in JSON format in a hashtable |
CSerializer | Provides methods for serializing/deserializing .NET value types to/from JSON as well as facilities for converting objects and arrays if appropriate callbacks are supplied to assist with the conversion |
CServerAddress | An IP address and port, along with optional public IP addresses for listening behind a 1:1 NAT |
CServerConnection | A server connection |
CSessionDescription | A session description |
CSessionDescriptionType | A session description type |
CSfuConnection | An SFU connection |
CSfuDownstreamConnection | An SFU receiving connection |
CSfuUpstreamConnection | An SFU sending connection |
CShortExtensions | |
CShortHolder | Class to hold a short value passed by reference |
CSignallingState | The signalling state of a connection |
CSimulcastMode | The simulcast mode |
CSimulcastNotification | A simulcast notification |
CSimulcastStreamState | A simulcast stream state |
CSinkOutput | A sink output (e.g |
CSize | A size (width and height) |
CSli | An RTCP slice loss indication |
CSliControlFrame | An RTCP Feedback PS-SLI packet |
CSort | Encapsulates useful sorting utilities |
CSoundConverter | A pipe that converts sound |
CSoundReframer | A pipe that reframes sound chunks into different durations |
CSoundReframerContext | A sound reframer context that can reframe sound chunks into consistent durations |
CSoundUtility | Sound utility methods |
CSourceInput | A source input (e.g |
CSourceLanguage | A source language |
CSplitter | Utility class for splitting strings |
CSRControlFrame | A sender report control frame |
CStackExtensions | |
CStateMachine | A simple state machine |
CStream | A peer-to-peer stream |
CStreamBase | Stream base properties/methods |
CStreamCollection | A stream collection |
CStreamDescription | A stream description |
CStreamDirection | A stream direction |
CStreamDirectionHelper | Class containing utility methods to manipulate fm.liveswitch.StreamDirection |
CStreamInfo | Stream information |
CStreamSocket | A stream socket |
CStreamSocketCreateArgs | Arguments for a stream socket create event |
CStreamState | The state of a stream |
CStreamStateMachine | A state machine for stream states |
CStreamStats | Stream stats |
CStreamType | A stream type |
CStringAssistant | Contains methods for string manipulation |
CStringBuilderExtensions | |
CStringComparison | |
CStringExtensions | |
CStunServer | A STUN server |
CSynchronizeContext | A stream synchronization context |
CSystemClock | A system clock |
CTcpSocket | |
CTcpSocketCipherSuites | TCP socket cipher suites |
CTextLogProvider | Simple log provider that writes to a local string builder |
CTextReader | |
CThreadDispatchQueue | A single-thread dispatch queue |
CTimeoutTimer | |
CTimeSpan | |
CTlsCertificate | A certificate to be used for TLS communication |
CTlsFingerprint | A TLS fingerprint |
CTmmbnControlFrame | An RTCP temporary maximum media-stream bitrate notification (TMMBN) packet |
CTmmbnEntry | An RTCP temporary maximum media-stream bitrate notification (TMMBN) packet entry |
CTmmbrControlFrame | An RTCP temporary maximum media-stream bitrate request (TMMBR) packet |
CTmmbrEntry | An RTCP temporary maximum media-stream bitrate request (TMMBR) packet entry |
CToken | A token |
CTokenType | A token type |
CTransport | A transport |
CTransportAddress | An IP address and port |
CTransportCCControlFrame | An RTCP transport-wide congestion control (transport-cc) packet |
CTransportCCPacketStatusChunk | An RTCP transport-wide congestion control (transport-cc) packet status chunk |
CTransportCCPacketStatusSymbol | An RTCP transport-wide congestion control (transport-cc) packet status symbol |
CTransportCCRunLengthChunk | An RTCP transport-wide congestion control (transport-cc) run length chunk |
CTransportCCStatusVectorChunk | An RTCP transport-wide congestion control (transport-cc) status vector chunk |
CTransportInfo | Transport Information |
CTransportReport | Transport report |
CTransportStats | Transport stats |
CTrickleIcePolicy | The local policy for TrickleIce support |
CTriple | A 3-tuple |
CTurnAuthArgs | Arguments for the fm.liveswitch.TurnServer's authentication callback |
CTurnAuthOperation | An authenticated TURN operation |
CTurnAuthResult | The result of attempting to authenticate a TURN request |
CTurnServer | An TURN/STUN server |
CUdpSocket | |
CUnhandled | Throws exceptions on a separate thread |
CUnhandledExceptionArgs | Arguments for an unhandled exception |
CUnit | A 1-tuple |
CUnixTimestamp | Utility class to assist with Unix timestamp conversions |
CUriExtensions | |
CUriKind | |
CUtf8 | UTF-8 encoding/decoding utility |
CUtility | Utility methods |
CVideoBranch | A video branch |
CVideoBuffer | A video buffer |
CVideoBufferCollection | A video buffer collection |
CVideoConfig | A video configuration |
CVideoContent | Video content values |
CVideoDecoder | A video decoder |
CVideoDegradationPreference | A video degradation preference |
CVideoDepacketizer | A video depacketizer |
CVideoEncoder | A video encoder |
CVideoEncodingConfig | Video encoding configuration |
CVideoFormat | A video format |
CVideoFormatCollection | A collection of video formats |
CVideoFragment | A fragment of a video frame |
CVideoFrame | A video frame |
CVideoLayout | A description of the layout within a mixed video view |
CVideoLayoutRegion | A video layout region |
CVideoPacketizer | A video packetizer |
CVideoPipe | A video pipe |
CVideoRecorder | An video recorder |
CVideoRetentionPolicy | The local policy for how we will handle video retention on poor connections |
CVideoSink | A video sink |
CVideoSource | A video source |
CVideoStream | A video stream |
CVideoSynchronizer | An video pipe for synchronizing playout with other streams |
CVideoTrack | A video track |
CVideoType | A video type |
CViewSink | A video view sink |
CWebhookInfo | Webhook information |
CWebSocket | Implementation of the WebSocket protocol v8 |
CWebSocketBase | WebSocket base properties/methods |
CWebSocketCloseArgs | Close arguments for the fm.liveswitch.WebSocket class |
CWebSocketCloseCompleteArgs | Arguments for fm.liveswitch.WebSocketCloseArgs#getOnComplete |
CWebSocketMockRequest | |
CWebSocketMockResponse | |
CWebSocketOpenArgs | Open arguments for the fm.liveswitch.WebSocket class |
CWebSocketOpenFailureArgs | Arguments for fm.liveswitch.WebSocketOpenArgs#getOnFailure |
CWebSocketOpenSuccessArgs | Arguments for fm.liveswitch.WebSocketOpenArgs#getOnSuccess |
CWebSocketReceiveArgs | Arguments for fm.liveswitch.WebSocketOpenArgs#getOnReceive |
CWebSocketReceiverRelay | A Message Channel |
CWebSocketSendArgs | Send arguments for the fm.liveswitch.WebSocket class |
CWebSocketStatusCode | An enumeration of potential WebSocket status codes |
CWebSocketStreamFailureArgs | Arguments for fm.liveswitch.WebSocketOpenArgs#getOnStreamFailure |
CWebSocketTransfer | Base class that defines methods for transferring content over the WebSocket protocol |
CWebSocketTransferFactory | Creates implementations of fm.liveswitch.WebSocketWebRequestTransfer |
CWebSocketWebRequestTransfer | Defines methods for transferring messages using the WebSocket protocol |
CWssPingMessage | Represents a WebSocket Ping message with a transaction identifier |
CWssPongMessage | Represents a WebSocket Pong message with a transaction identifier |
CDtlsCertificateDateTest | |
CStringExtensionsTest | |
CComponentListener | |
CHostnameVerifier | |
CJComponent | |
CRunnable | |
CWebcamListener | |